Somebody, please, excommunicate those barbarians!
Blog Archive
- Calls in Sudan for execution of Briton
- U.S. man pleads guilty in bid to aid Hezbollah
- Self-appointed enforcers of Islamic law spread inf...
- Financial Jihad
- Saudis: 208 Arrested in Different Plots
- 'We are at war with all Islam'An interview with Ay...
- Sudan Charges British Teacher With Insulting Religion
- Covering customs in Turkey
- Annapolis is about Syria or should be
- Muslims Against Sharia in the Media - November '07
- Somali Gets 10 Years in Ohio Bomb Plot
- 1,500 Saudi militants go free after 'repenting'
- On Upcoming Annapolis Summit
- Justice Ministry: Saudi Gang Rape Victim Was an Ad...
- Hezbollah adds new demand in Lebanon
- Iraqi Kurdistan schools will teach religions other...
- An Egyptian Makes the Case for America
- 5 Die As Bus Explodes in Russia
- 11 years for refusing to testify to grand jury in ...
- Claim: U.S. training known terror leader
- Flying imams win round 1
- Six imams kicked off flight win a round in court
- Islamist Child Abuse
- Radical cleric faces extradition to US
- Profiles of American Islamofascists: Omar Abdel-R...
- Destroying Sharia With Islamic Tools
- Gender apartheid in Iran
- The Violent Oppression of Women in Islam
- Taliban Torture, Execute 5 Afghan Police
- Profiles of American Islamofascists: Riad Abdelkarim
- A Grim Milestone Ignored
- Islamists: Silencing Critics
- Congressman Tom Tancredo on Islamic Jihadists
- Tom Tancredo Radio Ad
- Saudi punishes gang rape victim with 200 lashes
- Los Angeles Police Plan to Map Muslims
- Journalists' Guides to Understanding Islam and Mus...
- Former FBI Agent, and CIA Employee, an FBI Mole?
- Philippine Congress Bombing
- Rice again calls Hamas 'resistance' movement
- The Mainstream Media: Islamist Facilitators
- CAIR: Protecting Muslim Citizens is “Unlawful”
- Imam shot dead the day after he spoke out against ...
- Al-Muhajiroun, Open for Business in Denmark
- Turkish-Kurd tensions spill into Europe's streets
- Emerson, a Jew who gets itA perspective of a moder...
- The Lyrical Terrorist
- FBI's Latest Outreach Outrage
- Achmed the Dead Terrorist
- Danish Party Threatened by Palestinian Militants
- Homicide Bombing: Afghanistan, November 6, 2007
- Paying a Call on the Saudi EmbassyThe struggle for...
- Muslims Against Sharia Demand Release of Ghows Zalmay
- Afghan Koran Distributor Arrested
- Britain: Islamofascists bully Muslims over selling...
- British Dhimmitude: Teachers' Muslim dress order
- Musharraf declares emergency in Pakistan
- The Islamic Reformation
- Somebody, please, excommunicate those barbarians!
- Understanding the Wahhabist Infiltration of America
- If Not Islamofascism, What Name to Give?
- Arabic-Speaking Passengers Sue American
- Muslims Against Sharia is a "muslim terrorist orga...
- Muslims Against Sharia condemn U.N. criticism of I...
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