War On Terror: The State Department plans to double student visas issued to young Saudi men. This time, it says, they'll all be vetted for terror ties. Uh-huh.
There are 15,000 Saudi students already in the U.S., many of them here courtesy of a post-9/11 visa deal struck between President Bush and Saudi King Abdullah. The deal was controversial because nearly all the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, including two who entered the U.S. on student visas.
Now the administration wants to let in twice as many Saudi students, Ambassador Ford Fraker announced this month. Didn't he didn't get the memo from the Treasury Department warning that the kingdom is still the world's financial epicenter for terrorism? Read more ...
There are 15,000 Saudi students already in the U.S., many of them here courtesy of a post-9/11 visa deal struck between President Bush and Saudi King Abdullah. The deal was controversial because nearly all the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, including two who entered the U.S. on student visas.
Now the administration wants to let in twice as many Saudi students, Ambassador Ford Fraker announced this month. Didn't he didn't get the memo from the Treasury Department warning that the kingdom is still the world's financial epicenter for terrorism? Read more ...
Source: Investor's Business Daily
H/T: Sharia Finance Watch