It is one thing to stand against the excesses of Islam and to level well deserved criticism. And it fair to say that there are sects of triumphalist Islam with which we are at war. They include Wahhabi / Salafi Islam, Deobandi Islam, and Khomeinist Shia'ism. For lack of a better term, I will refer to them as the Islamists.
It is another thing entirely to lump all of Islam under a single banner with the Islamists. It is like lumping all of Christianity under the banner of a single sect. But finding the dividing line is not easy - and indeed, the line is deliberately muddled by many Islamist organizations such as CAIR and MCB operating freely in the West. When those who would alter and evolve their religion stand up to be counted, such as Zhudi Jasser, they are most vehemently attacked by Muslim organizations in the West. But what is worse is that they are largely ignored by the MSM.
Thus, when I stumble upon organizations clearly decicated to a vision of Islam contra to that of Islamists, I try to point them out and urge my readers, few though they may be, to fully suport them. And such, it would appear, is the Center for Islamic Pluralism, which includes on its website a weekly "Wahhabi Watch." And for example, here is a recent column by CIP's Canadian Director Salim Mansur, "Middle East Indebted to Bush," that appeared in the Toronto Sun on January 12, 2008. Read more ...
Source: Wolf Howling