The CAIR Hate and Terror blog has the story: Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez drew the cartoon above, which has roaches coming out of a sewer marked "Iran" and "Extremism." I would see that as referring to Iran's exporting of jihad terrorists, but CAIR saw it differently, and called upon its drones to write protest letters to the Columbus Dispatch: "Send polite comments about this Nazi-style cartoon depicting Iranians as roaches fleeing a sewer to: gsheller@dispatch.com, michael.ramirez@investors.com."
Of course, the cartoon doesn't refer to Iranians as roaches, and CAIR -- as the CAIR Hate and Terror blog points out -- has never spoken out against Ahmadinejad's Nazi-like emissions of Jew-hatred, but when has CAIR cared for decency or consistency?
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Dhimmi WatchMuslims Against Sharia would like to express support for Michael Ramirez and Columbus Dispatch. Do not bow to intimidation campaign of terrorist front CAIR!