By Rizwan Tahir Khan
What exactly is the Al-Qaeda? What is their motive? What do they want since they are not seeking territorial gains, than what are they trying to establish. Well. If one is to look intensively in to their motives. Their determination, efforts and energies are focused on just one point agenda that is the establishment of Shariat laws to bring the Muslims Ummah by adoption of this law on one common platform.
This Al-Qaeda group follows Salla Fiyya-or known as Salaf AS Saalih (The pious predecessors) who want s to reinforce their Islamic laws as practice by the pious predecessors presently there are many Muslim states in the world, rich in oil, who are Islamic but have divergent views on religion which according to this so called fundamentalist or Al-Qaeda group is not in total conformity with the Shariat Laws and thus is not acceptable to this group. As they follow the principles of the religious movement Salla Fiyya to re-inforce Islamic laws as practice by their fore fathers, although Saudi Arabia is to some extent follows the Wahaabisism, but it is not enough for this religious fundamentalist groups. Read more ...
What exactly is the Al-Qaeda? What is their motive? What do they want since they are not seeking territorial gains, than what are they trying to establish. Well. If one is to look intensively in to their motives. Their determination, efforts and energies are focused on just one point agenda that is the establishment of Shariat laws to bring the Muslims Ummah by adoption of this law on one common platform.
This Al-Qaeda group follows Salla Fiyya-or known as Salaf AS Saalih (The pious predecessors) who want s to reinforce their Islamic laws as practice by the pious predecessors presently there are many Muslim states in the world, rich in oil, who are Islamic but have divergent views on religion which according to this so called fundamentalist or Al-Qaeda group is not in total conformity with the Shariat Laws and thus is not acceptable to this group. As they follow the principles of the religious movement Salla Fiyya to re-inforce Islamic laws as practice by their fore fathers, although Saudi Arabia is to some extent follows the Wahaabisism, but it is not enough for this religious fundamentalist groups. Read more ...
Source: Pakistan Observer