By Debbie Schlussel
The Hoping foundation is a virulently anti-Israel charity, which funds programs throughout Gaza and Palestinian refugee camps, including Ein Al-Hilweh, Burj Al-Barajneh, and Nahr Al-Bared, which are hotbeds of Al-Qaeda and HAMAS activity. The Chair of its Board of Trustees is Karma Nabulsi, PLO representative from 1977-90 to the UN, Beirut, Tunis, and the UK, who wrote a column defending PFLP terrorist chief George Habash's hijackings as "an inspiration to secular democracy."
The Hoping Foundation camouflages the programs as "art" and "creative writing," claiming they spread peace. But, in fact, the programs are administered by members of HAMAS. The Hoping Foundation joins UNRWA (the UN Refugee agency for Palestinians) in using HAMAS officials and supporters to help spread the hate. The Hoping Foundation website's description of who the Palestinians are is filled with anti-Israel disinformation and propaganda. The Foundation's site does not disclose the identities of its trustees, but they include Hugh Grant's girlfriend, Ms. Khan.
In the Hoping Foundation's "Who Are the Palestinians?" we are told that:
The Hoping foundation is a virulently anti-Israel charity, which funds programs throughout Gaza and Palestinian refugee camps, including Ein Al-Hilweh, Burj Al-Barajneh, and Nahr Al-Bared, which are hotbeds of Al-Qaeda and HAMAS activity. The Chair of its Board of Trustees is Karma Nabulsi, PLO representative from 1977-90 to the UN, Beirut, Tunis, and the UK, who wrote a column defending PFLP terrorist chief George Habash's hijackings as "an inspiration to secular democracy."
The Hoping Foundation camouflages the programs as "art" and "creative writing," claiming they spread peace. But, in fact, the programs are administered by members of HAMAS. The Hoping Foundation joins UNRWA (the UN Refugee agency for Palestinians) in using HAMAS officials and supporters to help spread the hate. The Hoping Foundation website's description of who the Palestinians are is filled with anti-Israel disinformation and propaganda. The Foundation's site does not disclose the identities of its trustees, but they include Hugh Grant's girlfriend, Ms. Khan.
In the Hoping Foundation's "Who Are the Palestinians?" we are told that:
Palestinians . . . were forced to leave their homes in 1948 when Israel was created, and again in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.Actually, none of them "were forced to leave." They chose to leave at the behest of neighboring Arab nations, who--during both wars--assured them that they would defeat Israel and the Palestinians could then return. The Palestinians made the wrong bet. And they lost. Tough. After decades, you'd think they'd want to better themselves--as did the million Jews who were kicked out of their homes and expelled from Arab lands. But, then, that would take away a political issue from all the Muslim and Arab nations who hate the Jews (and hate the Palestinians, too). Read more ...
Source: Debbie Schlussel
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