The Economist has made the excellent decision to post a letter documenting the truth about honour killings: Honour killings * SIR – The title to your article on honour killings in Syria asks: “The law changes. Will attitudes?” (July 18th). The answer is that it is easier to change laws than people’s hearts. The primary reason honour killings still continue in the Muslim world is not that lawmakers have been unwilling to pass legislation imposing punishments for such acts, but because imams, muftis and ayatollahs not only have never condemned the practice but have actually sanctioned it. For instance, the “Umdat al-Salik”, a manual on sharia law, states that “retaliation is obligatory” against anyone who kills, except when “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers)” kill “their offspring, or their offspring’s offspring”. Therefore, someone who kills his or her child for the sake of “honour” incurs no penalty under Islamic law. A similar situation arises with female circumcision. It is still widespread in Egypt despite an outright ban because Muslim clerics condone the practice as in accordance with mainstream Islamic tradition. So it is not enough simply for human-rights advocates to call for a “more fundamental change in the attitudes of those who write the law and implement it”. There must also be an open discussion about the Islamic roots of practices like honour killings and a call for authorities on sharia to renounce the sanctioning of honour killings and to teach why such killings are wrong in the context of a reformed interpretation of Islamic texts. Otherwise attitudes simply will not change, and honour killings will continue in the Muslim world and among Muslim communities in the West. Aymenn Jawad Cardiff.
 As the anti-Israeli atmosphere in Britain intensifies by the day, Britain’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee has now called on the British government to end its policy of not talking to the extreme anti-Semitic terror group Hamas while simultaneously urging the European Union to make its relationship with Israel conditional on good behaviour, the BBC is reporting today. The report was also carried in French and English by France’s top news agency, Agence France Presse. The cross party group headed by Labour MP Michael Gapes — a self-declared friend of Israel — said that the policy of non-engagement with Hamas was ineffective. While criticising Hamas rocket attacks, it condemned Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza as “disproportionate”, criticised the blockade of Gaza, condemned settlement growth and urged the British Foreign Office to declare openly whether it believed Israel had committed war crimes in Gaza. The committee had recommended reaching out to “moderates” in Hamas in 2007 but said such calls now had new impetus since Britain had begun engaging with the political wing of Hezbollah earlier this year. Moves in this direction have been widely predicted and it may only be a matter of time before recognition of Hamas by the British government becomes a reality. The ground was laid in May when British Foreign Secretary David Miliband gave a speech in Oxford in which he sought to downplay the distinction between “moderates” and “extremists”. At the time, the Foreign Office denied that this was directed at Hamas. But, in the context of last week’s announcement of a partial arms embargo by Britain against Israel and this latest parliamentary report, it seems clear that a paradigm shift is taking place in Britain’s attitudes to the Middle East. Though famously unenthusiastic about European integration, Britain is perhaps the heaviest hitter in the EU in terms of foreign policy. Moves in Britain to recognise Hamas would undoubtedly strengthen the hand of constituencies across Europe which advocate a harder line on Israel and a softer line on groups such as Hamas. For a broader explanation of why things have taken such a turn in Great Britain see my op-ed in the Jerusalem Post last week which is reproduced in an entry below. To read the full BBC article referred to above, click here: H/T Gig British Government Latest recipient of The Dhimmi Award
A demonstrator kicking a tear gas canister during a protest in front of the Tehran UniversityIranian police beat mourners at a memorial service for the 'Angel of Freedom' and turned the country's opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi away from the cemetery.By Damien McElroy Tear gas and baton charges were used against hundreds of people who had gathered at the grave of a protester, Neda Agha-Soltan, killed during last month's post-election demonstrations. Two challengers for the position of president were forced to abandon visits to the grave and a mass gathering at a mourning hall in central Tehran was also broken up. The two events were the first major violence between security forces and demonstrators in three weeks in Iran, after the authorities crushed demonstrations against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election. Rival candidates Mr Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have waged a defiant protest campaign since losing to Ahmadinejad. Mourners clung to Mr Mousavi's car and chanted: "Mousavi we support you." Read more ... Source: TelegraphH/T: Weasel Zippers
Hamas and the House of (No) Commons(ense) July 27, 2009 The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee has just issued a 100-page report on the Middle East. Here is the main conclusion as expressed by Mike Gapes, the committee chair: “We see few signs that the current policy of non-engagement with Hamas is achieving the Quartet’s stated objectives....We therefore reiterate our recommendation from 2007, that the government should urgently consider engaging with moderate elements within Hamas.” In those few words are expressed five of the main and most harmful Western myths about the Middle East. First, make the problem go away. Anything other than that is failure. Containing Hamas, weakening it over time, showing that radicalism doesn’t pay, or other such goals are not worth pursuing. Only if there is no more problem can the objective be considered achieved. This assumes that peace, quiet, and the existence of no problems is the normal state of politics and international relations. It isn’t. Thus, follows the conclusion that policy has failed, but it can succeed, and something must be done. Second, problems can and should be made to go away fast. Patience is a failure, not a virtue. So something must be done immediately. Naturally, this is not the rule the Middle Eastern factors play by. They believe in attrition, wearing the other side down, in the belief that God and history is on their side, while the West is cowardly and weak. They are half-right. Third, that something which has to be done must be Western and Israeli concessions. If the other side is intransigent, that means its intended victims cannot be. Why is this so? Because things have to move, issues must be resolved, so defeat is preferable to steadfastness. Fourth, the nature of your opponent is irrelevant. Ideology is unimportant. We all believe in the same things, don't we? So just because a group, Hamas in this case, says that Jews are sub-humans, that Israel must be wiped off the map, that Western power must be broken, that Islam must triumph over everything, doesn't really mean anything, does it? We all "want the same things" supposedly. So you deal with Hamas or Hizballah or Iran or Syria the same way you manage, for example, an environmental group from Surrey or a local housing authority in Kent. Fourth, there’s got to be a moderate in there somewhere. President Ronald Reagan once joked that an optimist is someone who sees a room full of manure and concludes that there must be a pony in there somewhere. A modern European (and often American nowadays) statesman is someone who sees a terrorist movement or aggressive radical regime and is certain there's a moderate in there somewhere. And naturally if the West gives enough concessions to these "moderates" the "naturally" moderate character of the movement's members will take over and lead to a compromise settlement that will make the problem go away quickly. Fifth, if anyone stands in the way of this grand design--like Czechoslovakia in 1938 or Israel in 2009--that foolish little country which actually thinks its own survival, much less interests, are of any importance becomes the villain. Why if only it sacrificed itself the problem could be solved and peace in our time established! There's an appropriate Yiddish proverb here: When a man is dead his problems cease. One can only gape at the wisdom of Gapes. In the hands of such ignoramuses--not only ignorant of facts (which could be forgiven) but also on the most fundamental principles of politics and diplomacy--does the Western world's fate lie. Why not Israel's fate? Because it won't heed such counsels. But of course they can also do a great deal of damage to it as well. This reminds me of something. In 1969, according to declassified British documents, the British government decided to open a dialogue with Fatah, which was daily carrying out terrorist operitions against Israel, portraying the PFLP as the radicals and Fatah as the moderates. Basically, in the meetings the British government is begging Fatah not to attack the UK and to discourage the PFLP from attacking.The next year, in the war between King Hussein of Jordan--one of the closest British clients--and Fatah/PLO, the British government threw King Hussein under the bus and was ready to accept Arafat as Jordan's ruler. Fortunately, the US and Israel saved the king. If UK policy had had its way then, the results would have been horrifying. Oh, and so the House of Lords doesn't feel left out here's something about UK policy toward Hizballah, which has been along similar lines. * Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are Lebanon: Liberation, Conflict, and Crisis (Palgrave Macmillan), Conflict and Insurgency in the Contemporary Middle East (Routledge), The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition) (Viking-Penguin), the paperback edition of The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan), A Chronological History of Terrorism (Sharpe), and The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley). His Blog: Source:
July 31
Islamic identity Keysar Trad's defamation case against a Sydney radio station has collapsed, with a Supreme Court justice saying Trad did in fact make remarks that were ‘‘offensive", "racist" and ‘‘condoned violence". Today's judgment comes in opposition to a jury's decision in 2007 that found Mr Trad was defamed by broadcaster Jason Morrison, who implied that he was a disgraceful, dangerous individual who incited people to commit violent acts. The case stems from comments made by Morrison about Mr Trad on talkback radio in December 2005, shortly after the Cronulla riots. The legal team for Harbour Radio, the owners of 2GB, argued that the information claimed to be defamatory was in fact true. After hearing evidence about Mr Trad's reputation and the effect of the broadcast, Justice Peter McClellan ruled today that Mr Trad's claim should be dismissed. ‘‘There is little doubt that many of the plaintiff's remarks are offensive to Jewish persons and homosexuals," Justice McClellan said in his judgment. Neither Mr Trad nor Morrison were at Sydney's Supreme Court to hear the judgment. ‘‘Many of his remarks are distasteful and appear to condone violence," the judgment continued. ‘‘I'm satisfied that the plaintiff does hold views which can properly be described as racist. ‘‘I'm also satisfied that he encourages others to hold those views. In particular he holds views derogatory of Jewish people. ‘‘The views which he holds would not be acceptable to most right-thinking Australians," Justice McClelland's judgment said. Outside court, a representative of Mr Trad said he planned to appeal. The parties are due to meet again next Thursday to discuss costs in the matter. Source: Sydney Morning Herald
For the past decade, the sight of Western liberals gathering in defense of terrorists seeking to impose a medieval patriarchal cult on the rest of the world by force seems incongruously odd. What is there about Islam that is so appealing to the erstwhile defenders of minorities, women and gays-- all of whom have next to no rights under Islam?
 Looking over tomes by liberal authors that argue that Islam is truly feminist, progressive and shares all their basic values, the rational observer is forced to wonder, "Who exactly are they kidding?" The answer is a complicated one, but the problem is not as new as it seems. The far left and the far left have a longstanding affinity for playing, "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend", with America designated as the primary enemy, and everyone from the headmasters of the guillotine to Al Queda has emerged as their friends. Before 9/11, the Taliban had a spokesman named Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, today studying in Yale on a student visa, making the rounds of Berkeley to explain that the detonation of the Buddhist statues, then the worst thing that the jolly gang of headchopping boys in black were known for at the time, was actually a protest against the world ignoring Afghanistan's poverty. His audience cheered and laughed along with him, able now to relate to the Taliban, not as murderous butchers who throw acid in the faces of little girls-- but as activists against Third World poverty. But long before Sayed slimed his way across California, a Japanese consulate employee named Hikida Yasuichi would strike up close ties with Black Harlem intellectuals in the 1930's, in pursuit of General Sato Kojiro's then bizarre fantasy of destroying America's Pacific Fleet, occupying Hawaii and then invading the mainland with an African-American army. While no such army ever materialized, Hikida Yasuichi succeeded in stirring up sympathy for Imperial Japan among black writers like W.E. Du Bois, who were otherwise fervent Communists, by convincing them that Japan was fighting for all the non-white races. Read more here..
 Les crimes d'honneur sont différents des autres types de violence domestique - et le dire n’est pas discriminatoire envers les minorités, disent deux experts de ce phénomène. « L'analyse de plus de 50 crimes d'honneur montre qu'ils diffèrent sensiblement des formes plus communes de violence domestique», écrit Phyllis Chesler, professeur émérite de psychologie à la City University de New York, dans l'édition du printemps du Middle East Quarterly. Dans son analyse, Chesler reconnaît que sa position contredit celle de nombreuses organisations musulmanes qui disent que les crimes d'honneur n'ont rien à voir avec l'islam et qu'il est discriminatoire de les distinguer des autres formes de violence domestique. La principale différence entre les deux types de crimes est que les crimes d'honneur sont enracinés dans des valeurs patriarcales, alors que ce n’est généralement pas le cas pour la violence domestique, a déclaré Amin Muhammad, professeur de psychiatrie à l'Université Memorial de Terre-Neuve. Muhammad, auteur d'une étude de 2008 sur les crimes d'honneur dans les zones rurales et les zones tribales du Sindh au Pakistan, décrit le crime d'honneur comme l'assassinat d'une personne, généralement une femme, perçue comme ayant couvert sa famille de honte, souvent en ayant eu des relations illicites avec un homme. Lire la suite... Source: Vancouver Sun (Traduction d'extraits par Poste de veille)
 We have a new label to add to the Iranian political lexicon: "pragmatic." That's right... as if it weren't enough that we have annoying terminology like "reformist" and "moderate," we now also have "pragmatic."
Who's the "pragmatist," you ask? Well, we already know that Mousavi and Khatami are the "reformists" and Rafsanjani is the "moderate." That "pragmatist," as it turns out, is Khamenei. But what do these labels mean? I'll tell you. A "reformist" is somebody who wants to give Iranians more civil liberties at the expense of the Islamic system. For example, some "reform-" minded Iranians believe that Iranian women should have the right to dress how ever they want, even though Islam requires that a woman cover herself. A Muslim woman is only allowed to reveal her face and her hands (and her feet according to some Muslim scholars).
A "moderate" is somebody who is willing to sit down at the negotiating table with the United States and compromise over issues that are of vital interest to the Iranian nation. For example, some "moderate-" minded Iranians believe that perhaps Iran should (at least temporarily) halt uranium enrichment if it brings an end to US sanctions. A "pragmatist" is someone who is too afraid to attack Israel even though it is an Islamic duty to defend the Palestinians and Lebanese when they are being harmed. For example, some "pragmatic" Iranians feel that the liberation of Jerusalem (home to Islam's third holiest site) is not important enough to risk Israel's wrath.
Here is why I like Ahmadinejad: he is none of these things. Ahmadinejad is not a "reformist". Instead he believes passionately that the spread of Islamic values throughout the world can bring peace, harmony, justice, and brotherhood. Ahmadinejad is not a "moderate." Instead he is willing to defend Iran's rights and aspirations when the rest of the Iranian population appears willing to sell Iran's rights away. Ahmadinejad is not a "pragmatist." And this is what this post is all about. While it is true that so far Ahmadinejad has only offered words to the Palestinians, this is not his fault. He is not the Supreme Leader. So he does not control Iran's foreign policy nor its defense policy. Khamenei controls both as well as the Revolutionary Guards.
There are signs that the Revolutionary Guards sympathize with Ahmadinejad more than Khamenei. This may be because Khamenei's "pragmatism" leads him to take a less confrontational approach towards Israel. If given the order, the Revolutionary Guards would gladly bomb Israel's nuclear facility in Dimona. These are Islamic warriors we're talking about. They are not afraid of Israel. But Khamenei, ever the "pragmatist," does fear Israeli retaliation against Iran. And this is why Khamenei forbade Hezbollah from firing any rockets at Tel Aviv during the 2006 war. Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets went as far as Haifa (an Arab city, unfortunately) and they could even have gone as far as Tel Aviv. This would have paralyzed life in Israel's capital.
These rockets have tremendous psychological impact even though they don't cause many deaths. But it was the "pragmatic" Khamenei who was worried that Israel might attack Tehran if a Hezbollah rocket fell on Tel Aviv. It is this "pragmatism" that leads me to believe that Ahmadinejad would make a better Supreme Leader than Khamenei. Obviously the Iranian Constitution would have to be amended, but this has been done before. Before the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini passed way, he was dissatisfied with the choice of clerics that were to succeed him. At that time, it was necessary for the Supreme Leader of Iran to be a Grand Ayatollah (which is the highest spiritual authority for Shi'a Muslims). Khomeini liked Khamenei but Khamenei was not an Ayatollah. So Khomeini amended the Constitution so that a lower ranked cleric like Khamenei could be Supreme Leader.
In order for Ahmadinejad to become Supreme Leader, the part that mandates that the Supreme Leader have religious qualifications would have to be removed from the Constitution. Ahmadinejad would take a far more confrontational stance vis-a-vis Israel. And he would have the full support of the Revolutionary Guards. Khamenei's "pragmatism" led him to remove Yahya Rahim Safavi from his position as Chief Commander of the Revolutionary Guards. The reason for this was that Safavi shared Ahmadinejad's belief that Jerusalem must be liberated by military force. This was something that Khamenei would not allow so he removed Safavi. It is this sort of "pragmatism" that allows Jerusalem to remain under Jewish occupation when it should be under Islamic administration.
The other thing that bugs me about Khamenei is that he has always refused to allow a Sunni mosque to be built in Tehran. Sunni mosques can be built anywhere else in Iran, just not in Tehran. There is not one single Sunni mosque in Tehran. I find this to be unacceptable. Muslims are obligated to pray the Friday prayer in congregation at a mosque. So a Sunni in Tehran would have no other option but to pray in a Shi'a mosque. Sunni religious tradition differs from Shi'a religious tradition. A Sunni should not be forced to pray like a Shi'a, and a Shi'a should not be forced to pray like a Sunni. Khamenei is a violating the Islamic principle of religious freedom. In a real Islamic state, Jews should be allowed to worship freely at their synagogues, Christians at their churches, and Muslims at their mosques.
Ali Khamenei rightly criticizes the anti-Shi'a bigotry prevalent among some in the Wahhabi clergy in Saudi Arabia; but how can Khamenei have the credibility to stand up for Shi'a religious freedom in majority-Sunni lands when he is restricting Sunni religious freedom in a majority-Shi'a land? Former President Khatami (when he was running) had made a campaign promise that he would erect a Sunni mosque in Tehran, but Khamenei did not allow him to fulfill this promise. I respect Khatami for this even though I don't agree with him on all the issues. I think it's time for Khamenei to go. He has outlived his usefulness. Mahmoud Ahmadinjad ought to be the Supreme Leader of Iran. I've been reading about allegations of fraud in the Iranian election. Iranian protesters in Dubai did silent protests out in front of the Iranian consulate. Their placards had things like, "Where is my vote?" written on them. While I sympathize with these disgruntled anti-Ahmadinejad fanatics, I believe they are breaking the law. The Dubai police should arrest them for belligerence. You cannot have a political protest in the UAE without getting permission first. These Iranian protesters are disrespecting the UAE even though the UAE has given them refuge and a comfortable after they (probably) fled Iran (for their un-Islamic sinful activities). These sinful Iranian extremists are really enemies of Iran, and they should be deported. President Ahmadinejad will know how to deal with these so-called "reformists."
There were "pro-reform" protests in Toronto as well. The Iranian-Canadian community seems to have overwhelmingly voted for Mir Hossein Mousavi. Sorry, haters. Your guy lost. Deal with it. Ayatollah Khamenei, in a disappointing move, allowed an investigation into the allegations of a fraudulent election. Although it's a smart move, I still disapprove of it. First, let me tell you why it was smart. The public anger over this "stolen" election is so great that people will not accept anything less than an independent investigation... except it won't really be independent. Ahmadinejad's guys are still in power so they're the ones who conducted the investigation. And what conclusion did they come to? President Ahmadinejad was declared the winner... again! So again, I say to the Mousavi-supporting, reformist, extremist, law-breaking, criminal, radical enemies of Iran, "Sorry haters. Your guys lost. Deal with it."
Now I'll tell you why I disapproved of Khamenei's decision to allow the investigation. I think he was caving in to the enemies of Iran. I'm willing to concede that Mousavi was supported by about 54% of the Iranian electorate (so I kinda have mixed feelings about referring to them as enemies of Iran) but they really are enemies of Iran because they oppose Islam and they disrespect by the Islamic Revolution by voting for a "reformist" candidate. Anti-Ahmadinejad protesters have been yelling, "Ahmadinejad is not my President." Well, legally he is. He won. I don't for a second believe that he won 60% of the vote like it's been claimed. He probably won around 39% of the vote. But 39% is nothing to scoff at. That's 39 % of the Iranian public. Do they not matter? Do their votes mean nothing? 39% of 68 million Iranians is a lot of people... it's millions of people.
And do we really need one more pro-US government in the Middle East. Puh-leaze! By the way, was the election in Lebanon really "free and fair?" Wasn't it fraudulent of Joe Biden to threaten the Lebanese people? Doesn't that threat qualify as voter fraud? Why isn't anybody raising a ruckus about that, eh? The double standards, man! And didn't Saudi Arabia, France, and the US support their man Hariri by giving him millions of dollars? Isn't that unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation? Politicians like Hariri have no shame. They will do anything for money. Some would probably even sell their own mothers for some sweet dough. Hariri is only after money and political power. He does not care about Lebanon. He is a puppet of the US, France,... and since he's also a puppet of Saudi Arabia (which in turn is a puppet of the US), this makes Hariri the puppet of a puppet. Seriously, why would anyone be the puppet of 3 goddamn countries??? Isn't one enough??? Hariri, dude, where is your self-respect???
Here's a point of view I do agree with: there has been a coup in Iran. It's too early to tell whether it's just a coup or whether it's a revolution. If it's a revolution, then it's the second Islamic Revolution Iran has had in about 30 years. In 1979, the Shah of Iran was ousted by the clerical estblishment led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. In 2009, the clerical establishment may have been ousted by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards who favour Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. See, here's what's happened: after 30 years, the clerics who carried the revolution forward have become rich, fat, and corrupt. Nobody represents the FatCat clerical elite more than Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, one of the richest men in Iran. They have enriched themselves at the expense of Iran's poor for decades. And people have finally had enough.
During the election, Ahmadinejad supporters were shouting "Death to Hashemi!" Ahmadinejad is a populist. He wants to redistrubute Iran's wealth in such a manner that the poor will benefit rather than the rich. The clerics want to hoard all of Iran's wealth like they have for 30 years. This is why the "moderate" Rafsanjani was supporting the "reformist" Mousavi. These people want the status quo... they want everything to remain the same. The rich get richer, and the poor gets screwed. And hey, Mousavi is not really a "reformist." He was prime minister when Ayatollah Khomeini was the Supreme Leader of Iran. Would Khomeini have allowed a "reformist" prime minister? I don't think so. This election was more about hating Ahmadinejad than about loving Mousavi. It reminds me of the US election in '04... which was more about hating Bush than about loving Kerry.
Mousavi gets a lot of credit for his handling of the economy during the 8-year Iran-Iraq war. Does he really deserve this credit? Don't people know that wars create jobs? The Iran-Iraq war benefited the Iranian economy just like World War 2 benefited the US economy. The US was a superpower by the end of that war, for cryin' out loud! And Ahmadinejad does not deserve all the blame for messing up the economy. We're in the midst of a global economic crisis. Every economy in the world performing badly... if not badly, then at least worse than before. So it's unfair to blame Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad's most important constituency is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. They are the most zealous Islamic revolutionaries in the world. God love 'em! They want Iran to go in a different direction than the clerics. See, the clerics are enjoying the high life... they're rich. They don't want no war or confrontation with the US. They don't really care all that much about the Palestinians either. But the Islamic Revolutionary Guards care a lot about the Palestinian cause... a whole lot! That is why they have thrown their support behind Ahmadinejad (who is also a former Islamic Revolutionary Guard). The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (gosh, I'm getting tired of writing the whole thing... I'll just use the abbreviation IRGC henceforth) are the most powerful institution in Iran... because they got the guns and the bombs and the tanks. So if this is a coup by them, they really won't face much resistance... unless the losers from the "reformist" crowd want their balls blown off!
So now what we have is a less democratic Iran. But hey, I'm not complaining. Democracy ain't right for a nation like Iran where the majority of the population defies Islam and defies God by voting for a candidate who could not care less about liberating Jerusalem, the third holiest city in Islam. If you believe (like I do) that the liberation of Jerusalem is the most important goal for Muslims, then Ahmadinejad is your guy! He has my full support. With him at the helm, Iran will probably be more confrontational with the US, and will probably try harder at shaping a Middle East that is more just. Justice is what it's all about. How refreshing is it when a Middle Eastern leader does not hobnob with the President of the United States!
If Iran were to go "moderate" or "reformist," who would support the Palestinians in the face of the Israeli onslaught? Who would support the Lebanese as Israeli missiles rape Lebanese toddlers? Nobody, that's who. Iran may not be a democracy, but is the only country in the whole entire world that has a government that gives a voice to the countless voiceless people in the Middle East who have had enough of US hegemony but either live in states that aren't democratic or live in states that are democratic in which the majority is so clueless that they vote for the puppet of a puppet. Ahmadinejad may not be a saint, but he's a thousand times better than any of his fellow Middle Eastern leaders. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad totally totally totally rocks! Source: Young Turks - H/T: Weasel ZippersYoung Turks Latest recipients of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
 By Joseph Abrams The extremist group al-Shabaab raided three U.N. offices in Somalia last week in a campaign to rid the volatile African nation of all "enemies of Islam," and the world body can't do a thing about it - yet. Though the U.S. State Department designated al-Shabaab a foreign terrorist organization in March 2008, the U.N. has yet to add the Islamic militia to its list of terrorist groups whose members face international sanctions and travel bans. While the U.S. has been cracking down on the Al Qaeda-linked group's recruitment efforts at home, the lack of an international standard has allowed al-Shabaab to channel its funds - much of which come from piracy along Somalia's lengthy coast - through banks in the Arabian Gulf. "There are millions and millions and millions of dollars coming into this organization. It's being funneled in banks in Qatar and other places - that's pretty well documented - yet nobody's really doing anything about it," said Jeffrey Addicott, director of the Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas. Read more ...Source: Fox NewsH/T: Weasel Zippers
 July 28 | By BlogSpot Reema Abulaziz from Riyadh made her move: She went to Riyadh airport with her two boys, and asked for the guardianship system to be removed. Reema works in a bank in Riyadh. She is not only the mother of these two boys; she is the wife of a drug- addicted husband. Although Reema’s husband is now in Riyadh Amal Hospital receiving medical treatment for his long addiction problem, he still has total control of Reema’s life and her sons’ lives. In Riyadh airport, Reema and her sons are denied the right to leave the country; the addicted guardian did not give them the permission to leave. The Saudi guardianship system considers men guardians and responsible for their families’ affairs even if the men have addiction problems or a criminal history. Reema’s story conveys how oppressive this system is. The campaign to defend women’s rights in Saudi Arabia will continue recording these experiences of Saudi women who are trying to get rid of their control by male guardians. Please, wherever you are, support Saudi women who are trying to gain their lives back. Source: Hudson New York
 By Khaled Abu Toameh Tens of thousands of Palestinians living in Jordan have been stripped of their Jordanian citizenship over the past few months. The Arab governments want the Palestinian issue to be Israel's problem alone. But Israel will never be able to handle this matter alone. Defending the measure, the Jordanians authorities claim that it is actually intended to help the Palestinians as it will thwart any attempt to settle them permanently in the kingdom. "Jordan is not Palestine and Palestine is not Jordan," the Jordanian Minister of the Interior, Nayef al-Kadi, explained. "The Palestinians should be allowed to return to their homes in Palestine." The US and its Western allies must press the Arab dictatorships to end their anti-Palestinian policies and start treating Palestinians in a better way.
One can imagine the response of the United Nations and European countries if the Knesset tomorrow approved a law that bans Palestinians from working in any profession or if Israel started stripping the 1.4 million Arabs of their citizenship. The next time the terms apartheid or oppression are used with reference to the Middle East, one must remember the intolerable conditions of Palestinians in most of the Arab countries. With a 70% Palestinian population, Jordan is clearly seeking to solve its own "demographic problem." In other words, the Jordanians would like to see fewer Palestinians in their kingdom. Like most of the Arab countries, the Jordanians have never felt completely comfortable playing host to large numbers of Palestinians. Read more here....Source: Hudson New York
The posting claims the attacks, in which two suicide bombers killed seven people at the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels, were specifically directed at US business interests and at the Manchester United football team, which was to have played an exhibition match in Jakarta. It promises to release video footage of the bombers' statements. The posting's origin has not been verified, but police say they are investigating. Identifying itself for the first time as "al-Qa'ida Indonesia", under the auspices of Top, the group claims to have engaged in extensive research before the blasts to identify its targets. Top has previously called his group, which is an offshoot of the radical Jemaah Islamiah movement founded by preacher Abu Bakar Bashir and the late Abdullah Sungkar, "al-Qa'ida for the Malay archipelago". Read More,,,, Source: The Australian
EastEnders characters Christian Clarke and Syed MasoorEastEnders' current romantic storyline featuring a gay Muslim character has caused a stir. But what is it really like to be gay within Britain's Muslim communities?By Homa Khaleeli Pav Akhtar is not usually a fan of soaps. But the 30-year-old local councillor and Unison worker has been paying special attention since EastEnders introduced its first gay Muslim character. Akhtar, the chair of Imaan, an organisation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Muslims, advised the BBC on the storyline in the hope that the character of Syed Masood would help tackle the double discrimination of homophobia and Islamophobia that many gay Muslims face. The Muslim theologian Amanullah De Sondy said recently that the vast majority of Muslims were "deeply homophobic", and a survey carried out this summer among British Muslims reported that 0% of those questioned thought homosexuality was "morally acceptable". Yet, so far, the taboo-busting EastEnders storyline has not sparked the expected deluge of complaints – in fact, the soap's first gay Muslim kiss attracted a healthy 7.9 million viewers. But what is it like being gay and Muslim in the UK today? Read more ... Source: The Guardian
The Basque Autonomous Police (Ertzaintza) detained on Sunday night in Portugalete (Vizcaya) a 43-year-old man of Maghrebi origin, accused of stabbing his 20-year-old daughter 20 times and of hurting another two sons, according to the Basque Interior Department. The attack began inside the family’s home, in Ruperto Medina’s st, when the man stabbed his older daughter. Her teenage brothers, another girl and a boy, tried to end the quarrel and got hurt. She has a cut in one hand. He fell off the stairs.. Both of them suceeded in fleeing the house asking for help, while the stabbed girl got in one neighbour’s house. But the father followed the first ones and had a hard discussion with his son in the street. According to another neighbour, who was woken up by the “shouts”, everything happened very quickly. Several minutes afterwards, the Police arrived at the scene and arrested the man. “He was shouting like a mad man and was very difficult to handle”, the witness say. (…). Read more ...Source: H/T: Tea and Politics
 On Thursday, 23 July 2009, Fadia Jawdat al-Najjar, 27, from Jabalya refugee camp was killed allegedly "to maintain family honor."
According to police sources in Jabalya, at approximately 09:30 on Friday mourning, 24 July 2009, Jawdat al-Najar, from Jabalya, gave himself up to the police station in Jabalya. He confessed that he killed his daughter, Fadia, inside his home in a late hour on Thursday. He claimed that he found a mobile phone with his daughter and she was talking with someone, which he suspected as an illegitimate relation. As soon as the police have received this confession, the police moved towards the scene of the crime and examined the victim's body. They found signs of torture on her body. The police transferred her the victim's body to Kamal 'Edwan Hospital in Beit Lahia, and from there to the forensic medicine department at Shifa Hospital in Gaza city.
Sources of the forensic medicine department at Shifa Hospital reported that there were signs of torture throughout the victim's body, as well as a fracture in her skull due to her was hit by an iron chain.
According to PCHR's documentation, the number of people killed allegedly "to maintain family honor" since the beginning of 2009 has amounted to 9 (6 women, two men and a child) in 7 crimes. One of these crimes was committed in the West Bank, whereas the rest of the crimes were committed in the Gaza Strip.
PCHR strongly condemns this latest crime, and:
1) Expresses concern over the recurrence of murders against women in the Occupied Palestinian Territory allegedly "to maintain family honor." Such recurrence may be attributed to the relative impunity granted to murderers, who are often sentenced to less than 3 civil years of imprisonment, equivalent to 24 months of effective imprisonment.
2) Calls for suitable deterrent penalties to be applied to "family honor" murders. These murders must be dealt with in the same manner as other crimes of willful killing, taking into consideration international human rights standards. Many murderers use the claim of maintaining family honor as a justification for the crimes they commit in order to benefit from more lenient sentences. Source: PCHR H/T: AtlasJawdat al-Najar Latest recipients of The Face of Evil Award
 By Clare M. Lopez It’s a new era, alright: an era in which America’s moral compass is spinning aimlessly. While on an official visit to Baghdad Tuesday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and top U.S. commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, hailed a new era in Iraq and touted an improved security situation at the one-month mark since U.S. troops pulled back from Iraqi cities and towns at the end of June. But even as the two crowed (along with their Iraqi counterparts), Iraqi police forces were assaulting the civilian population of Ashraf City north of Baghdad, home to some 3900 unarmed members of the Iranian opposition group, the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK). At day’s end, the MEK death count stood at four, while the injured numbered in the hundreds, and dozens more had been snatched and carried off by the Iraqi forces. The Iraqi assault, captured in graphic videos posted to YouTube, advanced with armored vehicles, front-loaders, fire engines, police vehicles, and other equipment and unleashed boiling water, pepper gas, barrages from water cannons, clubs, and eventually live fire against the unarmed inhabitants. YouTube footage shows MEK members massed passively at an entrance gate to the camp as Iraqi police beat those in front furiously with clubs and then sprayed pepper gas and water cannon directly into the crowd. Other films show police opening fire with assault weapons while the group began to chant “Allahu Akbar,” echoing the recent calls of their demonstrating compatriots on the streets of Tehran and elsewhere. Read more ...Source: Human Events
A Fairfax, Va. man who plotted to assassinate President George W. Bush, provided material support to Al Qaeda and conspired to recreate the 9/11 attacks in a new hijacking scheme was sentenced to life in prison Monday. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali originally was sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2006. The 4 th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the conviction, but rejected the sentence as too lenient. The appellate court determined that the trial judge improperly tried to keep Abu Ali's sentence in line with others who did not cause the death of any Americans. The judge's reliance on John Walker Lindh, who plotted fought with the Taliban but didn't execute attacks against Americans, was misguided, the 4th Circuit found. Read more ...Source: IPT Blog
By Steven Emerson | July 28 Seven House Democrats have written Attorney General Eric Holder invoking a list of grievances from radical Islamist groups and asking that Holder meet with representatives from those groups to hear their concerns, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned.The grievances include the use of convicted felons as informants in mosques, alleged religious profiling of Somali Muslims in Minnesota and elsewhere and allegations that the FBI is working with foreign governments to question American citizens who are terror suspects. In the letter, the representatives said: "These concerns raise legitimate questions about due process, justice, and equal treatment under the law. We hope you will meet with American Muslim leaders to ensure that core American values are respected for all Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity, or faith. For your convenience, we have attached a contact list of American Muslim leaders." These issues have been pushed by radical Islamist groups for months. The letter's close tracking of the interest groups' positions indicates that their officials dictated its terms for the members of Congress to sign. In fact, the nine entities all are listed in exactly the same sequence in this release from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). The April 2009 release also cites two of the same issues as in the letter to Holder. The letter was signed by California representatives Loretta Sanchez, Adam Schiff, Mike Honda and Lois Capps, along with Ohio representatives Mary Jo Kilroy and Dennis Kucinich. Northern Virginia Congressman James Moran joined the group. Moran serves on the House Appropriations Committee subcommittee on defense. Schiff and Honda serve on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies. Kilroy sits on the House Homeland Security Committee. Schiff also serves on the House Judiciary Committee and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Many of the groups listed for Holder to meet have radical histories and agendas. For example, the Islamic Circle of North America adheres to similar ideology as the Jamaat-i-Islami, which calls for Islamic revolution and creating an Islamist state in Pakistan. In the U.S., ICNA aggressively proselytizes among non-Muslims. The Muslim Public Affairs Council argues that Hizballah should not be a designated terrorist organization. Three other groups listed for contact have direct roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, an international movement based in Egypt which seeks the creation of a global Islamic state, or Caliphate. Those groups include the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Students Association, the Muslim American Society's Freedom Foundation, which is run by a convicted felon and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Prosecutors included CAIR on a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and development, considered the nation's largest terrorism-finance case. FBI case Agent Lara Burns labeled CAIR a front group for Hamas during sworn testimony last fall. Read More here,,,Source: Steven Emerson Loretta Sanchez Adam Schiff Mike Honda Lois Capps Mary Jo Kilroy Dennis Kucinich James Moran Latest recipients of The Dhimmi Award
 By Robert F. Worth DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Some prisoners say they watched fellow detainees being beaten to death by guards in overcrowded, stinking holding pens. Others say they had their fingernails ripped off or were forced to lick filthy toilet bowls. The accounts of prison abuse in Iran’s postelection crackdown — relayed by relatives and on opposition Web sites — have set off growing outrage among Iranians, including some prominent conservatives. More bruised corpses have been returned to families in recent days, and some hospital officials have told human rights workers that they have seen evidence that well over 100 protesters have died since the vote. On Tuesday, the government released 140 prisoners in one of several conciliatory gestures aimed at deflecting further criticism. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued a letter urging the head of the judiciary to show “Islamic mercy” to the detainees, and on Monday Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, personally intervened and closed an especially notorious detention center. But there are signs that widespread public anger persists, and that it is not confined to those who took to the streets crying fraud after Mr. Ahmadinejad’s landslide victory last month. Several conservatives have said the abuse suggests a troubling lack of accountability, and they have hinted at a link with Mr. Ahmadinejad’s recent willingness to defy even the venerated Ayatollah Khamenei. Read more ...Source: NYT
 By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He can be contacted at FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview. CAIR supporters recently targeted you again, this time during a lecture you provided to ACT members of Dallas, TX, on July 23, 2009. What happened? Gaubatz: Yes, Jamie. First it is important for readers to know that approximately 1.5 years ago members of my research team conducted first-hand research in Texas, to include Arlington, VA. The results were provided directly to the FBI National HQ office. Our team provided the who, what, when, where, why, and how of Islamic terror supporters operating inside Texas and who travel throughout America. One of my Muslim researchers (who worked and lived in Iraq over 30 years) was directly involved in several meetings with leading Texas Imams, specifically Arlington. Readers can contact FBI National to determine what actions were taken. Read more ...Source: FPMDave Gaubatz Latest recipients of The MASH Award
 By Robert Spencer Seven American citizens and one U.S. permanent resident were charged in North Carolina with, according to the Justice Department, “conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons abroad.” The indictment centers around the activities of an American convert to Islam, 39-year-old Daniel “Saifullah” Boyd (a drywall contractor who was apparently the ringleader of this group). It reveals yet again the international scope of jihadist activity – giving the lie to the common Leftist assertion that various jihads around the globe are isolated nationalist insurgencies with no connection to one another. Above all, in the words of U.S. Attorney George E.B. Holding, “these charges hammer home the point that terrorists and their supporters are not confined to the remote regions of some far away land but can grow and fester right here at home.” How did seven American citizens, with their leader a convert to Islam, get the idea that supporting terrorists and participating in terrorist training was consonant with their religion – and was, indeed, a religious obligation? Holding didn’t say. But that is the question that must ultimately be answered, and policy formulated accordingly, if homegrown jihad activity of this type is to be prevented in the future. It all started in 1989, when, according to the indictment, Boyd went to Pakistan and Afghanistan, attended jihad training camps, and fought alongside jihadists in Afghanistan. He didn’t leave Central Asia until 1992. His wife Sabrina Boyd has pointed out indignantly that in Afghanistan in the late Eighties, Boyd was battling the Soviet invaders “with the full backing of the United States government.” Indeed. But at that time the U.S. was aiding the Afghan mujahedin against the Soviets – and once they drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan, those same mujahedin quickly dashed hopes that the U.S. had won over their hearts and minds, hewing closely to the jihadist perspective that both the Soviet Union and the United States represented Satanic superpowers at war with Islam. If Boyd was fighting alongside the Afghan mujahedin in the late Eighties and early Nineties, that hardly constitutes evidence that his commitment to America was strong, or that his commitment to jihad was weak. Read more ...Source: FPMDaniel "Saifullah" Boyd Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
Rebiya Kadeer has campaigned for the rights of China's Uighur community ALMOST 10,000 people "disappeared in one night" during ethnic unrest in the Chinese city of Urumqi early this month, exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer claimed today on the eve of her Australia visit. “Where did those people go?” she said in Japan, speaking in her native language through a translator. “If they died, where did they go?”
Ms Kadeer, 62, the US-based head of the World Uighur Congress, charged that “the Chinese government is trying to destroy the Uighur people. I want to tell the international community about our situation”.
She will fly to Australia chiefly to participate in the launch at the Melbourne International Film Festival on August 8 of a documentary, 10 Conditions of Love, in which she is the heroine.
She will also meet members of Australia's 2000-strong Uighur community.
Her participation in the festival has already caused a furore.
Five films - from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan - have been withdrawn as a result.
Beijing accuses the mother-of-11 of being a “criminal” who instigated the unrest pitting Uighurs against Han Chinese in China's Xinjiang region. Beijing claims 197 people died in the clashes.
Ms Kadeer charged that “the responsibility lies with the authorities who changed what was a peaceful demonstration into a violent riot”.
“For Uighurs, taking part in demonstrations is like committing suicide,” she added, speaking at a Tokyo press conference. Source: The Australian
 After denying for 4 years that the Crescent of Embrace memorial to Flight 93 will contain 44 inscribed memorial panels (equaling the number of passengers, crew, AND terrorists) the Memorial Project has announced a new design that appears to collapse three of the panels into one:  Artist's depiction of the slightly altered design for the Sacred Ground Plaza. [If you are a newcomer, the Plaza sits in the position of the star on architect Paul Murdoch's giant Islamic crescent and star flag. They call the giant crescent a broken circle now, but the unbroken part of the circle--what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11--is completely unchanged. It is still a giant Islamic-shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.] The focus of the Plaza is the two part Memorial Wall that follows the path of Flight 93 down to the crash site. As before, the lower section of wall contains 40 memorial panels, inscribed with the names of the 40 heroes. Instead of being small translucent panels set into the wall, they will now be 8 foot tall slabs. Nice. The symbolically significant change is in the separate upper section of Memorial Wall that will be inscribed with the 9/11 date. In the original design, this separate upper section of wall contained three additional inscribed memorial panels:  Elevation view from original Sacred Ground Plaza design PDF. The wall on the left is designated: “WALL WITH INSCRIBED NAMES ON FOLDED BAND OF TRANSLUCENT MARBLE.” The opening between the two sections of wall is marked “TRAIL,” and the wall on the right is designated: “WALL WITH INSCRIBED DATE.” The three translucent panels inscribed with the 9/11 date were a problem because further up the flight path, at the upper crescent tip (where Flight 93 symbolically breaks the circle, turning it into the giant Islamic shaped crescent), sits one more inscribed translucent memorial panel:  At the end of the Entry Portal Walkway sits a huge glass panel that dedicates the entire site. In the original design, this brought the total number of inscribed translucent memorial panels on the flight path to 44, with the number of "extra" blocks matching the number of Islamic hijackers on Flight 93. The enabling legislation for the Flight 93 Memorial specifically bars the Park Service from memorializing the enemy, but architect Paul Murdoch has other ideas. He doesn't just include them in some kind of can't-we-all-just-get-along multiculturalist fantasy. He depicts them as triumphant warriors, placing the capstone of his terrorist memorializing block count at the exact point where, in Murdoch's description, the terrorists' circle-breaking, crescent-creating feat is achieved. They explode through our peaceful circle, then die along with their victims. The capstone block commemorating this glorious martyrdom will be inscribed: “A field of honor forever.” The Memorial Project is okay with all of this, but thanks to our blogbursts, too many people OUTSIDE of the Project also know about the terrorist memorializing block count, so they decided to fix up architect Paul Murdoch’s disguise, telling a caller two years ago that they were going to turn the three panels with the 9/11 date into one large panel. That would change the memorial block count from 44 to 42. Here is Mountain Goat's report on that 2007 phone call: The gentleman did add, that the translucent blocks are actually white marble, and that the one with Sept. 11 inscribed on it will be one block, although it will be roughly the length three of the other blocks would have been. This seems to be the change that is depicted in the new design image, though we will have to see the construction drawings to be sure. (An FOIA request for the recently completed construction drawings was submitted to the Park Service earlier this month.) Primping Murdoch’s disguise does not stop his terrorist-memorializing plot, but only helps him to get away with itThe Park Service assumes that the 44 blocks were a coincidence and that by eliminating the coincidence it has eliminated the problem, but the 44 blocks were not a coincidence and changing the number of blocks to 42 does nothing alter the terrorist memorializing intent. Also, because the Park Service has been trying NOT to see Murdoch is up to, they left other terrorist memorializing features of the inscribed panels completely intact. Notice, for instance, that the separate upper section of memorial wall, inscribed with the 9/11 date, is centered on the centerline of the giant crescent:  The trail that divides the Memorial Wall into two parts is marked in purple. The section of wall with the 9/11 date is marked in aqua. You can see just by looking that the upper section of wall is centered on the center line of the crescent. That is the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag. Thus the 9/11 date goes to the star on the Islamic flag. The date goes to the terrorists. Changing the number of panels used to inscribe the 9/11 date does nothing to alter this terrorist memorializing feature. Not that Murdoch really cares whether the Park Service executes his design with proper Islamic precision. To Murdoch, it is the plan that mattersMurdoch made clear from the beginning that it is the plan that matters, not whether the memorial is actually built exactly to his specifications. We can tell that he fully expected at least one of his terrorist memorializing features to be caught and stopped because he left provision for his “mistake” to be easily corrected. This was the so called “40 Memorial Groves." There were supposed to be one for each of the 40 infidel heroes, but Murdoch's site-plan only shows 38 groves:  Why 38? Try to figure it out for yourself, then look here. As usual, Murdoch provides multiply redundant proof of intent, once you figure out what he is up to. Notice that Murdoch left room for two more Memorial Groves, one at each end. But just as the 38 Groves “mistake” is easy to fix, it will also be easy to un-fix it later. Indeed, failure to follow Murdoch's exact design is not a bug. It is a feature. Islamic fundamentalists have been citing control of the al-Aqsa mosque as a grounds for waging war against Israel since the founding of the modern Jewish state. If we fail to be true to the glorious design of Murdoch's terrorist memorial mosque, that will just be one more reason for Murdoch's co-religionists to conquer The Great Satan, so that this death-penalty insult can first be avenged ("It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land" 8.67), then corrected. Murdoch has not admitted to being Muslim (never mind a fundamentalist Muslim), but he HAS demonstrably designed an al Qaeda sympathizing memorial to Flight 93, all according to the established principles of proper mosque design ( chapter 5), so there is no doubt of his ambition. Anyone who tries to sneak an al Qaeda memorial onto the Flight 93 crash site IS al Qaeda. In 2005, the Park Service helped Murdoch hide his giant crescent by calling it a broken circle instead (as Murdoch had described it all along). Now the Park Service is helping to disguise yet another of Murdoch's terrorist memorializing design features, but without even acknowledging this time that the changes are in response to anything troublesome about the original design. So tell us Park Service: if there never were 44 memorial panels on the flight path, as you have been telling the press for almost four years, why did you change the number of panels? And do you really think it is wise to help a hijacker improve his disguise? To join our blogbursts, just send your blog's url. Source: Error Theory
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