By Herb Denenberg
The United States, Britain, and much of the West is slowly surrendering its right to freedom of speech in the face of threats of violence from Islam and in the face of a systematic campaign to demonize and even criminalize any criticism of Islam, Islamofascism, Islam Jihadism and all the rest.
This process is well along the way, and that’s why it has been so well described in Robert Spencer’s book Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs. Here’s one good example. You remember the violence set off by the publication of those Danish cartoons that some Muslims found objectionable. What happened when newspapers were called upon to reprint them, so the public could understand what was going on and why people were being killed by the Muslims rioting in protest? Here is a perfect test of speech, but nearly all papers refused to republish them, and that includes newspapers in the U.S. and Britain. Freedom of speech means nothing if people are afraid to exercise their rights.
Mr. Spencer says this proves violence works. But it also is just one of many examples of how we have started surrendering our right to free speech to the Muslim extremists. When we surrender our most basic and important right, you can be sure we are well on the path of total surrender. We better understand what’s going on, and do something to reverse our course toward Dhimmihood, what the Muslims call the status of infidels in their midst forced to live as second-class citizens. Read more ...
The United States, Britain, and much of the West is slowly surrendering its right to freedom of speech in the face of threats of violence from Islam and in the face of a systematic campaign to demonize and even criminalize any criticism of Islam, Islamofascism, Islam Jihadism and all the rest.
This process is well along the way, and that’s why it has been so well described in Robert Spencer’s book Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs. Here’s one good example. You remember the violence set off by the publication of those Danish cartoons that some Muslims found objectionable. What happened when newspapers were called upon to reprint them, so the public could understand what was going on and why people were being killed by the Muslims rioting in protest? Here is a perfect test of speech, but nearly all papers refused to republish them, and that includes newspapers in the U.S. and Britain. Freedom of speech means nothing if people are afraid to exercise their rights.
Mr. Spencer says this proves violence works. But it also is just one of many examples of how we have started surrendering our right to free speech to the Muslim extremists. When we surrender our most basic and important right, you can be sure we are well on the path of total surrender. We better understand what’s going on, and do something to reverse our course toward Dhimmihood, what the Muslims call the status of infidels in their midst forced to live as second-class citizens. Read more ...
Source: The Bulletin