Script of the anti-Jihadist full length feature film BLACK is now ready! We are planning to start filming of BLACK during end December. In this regard, we are already finalizing the signing process of artistes, who would play various roles in this movie. At least 75 people will work in this film.
Main objective of BLACK is to very prominently and boldly project how Muslim fanatics and Jihadists are gradually becoming active and influential in Muslim societies. It also gives a clear picture of Hindu repression in Muslim Bangladesh.
BLACK challenges various Koranic verses, which goes against humanity, especially those verses, which are in favor of waging Jihad against non-Muslims. It also shows sodomy inside Madrassas; how students in Madrassas are brainwashed with Jihadist indoctrinations; adverse affect of polygamy as well repression of Muslim women; abduction and forceful conversion of Bangladeshi Hindu females etc.
It is expected that, at least 3 million people will watch this movie in various cinema halls in Bangladesh, while through satellite television channels, BLACK will reach minimum 120 million Bangla speaking viewers in Bangladesh and West Bengal [in India]. We also shall make DVDs of this film at a very subsidized price, so that this film will enter a larger segment of our societies in Bangladesh and India.
BLACK is the first time revolt against militant Islam and Jihad. For the first time in the history of Bangladesh, a full length feature film is being made fully with anti-Jihadist contents and dialogues.
To complete making of this film in celluloid, we shall require at least an amount equivalent to US$ 120,000 while if we make this film in digital format [later to be transferred on celluloid], the total cost will be around US$ 75,000. Total length of this film is 150 minutes.
We already have spent approximately US$ 5,000 in recording required songs for this movie.
Philanthropists, anti-Jihadist groups and institutions, various organizations and individuals are requested to consider financially helping this project. Donors and funders of this film project will be appropriately acknowledged and their names will be shown at the beginning of the film.
For details, please contact: vibfil@gmail.com