Sunday, September 30, 2007
Muslims Against Sharia in the Media - September '07
All American Blogger: Muslims Against Sharia
maryatexitzero: Blog comment
Ali Eteraz: Misguided Muslim Reformists
Secular Apostate: Islamophobia and Reform
Exit Zero: Political Tulipmania
The Lighthouse: "Leftists For Sharia"
Atlas Shrugs: Libtard Against Muslims Against Sharia
The Lighthouse: The Mystery Behind "Muslims Against Sharia"
USS Richard B. RUSSELL (SSN687) And Friends: Muslims Against Sharia
Mideast youth: Muslims Against Sharia: Islamic reform movement
Associated Content: Muslims Against Sharia: An Attempt to Reform Islam
Another War-on-Terror Blog: Muslims Against Sharia Put Money Where Their Mouth Is
phi beta cons: Muslims Oppose Columbia’s A’Mad-Friendly Dhimmis
THE NEW BABYLON TIMES: Al Baghdadi bounty
The Freethinker: (Non-)Muslims Against Sharia
Islamophobia Watch / Documenting the war against Islam: Non-)Muslims Against Sharia (According to Islamofascists, Muslims Against Sharia are at war with Islam. Why is that not surprising?)
The Maritime Sentry: Muslim Allies Against Radical Jihad
Freedom and Reason: Attempted Hijacking
Ironic Surrealism II: Muslims Against Sharia Offers Counter Bounty
Exposing Muslims Against Sharia: Radical Muslim with superficial knowledge of Islam and its traditions is "exposing" Muslims Against Sharia
The Bellicose Angur: Muslims Against Sharia
Gateway Pundit: Muslims Offer Bounty For Capture of Al-Qaeda in Iraq Leader!
Caledoniyya: Of Bounty Hunters and Cartoonists #2
The Lighthouse: "Muslims Against Sharia" issue Counter Bounty
1389 Blog - Antijihadist Tech: Blogburst: Muslims Against Shariah Issue Counter Bounty
Right Truth: Let me say this about that
No Quarter: Genuint Moderata Muslimer?
9/19/07 Reformist Muslim group offers counter-bounty on Al Baghdadi
Another War-on-Terror Blog: Swedish Dog Displays Blasphemous Images
The Daily Salty: A pacman bounty on Al Qaeda
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Cossiga to Columbia: Take Your Title and Shove It!
Source: Polish News Agency
Friday, September 28, 2007
Please use MASH not MAS
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Zeyno Baran on Political Islam (Islamism)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Reformists of CAIR
a reply to an article
More info: CAIRwatch, Anti-CAIR
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Islamophobia in the Blogosphere
Ahmadinejad at Columbia: What a Disgrace!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Excerpts from "One on One with Steven Emerson: 'Jihad is jihad'"

The sad reality is that the vast majority of institutional organizations in the hierarchical Muslim spectrum represent the Muslim Brotherhood, the Wahhabis or the Salafists. It's a microcosm of the Muslim world. And we deceive ourselves into believing that the American Muslim community is somehow insulated from the "paranoia propaganda" that exists in the Muslim world as a whole - that which claims the Christians and the Jews are out to subjugate Islam.
If, as you claim, the vast majority of institutional Muslim organizations represent the radicals, is there such a thing today as "moderate Islam"?
There is a moderate Muslim tradition that exists. You can see it in the actions and behavior of some Muslim leaders in the US - like Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani and Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser - religious Muslims who have rejected terrorism and extremism. There are also secular Muslims - such as intellectual Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is one of the bravest women I have ever met. But since she's rejected Islam entirely, she has no religious standing. And, as courageous as the above figures are, they don't have the following that CAIR [the Council on American Islamic Relations] does, because Saudi Arabia's not supporting them financially. There exists no Saudi "Peace Now" movement to back them. There's virtually nobody in the established Islamic hierarchy that will support any Muslim who denounces holy war. Of course, there are the ersatz moderates who assert that jihad does not mean holy war - that it only means striving. These are the propagandists who whitewash Islamic extremism.
Do all these Muslim leaders really support jihad, or are they afraid to come out against it for fear they will be targeted for assassination by radicals?
So far, there is no reformation going on within the Islamic world. The imams who espouse jihad and the killing of Jews and Christians are sincere in their belief. A relative handful of individual Muslim intellectuals and leaders have spoken out, but they have not garnered a major following. It's a fact of life that those willing to stick their necks out of the foxhole risk getting shot at.
You make a distinction between the "suits" in the FBI and organized Muslim institutions and the rank-and-file in the field. Extending that analogy to the American people as a whole, would you say that The New York Times and The Washington Post are perhaps not representative of the majority?
I definitely think the analogy can be extended, and that the American public gets it: They understand there is a problem with radical Islam. The elite newspapers, with the exception of The Wall Street Journal, systematically censor the news in order to downplay the threat, or at worst, literally distort the facts to falsely portray radical Islamic groups in the United States as victims, which is exactly in line with the victimology propagated by these groups. If misreporting were a crime, a lot of reporters would be in jail.
Yet a distinction has been made between holy war and spiritual jihad - between the "lesser" jihad and the large.
What we're looking at right here [he points to the Dolphinarium below, the site of the June 1, 2001 suicide bombing that left 21 dead and more than 100 wounded] is the marker of where the "lesser jihad" was carried out against young Israelis at a discotheque. Though it's true that moderate Muslims may interpret jihad as a spiritual struggle, radical Islamic clerics who aren't trying to "spin" the West say openly that jihad means only one thing: fighting for the sake of imposing Islam. And it's both obscene and corrupt that certain media outlets talk about it as though it were no more than quitting smoking or cleaning up the environment. The 3,000 killed on 9/11, and the 1,500 Israelis killed during the second intifada, died because the perpetrators were carrying out jihad.
A reformation from within?
That's right. And it will be plenty bloody. Unfortunately, however, before that happens, Muslim nations like Iran will acquire weapons of mass destruction. They will acquire nuclear bombs, and when Ahmadinejad says Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth, he really means it. And if he had the weapons to carry that out, he'd use them.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Please DO NOT abbreviate Muslims Against Sharia
State Dept Stuck on Stupid
Al Reuters can't help but put the word "terrorism" in quotes but even with their dhimmi edits, it's a devastating indictment of the level of stupidity and willful ignorance and Arabist mentality at State. "The GAO said the State Department expressed disappointment with the report's findings and rejected recommendations" - apparently 10,000 would be terrorists is not enough for State.
U.S. admits nearly 10,000 from "terrorism" states hat tip Wolf
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly 10,000 people from countries designated as sponsors of terrorism have entered the United States under an immigration diversity program with relatively few restrictions, a report released on Friday said.
The report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office said the State Department's inspector general warned in 2003 that the Diversity Visa Program posed a significant risk to national security and recommended it be closed to people from countries on the U.S. list of state terrorism sponsors.
But four years later, the program remains open to people from those nations and little is known about what becomes of them once they enter the United States, the GAO said.
From 2000 to 2006, the program allowed 3,703 people from Sudan, 3,164 from Iran, 2,763 from Cuba and 162 from Syria to enter the United States and apply for permanent legal resident status, the report said. That totals 9,792 new immigrants.
"We found no documented evidence of ... immigrants from state sponsors of terrorism committing any terrorist acts," said the GAO, a nonpartisan investigative arm of Congress.
"However ... the Department of Homeland Security, terrorism experts and federal law enforcement officials familiar with immigration fraud believe that some individuals including terrorists and criminals could use fraudulent means to enter or remain in the United States."
The report quoted a U.S. security officer in Turkey as saying it would be possible for Iranian intelligence officers to pose as applicants and not be detected if their identities were not already known to U.S. intelligence.
The GAO said the State Department expressed disappointment with the report's findings and rejected recommendations that the department compile more comprehensive data on fraud activity and formulate a new strategy for combating it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
American Dhimmitude: Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia
Muslims Against Sharia praise Mayor Giuliani, Congressman Hunter, Senator McCain, Governor Romney, and Senator Thompson [1] [2] for calling to rescind invitations for Ahmadinejad or not to allow him in the US.



More on the subject: Why Does Columbia host Ahmadinejad?
Columbia Dean: Of Course We Would Invite Hitler
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Defend Freedom of Speech - Support Sweden!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Swedish Cartoons
Muslimer mot Sharia berömmer Lars Vilks, Ulf Johansson, Torbjörn Larsson och övriga anställda på Nerikes Allehanda och Dagens Nyheter för deras tapperhet och fördömer hotet från Abu Omar Al Baghdadi och Islamistiska Iraq. Muslimer mot Sharia betalar 100 000 SEK (ca 15 000$) för information som leder till gripande eller oskadligörande av Abu Omar Al Baghdadi.
If someone wants to donate money for the bounty, please visit When making a donation, please make a note: for Al Baghdadi bounty. We will add the amount on top of 100,000kr. If the bounty is not paid for any reason, you will have an option of a refund.
"capture or neutralization of Abu Omar Al Baghdadi" means "capture or neutralization of Abu Omar Al Baghdadi or whomever uses the pseudonym."
Indianapolis Footbaths
Islamization of America
That's one small step for Islamists towards Islamization of the West, one giant leap for Americans towards Dhimmitude.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Muslim Man Arrested In Michigan With Assault Rifle
DEARBORN - Houssein Zorkot, a 26-year-old Dearborn resident, was arraigned Tuesday in 19th District Court on multiple felony charges, including carrying a dangerous weapon with unlawful intent — a five-year felony.
Zorkot, a third-year medical student at Wayne State University, was allegedly armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face when he was arrested Saturday in Hemlock Park.
According to police, Zorkot was observed attempting to leave the park in a black SUV after officers had received reports of a man carrying a rifle in the area. He was placed under arrest and is scheduled to undergo a preliminary examination at 9 a.m. Sept. 21 in 19th District Court.
Zorkot has also been charged with one count of possession of a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle and one count of felony firearm. He remains in custody on a $1 million bond (cash, no 10 percent).
For more on this story, see Sunday’s edition of the Press & Guide.
Contact Staff Writer Sean Delaney at (313) 359-7820 or
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Goals / Manifesto
OUR MANIFESTOAcknowledging mistakes The majority of the terrorist acts of the last three decades, including the 9/11 attacks, were perpetrated by Islamic fundamentalists in the name of Islam. We, as Muslims, find it abhorrent that Islam is used to murder millions of innocent people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Inconsistencies in the Koran Unfortunately, Islamic religious texts, including the Koran and the Hadith contain many passages, which call for Islamic domination and incite violence against non-Muslims. It is time to change that. Muslim fundamentalists believe that the Koran is the literal word of Allah. But could Allah, the most Merciful, the most Compassionate, command mass slaughter of people whose only fault is being non-Muslim? The Koran & the Bible Many Bible figures from Adam to Jesus (Isa) are considered to be prophets and are respected by Islam. Islamic scholars however believe that both the Old and the New Testament came from God, but that they were corrupted by the Jews and Christians over time. While neither Testament calls for mass murder of unbelievers, the Koran does. Could it be possible that the Koran itself was corrupted by Muslims over the last thirteen centuries? The need for reform Islam, in its present form, is not compatible with principles of freedom and democracy. Twenty-first century Muslims have two options: we can continue the barbaric policies of the seventh century perpetuated by Hassan al-Banna, Abdullah Azzam, Yassir Arafat, Ruhollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, Hizballah, Hamas, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, etc., leading to a global war between Dar al-Islam (Islamic World) and Dar al-Harb (non-Islamic World), or we can reform Islam to keep our rich cultural heritage and to cleanse our religion from the reviled relics of the past. We, as Muslims who desire to live in harmony with people of other religions, agnostics, and atheists choose the latter option. We can no longer allow Islamic extremists to use our religion as a weapon. We must protect future generations of Muslims from being brainwashed by the Islamic radicals. If we do not stop the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, our children will become homicidal zombies. Accepting responsibilities To start the healing process, we must acknowledge evils done by Muslims in the name of Islam and accept responsibility for those evils. We must remove evil passages from Islamic religious texts, so that future generations of Muslims will not be confused by conflicting messages. Our religious message should be loud and clear: Islam is peace; Islam is love; Islam is light. War, murder, violence, divisiveness & discrimination are not Islamic values. Religious privacy Religion is the private matter of every individual. Any person should be able to freely practice any religion as long as the practice does not interfere with the local laws, and no person must be forced to practice any religion. Just as people are created equal, there is no one religion that is superior to another. Any set of beliefs that is spread by force is fundamentally immoral; it is no longer a religion, but a political ideology. Equality Islam is one of the many of the world's religions. There will be no Peace and Harmony in the World if Muslims and non-Muslims do not have equal rights. Islamic supremacy doctrine is just as repulsive as Aryan supremacy doctrine. History clearly shows what happens to the society whose members consider themselves above other peoples. All moderate Muslims must repudiate the mere notion of Islamic supremacy. Sharia Sharia Law must be abolished, because it is incompatible with norms of modern society. Outdated practices Any practices that might have been acceptable in the Seventh Century; i.e., stoning, cutting off body parts, marrying and/or having sex with children or animals, must be condemned by every Muslim. Outdated verses The following verses promote divisiveness and religious hatred, bigotry and discrimination. They must be either removed from the Koran or declared outdated and invalid, and marked as such. Outdated words & phrases Use of the following words and phrases or their variations must be prohibited during religious services: • Infidel / Unbeliever: these terms have negative connotation and promote divisiveness and animosity; Islam is not the only religion • Jihad: this word is often interpreted as Holy War against non-Muslims • Mujaheed/Holy Warrior: no more wars in the name of Islam • American (Christian / Crusader / Israeli / Zionist) occupation: these terms promote bigotry; at this point in time, Muslims living in non-Muslim lands have more freedoms than Muslims living in Muslim lands Islam vs. violence Islam has no place for violence. Any person calling for an act of violence in the name of Islam must be promptly excommunicated. Any grievances must be addressed by lawful authorities. It is the religious and civic duty of every Muslim to unconditionally condemn any act of terrorism perpetrated in the name of Islam. Any Muslim group that has ties to terrorism in any way, shape, or form, must be universally condemned by both religious and secular Muslims. Portrayal of Prophets While portrayal of Prophets is not an acceptable practice in Islam could be personally offensive to some Muslims, other religions do not have such restrictions. Therefore, the portrayal of the Prophets must be treated as a manifestation of free expression. The Crusades vs. The Inquisition While the Inquisition was a repulsive practice by Christian Fundamentalists, the Crusades were not unprovoked acts of aggression, but rather attempts to recapture formerly Christian lands controlled by Muslims. Brothers and Sisters! |