By Abul Kasem
Sura 8: al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)
Allah helped Muhammad with one thousand angels in succession (following one another: Gabriel led five hundred of them, and Michael led five hundred of them—ibn Kathir).
Contradiction: 3:125 says Allah helped Muhammad in Badr with five thousand angel soldiers.
Contradiction: 3:124 says Muhammad requested Allah to send three thousand angel fighters.
Allah will forgive unbelievers’ past if they accept Islam; if not, they will face the fate of their forefathers (i.e., exemplary punishment from Allah).
Contradiction: Allah says in 3:20 if the unbelievers do not convert to Islam leave them alone, Muhammad's duty is only to convey the message.
Sura 9: al-Baraat (Immunity) or al-Tauba (Repentance)
Unbelieving father, brothers are not protectors of converts of Islam; Muslims should not take them as guardians.
Contradiction: 17:23, 31:15 say respect parents even if they are unbelievers.
Sura 8: al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)
Allah helped Muhammad with one thousand angels in succession (following one another: Gabriel led five hundred of them, and Michael led five hundred of them—ibn Kathir).
Contradiction: 3:125 says Allah helped Muhammad in Badr with five thousand angel soldiers.
Contradiction: 3:124 says Muhammad requested Allah to send three thousand angel fighters.
Allah will forgive unbelievers’ past if they accept Islam; if not, they will face the fate of their forefathers (i.e., exemplary punishment from Allah).
Contradiction: Allah says in 3:20 if the unbelievers do not convert to Islam leave them alone, Muhammad's duty is only to convey the message.
Sura 9: al-Baraat (Immunity) or al-Tauba (Repentance)
Unbelieving father, brothers are not protectors of converts of Islam; Muslims should not take them as guardians.
Contradiction: 17:23, 31:15 say respect parents even if they are unbelievers.
Source: Islam Watch