He also pines for Sharia in America and recommends hijab as a preventative for rape. And when he recommends that every Muslim be a terrorist, he means that "Muslims should terrorize the anti-social elements in society. He should terrorize the robber, the decoy, the rapist."
The decoy?
Anyway, this is an exhortation to thuggery wrapped in moral standards. Certainly the robber, the rapist, and maybe even the "decoy" should not be tolerated. But terrorized? What exactly does Ashraf Mohamedy mean? Perhaps that they should be crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, as per Qur'an 5:33, so that terror will be struck into their hearts, as per Qur'an 8:60? Read more ...
The decoy?
Anyway, this is an exhortation to thuggery wrapped in moral standards. Certainly the robber, the rapist, and maybe even the "decoy" should not be tolerated. But terrorized? What exactly does Ashraf Mohamedy mean? Perhaps that they should be crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, as per Qur'an 5:33, so that terror will be struck into their hearts, as per Qur'an 8:60? Read more ...
Source: MEMRI
H/T: Jihad Watch