On April 28 Muslims Against Sharia received an invitation from Jazakallah Khair & Imran Ismail to list our site on BestMuslimSites.com. We made a banner (on the left), posted it on our site and in less than three days our listing climbed close to the top with rating being 4 out of 5.
On May 1, we received an email from admin@bestmuslimsites.com informing that our listing has been removed because "I really do not support your ideology and do not believe that you are a "Muslim" website per se."
We think that the owners of the site might want to reconsider its name. Due to the fact that there is an Islamist site, a site of organization with terrorist connection, and a site displaying al Qaeda battle flag on its banner are among the listings, BestIslamofascistSites.com would be a lot less misleading. However, it is not surprising when radical Muslims cast Muslims reformers as "non-Muslims".
On May 1, we received an email from admin@bestmuslimsites.com informing that our listing has been removed because "I really do not support your ideology and do not believe that you are a "Muslim" website per se."
We think that the owners of the site might want to reconsider its name. Due to the fact that there is an Islamist site, a site of organization with terrorist connection, and a site displaying al Qaeda battle flag on its banner are among the listings, BestIslamofascistSites.com would be a lot less misleading. However, it is not surprising when radical Muslims cast Muslims reformers as "non-Muslims".
Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award