Young Muslim men are susceptible to "jihadization"? Why, it's an outrage! Everyone knows that's not true! Everyone knows that Methodists and Episcopalians are just as likely to blow themselves up in a restaurant, or fly an airplane into a building, or plot to subvert Constitutional law and replace it with religious law, as are young Muslim men!
Will the Islamophobia never end?
Source: RNSWill the Islamophobia never end?
A New York City Police Department report that characterizes young Muslim men as susceptible to Islamic extremism and "jihadization" is biased and unfair, a Muslim civil rights group said Thursday (Nov. 20).
The Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition, created last year in response to a NYPD analysis of terrorism plots, said it has already met with Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly several times to protest the 90-page report, "Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat."
Although the NYPD report states "there is no useful profile" of a potential terrorist, it notes that most of the plotters of 11 global cases over the past six years -- including the 9/11 attacks -- were Muslim men under the age of 35. Read more ...
H/T: Jihad Watch
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