Sumayyah Meehan is a "Kuwait-based American writer who embraced Islam." In this article she transgresses somewhat against her Khaleej Times headline, "Why Islam rejects lying and deception in all forms," by detailing, quite accurately, the circumstances in which lying is permitted according to Islamic law -- including "in times of war." Which means now.
Some Western analysts claim that taqiyya, which is essentially religious deception, is an exclusively Shi'ite practice that is not condoned by Sunnis -- and that only "Islamophobes" believe that any of it is going on today. Meehan here quotes a tradition of Muhammad that also appears in other hadith collections besides Tirmidhi, and is generally considered authentic by Sunni Muslim scholars. Will those analysts brand Meehan an "Islamophobe"? Read more ...
Source: Jihad Watch