When Islamic terrorists are too busy blowing things up and don't have the time to push their vile propaganda, there are always useful idiot Dhimmis who are more than eager to pick up the slack. Some of the most common claims constantly repeated by Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, and other terrorists groups as well as their fronts like CAIR and MPAC are that the West is at war with Islam and that Crusaders are out to get all Muslims. Perpetually reciting this line is a brilliant, perfected over the years tactic that achieves two goals. First, it unites Ummah (Muslim community) around radicals. It motivates Muslims who are sitting on the fence to choose the path of radicalization. Who wouldn't want to protect the religion of their forefathers from evil infidels? Second, it reinforces a misconception about Ummah being a monolith, thus giving credence to the claims of bigots like John Hagee and Rod Parsley about dangers posed by Islam.
Is there an Islamic danger? Of course there is. Majority of terrorist acts in the last few decades were committed by Muslims in the name of Islam. But those atrocities weren't committed by moderate Muslims, they were committed by radicals. There is no danger posed by Islam. It is posed by radical Islam, or Islamism, or Islamofascism, or whatever you want to call it. Islam is a religion. It is a private relationship between a person and God. It has no place in a public square. Islamism, one the other hand is a fascist-like political ideology based on the notion of Islamic supremacy. Claims that Islam is the same as Islamism are just as absurd as claims that Christianity is the same as Christian Identity Movement.
Enter the useful idiots. A couple of weeks ago I was alerted about the fact that one of the organizations that we work with, Terror-Free Oil Initiative is being defamed as Islamophobic on GasBuddy.com forums. So far the only source that I've seen to make that claim was the post by Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada, a radical Islamic website, which called TFO a "pro-Israel hate group." Abunimah falsely claims that "The initiative's [TFO] founders view all the people of the Middle East and their governments as supporters of terrorism" (http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article6551.shtml). In fact "Terror-Free Oil Initiative is dedicated to encouraging Americans to buy fuel that originated from countries that do not export or finance terrorism". As any committed Islamofascist, Ali Abunimah draws no distinction between "all the people of the Middle East ... as supporters of terrorism," which is false, and Persian Gulf countries, vast majority of which do support and finance terrorism, especially Saudi Arabia and Iran, which is a fact. There is no surprise that an Islamofascist would try to paint any anti-terrorism effort as Islamophobic.
But what is surprising the willingness of Dhimmis to advance this Islamofascist tactic. In his article Tom Kloza, a self-appointed oil expert, "Groundhogblog: Of Spring Gas Spikes & Terror-Free Oil" is trying to portray TFO as an Islamophobic fraud by discrediting TFO spokesman Joe Kaufman. Kloza writes: "On his Web site, Kaufman says Sinclair is a brand that does "not contain Middle Eastern oil."" In fact the site lists Sinclair as one of the "[c]ompanies that do not import oil from Persian Gulf", which is based on data provided by the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy. He also writes that "Kaufman is a Conservative activist and blogger who has made it his personal mission to crusade against Muslim groups in the U.S., many of which he accuses of being terrorists." Again, Mr. Kloza is distorting the facts by implying that Mr. Kaufman on a crusade against all Muslims, which is simply not true. In fact, Mr. Kaufman, putting his life at risk, has been trying to raise public awareness about radical Muslim groups in the US, but so have many moderate Muslims. These Muslim groups and individuals include American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Center for Islamic Pluralism, Muslims Against Sharia, Muslims World Today, Secular Islam Summit, Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, Tashbih Sayyed, and yours truly, just to name a few. I have read many articles by Joe Kaufman and haven't found a single example of his supposed Islamophobia.
Now back to GasBuddy.com forum. Part of the website dedicated to Omaha, Nebraska, has is a topic about Terror-Free Oil. Posters on the topic seem to be split into two groups: pro-TFO and anti-TFO. I was genuinely surprised to find out that the latter outnumber the former. I was even more surprised by what I read on that forum. Here are a few examples:
"the head person of TFO is associated with the hate groups Jihad watch, Cair watch, A.A.H. and others. Although all the sites say they are for peace but they actually preach hate toward Islam."
"TFO is associated with the hate groups Jihad watch, Cair watch, A.A.H. and others, which are, for the most part, anti Islam. ... Remember, one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter"
"Since we don't want this thread to be turned into a "who murdered whom" topic, I won't mention Israel's attack on the USS Liberty or those who are killed in Palestine daily."
"Maybe its that "we stand with Israel" or that "banned in Iran" banner they have on their site that makes me not trust them."
"Just because someone says a group is a terrorist group doesn't mean that is true. Those "terrorists" could be fighting for a people's freedom. If the American revolution was going on now, the British would consider the American fighters terrorists while the American people would consider them freedom fighters."
"No mention of TFO's backer using fake photo's to scare away a group if Islamic children, and feed fear into the public. No mention that Kaufman has made it his personal mission to crusade against Muslim groups in the U.S. The only things mentioned were the things that can make Muslims look bad."
"If someone invaded and occupied our country would you fight against the occupier? I sure would. I am sure the country who was the occupier would call me a terrorist, but the citizens in my country would call me a resister/freedom fighter/gorilla fighter"
"I have found in life that those who call others terrorists are themselves the definition of the word." [a reference to TERROR-Free Oil]
"just look how ghetto that place looks. Check out their little flags. [poster is referring to American Flags] Id put some money down that hose flags are made in china."
"I don't care what you folks talk about. As most can attest, you can talk about nearly anything you want. All I ask is that you be civil with each other and abide by a few simple forum rules. Other than that, have at it."
That was posted right after I was blocked from commenting on the forum and some of my posts dealing with Islam v. Islamism, terrorism, and anti-Semitism were removed.
GasBuddy.com forum is one of many examples of how Islamofascism and Dhimmitude are slowly becoming parts of the American way. These examples could be found everywhere. Internet. TV. Radio. Newspapers. Government. Politics. The latest, arguably most disgusting example, was DNC's decision to feature the head of ISNA, a Muslim Brotherhood front at the convention. The same ISNA that claims that "The work [of Brotherhood members] in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within, and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." Anywhere you look, you see the Dhimmis regurgitating Islamofascist propaganda. And for the life of me, I don't understand why.
Is there an Islamic danger? Of course there is. Majority of terrorist acts in the last few decades were committed by Muslims in the name of Islam. But those atrocities weren't committed by moderate Muslims, they were committed by radicals. There is no danger posed by Islam. It is posed by radical Islam, or Islamism, or Islamofascism, or whatever you want to call it. Islam is a religion. It is a private relationship between a person and God. It has no place in a public square. Islamism, one the other hand is a fascist-like political ideology based on the notion of Islamic supremacy. Claims that Islam is the same as Islamism are just as absurd as claims that Christianity is the same as Christian Identity Movement.
Enter the useful idiots. A couple of weeks ago I was alerted about the fact that one of the organizations that we work with, Terror-Free Oil Initiative is being defamed as Islamophobic on GasBuddy.com forums. So far the only source that I've seen to make that claim was the post by Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada, a radical Islamic website, which called TFO a "pro-Israel hate group." Abunimah falsely claims that "The initiative's [TFO] founders view all the people of the Middle East and their governments as supporters of terrorism" (http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article6551.shtml). In fact "Terror-Free Oil Initiative is dedicated to encouraging Americans to buy fuel that originated from countries that do not export or finance terrorism". As any committed Islamofascist, Ali Abunimah draws no distinction between "all the people of the Middle East ... as supporters of terrorism," which is false, and Persian Gulf countries, vast majority of which do support and finance terrorism, especially Saudi Arabia and Iran, which is a fact. There is no surprise that an Islamofascist would try to paint any anti-terrorism effort as Islamophobic.
But what is surprising the willingness of Dhimmis to advance this Islamofascist tactic. In his article Tom Kloza, a self-appointed oil expert, "Groundhogblog: Of Spring Gas Spikes & Terror-Free Oil" is trying to portray TFO as an Islamophobic fraud by discrediting TFO spokesman Joe Kaufman. Kloza writes: "On his Web site, Kaufman says Sinclair is a brand that does "not contain Middle Eastern oil."" In fact the site lists Sinclair as one of the "[c]ompanies that do not import oil from Persian Gulf", which is based on data provided by the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy. He also writes that "Kaufman is a Conservative activist and blogger who has made it his personal mission to crusade against Muslim groups in the U.S., many of which he accuses of being terrorists." Again, Mr. Kloza is distorting the facts by implying that Mr. Kaufman on a crusade against all Muslims, which is simply not true. In fact, Mr. Kaufman, putting his life at risk, has been trying to raise public awareness about radical Muslim groups in the US, but so have many moderate Muslims. These Muslim groups and individuals include American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Center for Islamic Pluralism, Muslims Against Sharia, Muslims World Today, Secular Islam Summit, Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, Tashbih Sayyed, and yours truly, just to name a few. I have read many articles by Joe Kaufman and haven't found a single example of his supposed Islamophobia.
Now back to GasBuddy.com forum. Part of the website dedicated to Omaha, Nebraska, has is a topic about Terror-Free Oil. Posters on the topic seem to be split into two groups: pro-TFO and anti-TFO. I was genuinely surprised to find out that the latter outnumber the former. I was even more surprised by what I read on that forum. Here are a few examples:
"the head person of TFO is associated with the hate groups Jihad watch, Cair watch, A.A.H. and others. Although all the sites say they are for peace but they actually preach hate toward Islam."
"TFO is associated with the hate groups Jihad watch, Cair watch, A.A.H. and others, which are, for the most part, anti Islam. ... Remember, one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter"
"Since we don't want this thread to be turned into a "who murdered whom" topic, I won't mention Israel's attack on the USS Liberty or those who are killed in Palestine daily."
"Maybe its that "we stand with Israel" or that "banned in Iran" banner they have on their site that makes me not trust them."
"Just because someone says a group is a terrorist group doesn't mean that is true. Those "terrorists" could be fighting for a people's freedom. If the American revolution was going on now, the British would consider the American fighters terrorists while the American people would consider them freedom fighters."
"No mention of TFO's backer using fake photo's to scare away a group if Islamic children, and feed fear into the public. No mention that Kaufman has made it his personal mission to crusade against Muslim groups in the U.S. The only things mentioned were the things that can make Muslims look bad."
"If someone invaded and occupied our country would you fight against the occupier? I sure would. I am sure the country who was the occupier would call me a terrorist, but the citizens in my country would call me a resister/freedom fighter/gorilla fighter"
"I have found in life that those who call others terrorists are themselves the definition of the word." [a reference to TERROR-Free Oil]
"just look how ghetto that place looks. Check out their little flags. [poster is referring to American Flags] Id put some money down that hose flags are made in china."
"I don't care what you folks talk about. As most can attest, you can talk about nearly anything you want. All I ask is that you be civil with each other and abide by a few simple forum rules. Other than that, have at it."
That was posted right after I was blocked from commenting on the forum and some of my posts dealing with Islam v. Islamism, terrorism, and anti-Semitism were removed.
GasBuddy.com forum is one of many examples of how Islamofascism and Dhimmitude are slowly becoming parts of the American way. These examples could be found everywhere. Internet. TV. Radio. Newspapers. Government. Politics. The latest, arguably most disgusting example, was DNC's decision to feature the head of ISNA, a Muslim Brotherhood front at the convention. The same ISNA that claims that "The work [of Brotherhood members] in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within, and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." Anywhere you look, you see the Dhimmis regurgitating Islamofascist propaganda. And for the life of me, I don't understand why.
Latest recipient of The Dhimmi Award