By Robert Spencer
The New York Times, true to the New Duranty Times moniker Hugh Fitzgerald has given it, has run a gushing profile of Ali Ardekani, the young Muslim filmmaker who made "Who Hijacked Islam?," (linked in the picture above) among other shorts designed to stir up righteous indignation against the venomous Islamophobes who misrepresent Islam as anything other than a Religion of Peace. "Who Hijacked Islam?," as you can see, is a herky-jerky, hectoring, eye-rubbing affair, but it has been wildly popular -- and now the Times has anointed Ardekani as the alternative to the "bloodthirsty zealots" and defensive bowers-and-scrapers who supposedly dominate the public image of Islam in the West. (Which of those two categories do high-profile, ubiquitous Muslim spokesmen such as Ibrahim Hooper and Edina Lekovic fit into? But I digress.) Read more ...
The New York Times, true to the New Duranty Times moniker Hugh Fitzgerald has given it, has run a gushing profile of Ali Ardekani, the young Muslim filmmaker who made "Who Hijacked Islam?," (linked in the picture above) among other shorts designed to stir up righteous indignation against the venomous Islamophobes who misrepresent Islam as anything other than a Religion of Peace. "Who Hijacked Islam?," as you can see, is a herky-jerky, hectoring, eye-rubbing affair, but it has been wildly popular -- and now the Times has anointed Ardekani as the alternative to the "bloodthirsty zealots" and defensive bowers-and-scrapers who supposedly dominate the public image of Islam in the West. (Which of those two categories do high-profile, ubiquitous Muslim spokesmen such as Ibrahim Hooper and Edina Lekovic fit into? But I digress.) Read more ...
Source: Jihad Watch