By Debbie Schlussel
Republicans always claim the mantle of the anti-Jihadists. And for the most part, they are.
But when a supporter of jihad and terrorism comes to the midst of the G.O.P., that anti-jihadist/counterterrorist mantle comes crashing down. The Republican Party simply refuses to denounce pan-Islamists in its midst I've detailed that repeatedly on this site, from Michigan and Ohio GOP officials hanging out with and praising CAIR to pan-Islamist Grover Norquist's puppetmaster machinations at the Bush White House.
Now, the G.O.P. has an interesting opportunity to finally show it means business against terrorism . . . in the California gubernatorial race. Since Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is term-limited and elections for the new guy are being held in November 2010, some candidates are already setting up shop.
On the G.O.P. side, one of those is the notorious former Congressman Tom Campbell. Saturday's Wall Street Journal reports that Campbell stepped down as Dean of the business school at U.C.-Berkeley and launched an exploratory committee. Sadly, this will go beyond mere "exploration." Campbell is running for Governor of California. Read more ...
Republicans always claim the mantle of the anti-Jihadists. And for the most part, they are.
But when a supporter of jihad and terrorism comes to the midst of the G.O.P., that anti-jihadist/counterterrorist mantle comes crashing down. The Republican Party simply refuses to denounce pan-Islamists in its midst I've detailed that repeatedly on this site, from Michigan and Ohio GOP officials hanging out with and praising CAIR to pan-Islamist Grover Norquist's puppetmaster machinations at the Bush White House.
Now, the G.O.P. has an interesting opportunity to finally show it means business against terrorism . . . in the California gubernatorial race. Since Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is term-limited and elections for the new guy are being held in November 2010, some candidates are already setting up shop.
On the G.O.P. side, one of those is the notorious former Congressman Tom Campbell. Saturday's Wall Street Journal reports that Campbell stepped down as Dean of the business school at U.C.-Berkeley and launched an exploratory committee. Sadly, this will go beyond mere "exploration." Campbell is running for Governor of California. Read more ...
Source: Debbie Schlussel
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