By Jamie Glazov
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Brigitte Gabriel, who started her career as an anchor for World News, an evening Arabic news program in the Middle East. As a terrorism expert and the founder of the nonprofit organization ACT! for America, Brigitte Gabriel travels widely and speaks regularly on topics related to the Middle East. She has addressed audiences at the FBI, the United States Special Operations Command, the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and the Joint Forces Staff College, among others. She is the author of the new book, They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.
FP: Brigitte Gabriel, welcome back to Frontpage Interview.
Gabriel: Thank you Jamie. I am delighted to be back with you again.
FP: What inspired this book?
Gabriel: After writing my first book, “Because They Hate,” which tells my personal experiences facing Islamic terror and is a warning to people in the West, I realized that I must go even further defining the threat we face and follow up the warning with solutions and a call to action. “Because They Hate” paved the way and prepared readers for me to take the gloves off and really define in outright terms what we and all non-Muslims are really facing. Events following the first book dramatically enabled me substantiate the underlying motivation behind Islamic terror and Islamic goals and aspirations. I felt that the additional dearth of historically proven implications of these goals can be ignored only at our own peril. Everyone must become informed and mobilized to stop them before it is too late. Read more ...
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Brigitte Gabriel, who started her career as an anchor for World News, an evening Arabic news program in the Middle East. As a terrorism expert and the founder of the nonprofit organization ACT! for America, Brigitte Gabriel travels widely and speaks regularly on topics related to the Middle East. She has addressed audiences at the FBI, the United States Special Operations Command, the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and the Joint Forces Staff College, among others. She is the author of the new book, They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.
FP: Brigitte Gabriel, welcome back to Frontpage Interview.
Gabriel: Thank you Jamie. I am delighted to be back with you again.
FP: What inspired this book?
Gabriel: After writing my first book, “Because They Hate,” which tells my personal experiences facing Islamic terror and is a warning to people in the West, I realized that I must go even further defining the threat we face and follow up the warning with solutions and a call to action. “Because They Hate” paved the way and prepared readers for me to take the gloves off and really define in outright terms what we and all non-Muslims are really facing. Events following the first book dramatically enabled me substantiate the underlying motivation behind Islamic terror and Islamic goals and aspirations. I felt that the additional dearth of historically proven implications of these goals can be ignored only at our own peril. Everyone must become informed and mobilized to stop them before it is too late. Read more ...
Source: FrontPage Magazine