Indonesians Protest Muhammad Drawings

SURABAYA, Indonesia (AP) - Muslims protested in two Indonesian cities Saturday over drawings in Denmark portraying the Prophet Muhammad, with some calling for the artist to be put to death.
"Enough is enough. They have to stop insulting Islam," said Muhammad Djabir, one of about 1,000 protesters in the mostly Muslim country's second-largest city, Surabaya.
Others in the crowd outside the Danish consulate shouted "Death sentence for the cartoonist!"
The drawing, reprinted in 17 Danish newspapers earlier this month, shows the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban and was one of 12 drawings that sparked protests in Muslim countries when they were first published in 2006, including Indonesia. Read more ...
Source: AP
H/T: Jihad Watch
Pakistani cartoon protesters burn Danish, US flagsKARACHI - Hundreds of angry Muslim youths rallied in major cities in Pakistan on Friday and torched Danish flags to protest against the recent republication of a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
Witnesses said about 150 supporters of fundamentalist party Jamaat-i-Islami gathered outside a mosque in the port city of Karachi, flying banners demanding Pakistan sever diplomatic ties with Denmark.
"We don't need to have diplomatic relations with a country that hurts our religious sentiments," the banners read, as demonstrators burned Danish and US flags and chanted: "Death to the cartoonist."
In the capital Islamabad, cries of "Say no to Denmark" rang out as about 300 students from colleges and Islamic schools crowded outside the city’s biggest mosque, witnesses said.
They burned an effigy of the Danish cartoonist amid chants of "Crush Denmark" and "We love our Prophet." Read more ...
"Enough is enough. They have to stop insulting Islam," said Muhammad Djabir, one of about 1,000 protesters in the mostly Muslim country's second-largest city, Surabaya.
Others in the crowd outside the Danish consulate shouted "Death sentence for the cartoonist!"
The drawing, reprinted in 17 Danish newspapers earlier this month, shows the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban and was one of 12 drawings that sparked protests in Muslim countries when they were first published in 2006, including Indonesia. Read more ...
Source: AP
H/T: Jihad Watch
Pakistani cartoon protesters burn Danish, US flags

Witnesses said about 150 supporters of fundamentalist party Jamaat-i-Islami gathered outside a mosque in the port city of Karachi, flying banners demanding Pakistan sever diplomatic ties with Denmark.
"We don't need to have diplomatic relations with a country that hurts our religious sentiments," the banners read, as demonstrators burned Danish and US flags and chanted: "Death to the cartoonist."
In the capital Islamabad, cries of "Say no to Denmark" rang out as about 300 students from colleges and Islamic schools crowded outside the city’s biggest mosque, witnesses said.
They burned an effigy of the Danish cartoonist amid chants of "Crush Denmark" and "We love our Prophet." Read more ...
Source: AFP
H/T: Jihad Watch