Toronto - Legal Counsel to the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), Faisal Joseph, responded today to the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s decision not to hear a complaint filed against Maclean’s magazine. The complaints, filed in April 2007, assert that an October 2006 article published by Maclean’s, The Future Belong to Islam, subjected Muslim Canadians to hatred and contempt.
“We are disappointed that the Tribunal made this decision without hearing the compelling evidence of hate and the expert testimony we recently presented to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal,” said Joseph. “The Commission’s decision contradicts the findings of its own Investigator’s report which states that this Article contains hallmarks of hate identified by the Commission in its earlier case law,” continued Joseph, referring to paragraphs 35 and 41 of the Investigator’s report, which state:
/Based on the excerpts cited by the complainant, it appears that the article may bear some of the characteristics identified by the Tribunal in Kouba as being ‘hallmarks’ of material that is likely to expose persons to hatred or contempt. Muslims appear to be portrayed, for example, as a ‘powerful menace’ (in this case, a demographic menace), and as being dangerous or violent in nature./ Read more ...
Toronto - Legal Counsel to the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), Faisal Joseph, responded today to the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s decision not to hear a complaint filed against Maclean’s magazine. The complaints, filed in April 2007, assert that an October 2006 article published by Maclean’s, The Future Belong to Islam, subjected Muslim Canadians to hatred and contempt.
“We are disappointed that the Tribunal made this decision without hearing the compelling evidence of hate and the expert testimony we recently presented to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal,” said Joseph. “The Commission’s decision contradicts the findings of its own Investigator’s report which states that this Article contains hallmarks of hate identified by the Commission in its earlier case law,” continued Joseph, referring to paragraphs 35 and 41 of the Investigator’s report, which state:
/Based on the excerpts cited by the complainant, it appears that the article may bear some of the characteristics identified by the Tribunal in Kouba as being ‘hallmarks’ of material that is likely to expose persons to hatred or contempt. Muslims appear to be portrayed, for example, as a ‘powerful menace’ (in this case, a demographic menace), and as being dangerous or violent in nature./ Read more ...
Source: Canadian Islamic Congress
H/T: Shariah Finance Watch
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