Friday, June 12, 2009

Ali Sina on the Islamist Speech of US President to the Islamic World

America’s Islamist President
June 12, 2009 - by Ali Sina

Obama chose the Islamic university of Al Azhar to deliver his speech to all the Muslims. He started talking about the tension between Islam and America.

America sees Islam as a religion. America does not have any tension with any religion. It’s Muslims who see Islam as a world government that have tension with everyone. They see all governments that are not based on the Sharia law as usurpers of the throne of Allah and want to topple them.

Then Obama made a wrong diagnosis. He said, “The tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies.”
If that were the only reason how can we explain Islamic terrorism in India, in Philippines, in Indonesia, in Somalia, and in Egypt? These countries were not colonialists nor did they treat Muslims as proxies.
He continued:
America and Islam are not exclusive. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles - principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
This is not true! Islamic justice does not extend to non Muslims who according to the Quran must be treated harshly.
The Quran 48:29, says “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are harsh against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other.”
9:14, Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, and heal the breasts of Believers,
As for progress, what progress? Progress is not allowed in Islam. Progress requires innovation. You have to be able to adapt your way of thinking. This is prohibited in Islam. It’s called bid’a. Muslims must avoid bid’a and follow the sunna, the traditions of Muhammad.
Islamic tolerance is also a myth.
Ch 3: v. 85 of the Quran says “And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him”
And how can there be dignity for all human begins when the Quran instructs Muslims to fight against those who do not believe, until they pay the Jizyah submissively, after being humiliated?
Then Obama said that “he had known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed.
If he thinks the Quran is a revealed book, why did he leave Islam?
Obama had a Muslim father and was raised as a Muslim. Therefore, according to Islamic law he is a Muslim. If a Muslim leaves Islam he must be killed.
There is a big difference between a Christian who converts to Islam and a Muslim who converts to Christianity.
A Christian who converts to Islam is led to believe that Jesus was a prophet of God who foretold the coming of Muhammad and that by converting to Islam he is fulfilling his command.
When a Muslim converts to Christianity, it’s because he believes that Muhammad was not a prophet of God.
Obama is not honest about his beliefs. He’s a man of many faces and many secrets.
He said, “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
What exactly does civilization owe to Islam? From the countries conquered by Islam, many great scientists such as Al Razi, Khayyam, Ibn Sina, Al Farabi and Al Khwarizmi emerged. Firstly, these men were Persians and others were from other non-Arab nations. Secondly, many of them were rationalists and not believers in Islam. Thirdly, why Islam should be credited for their contribution to science and civilization? Do we call Copernicus, Galileo, and Da Vinci, Christian scientists?
One can overlook these platitudes as flatteries to cajole the Muslims. What is troubling is when Obama starts talking about the “partnership between America and Islam.”
Does America have partnership with Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism or even Christianity? What kind of partnership can exist between a country and a religion?
Obama did not stop there. He went on to say “I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
Is defending a religion, any religion, part of the responsibility of the POTUS?
Isn’t the separation between religion and state a requirement of the constitution of the USA?
He added:“The U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.
There you have it. Obama is using the taxpayer’s money and abusing his position to impose the Sharia law in America and he says that if you protest, he’ll punish you. If the Saudi king had been pulling the strings of the US president, would the result be any different?
What Mr. Obama is forgetting is that his duty is not to defend the Sharia law but the Constitution of the US, where the freedom of speech and the right to criticize religion is enshrined.
Mr. Obama wants to bring two-tier laws, and create an Islamic state within the United States.
What is interesting is that Mr. Obama who claims to be a Christian specifically requested a picture of Jesus on the cross be removed from the wall that would be behind him when speaking at an event in Georgetown University, last month.
In his Cairo speech he further said:
The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills a person, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.
This is not what the Quran teaches. This is part of a story from the Talmud about Able and Cain that Muhammad rehashed in the Quran. The idea behind this tale is that since Able and Cain were the only humans on earth, if one of them were to be killed, he would not have been able to procreate, and the whole humanity would not have been born.
It’s a fable. It comes from Judaic mythology and not a teaching of Muhammad. Taken out of its context, as Obama did, it makes no sense. Killing one person is not like killing two persons, let alone all mankind.
Muhammad had no respect for human life. He assassinated his opponents, and massacred thousands of people.
The Quran is full of verses inciting the believers to kill. Following the teachings of the Quran, Muslims killed an estimated 270 million people during a period of 1400 years. No other cause has produced so many deaths in human history.
Obama quoted another verse that says, ‘Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.’
But which truth? Truth according to Muslims is what Muhammad said, and not what is factual. For Muslims, the Quran is the only truth.
He was reading from chapter 9, verse 119. The verse that follows says “It does not behoove the people of Mecca and its surroundings, to hold back from following Allah’s Apostle (to war,) or to care for their own selves more than for him -for, whenever they take any step which angers the disbelievers, a good deed is recorded in their favor.
This is one of the very last verses spoken by Muhammad that sums up the message of Islam.
Muhammad ended this verse by saying “Allah never fails to recompense those who are righteous.”
As you see, the concept of just and righteous in Islam is not the same as we understand it. Righteous is a person who abuses and enrages the disbelievers.
If you loot, rape, kill and anger the disbelievers you are righteous. Muslims often desecrate the cemeteries of non-Muslims to anger them and to be righteous the Islamic way.
Obama then affirmed that “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism - it is an important part of promoting peace,” he said
Nothing can be further from the truth. Islam IS the problem. It is the violent teaching of the Quran that drives Muslims to terrorism. The more a Muslim tries to follow the Quran, the more likely it is that he will become violent. That is why terrorist training camps teach the Quran.
The fourth issue that Obama raised was democracy.
When he mentioned this word, the audience cheered. But democracy was not what this liberator of mankind had in mind. Quite the contrary, he said,
“So let me be clear: no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.
Each nation gives life to this principle in its own way, grounded in the traditions of its own people. America does not presume to know what is best for everyone”
After dashing the hopes of democracy seekers in the Islamic countries, he gave lip service to the rights of the people “to speak their minds in how they are governed, and in a government that is transparent and does not steal.”
Speaking of transparency Mr. Obama, where is your birth certificate?
Obama’s message about democracy was that he is going to abandon Bush’s agenda, and that America will no longer pursue democracy in Islamic countries.
In an address to university students in Cairo in 2005, Condoleezza Rice explained the “Bush Doctrine in these terms: “For 60 years, the United States pursued stability at the expense of democracy in the Middle East - and we achieved neither. Now we are taking a different course.”
As the result the Bush Administration pushed for the improvement of human rights, freedom of speech, free elections and removed two obnoxious regimes in Islamic countries.
Mr. Obama wants to scrap that policy and return to the same old policy that America pursued for 60 years and angered the Muslims while labeling it “A New Beginning”
The truth is that neither policy works. There can be no change in the Islamic world because Islam does not allow change.
The only thing that works is to wean Muslims from Islam. That can be done when the truth is not suppressed. Obama wants to suppress the truth. He thinks it is part of his mandate to silence the critics of Islam.
Who gave him that mandate? Not the voters! It’s at times like this that one wonders where did Obama get that billion dollars to run his presidential campaign, the source of which he never disclosed, and what was that obsequious bow from a haughty man like him to the Saudi king all about!
What is so striking is that this gentleman who claims to be a Christian, while crusading for Islam has no problem ridiculing the Bible, as he did during his campaign, but he will punish you if you criticize the Quran.
Obama said he is “committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill Zakat.”
Zakat is monetary contribution that Muslims are required to make if they are unable to fight in jihad personally. Since Jihad is an obligation for every Muslim, if you cannot participate, you can be rewarded nonetheless, if you sponsor someone else to fight as your proxy.
The reason Zakat came under scrutiny, was because it was discovered that many Islamic “charitable foundations” were actually fundraisers for various terrorist organizations. Mr. Obama wants to ensure that American Muslims can fund the jihad with peace of mind.
Obama ended his self proclaimed “historic speech” by adopting a messianic tone, preaching how everyone must put aside their differences, come together and work in harmony.
His problem is credibility. He is a narcissist and therefore a good preacher. Narcissists are full of advices to hand out, but they do not walk the talk. Obama has been a member of a racist church throughout his adult life. His close friends and mentors were mostly crooks, terrorists and hate mongers. And now he has become the savior of the world and the harbinger of peace to mankind. This disconnect is what makes him a pathological narcissist. Narcissists are bereft of conscience, while they believe they are called upon to be God.
Narcissists love life in the limelight. They love to preach and sound holy. But there is a huge gap between what they preach and what they practice.
Is Obama a Muslim?
Obama has allegiance to Islam. He is partly Islamist, partly Marxist, partly appeaser, partly fascist, partly despot, partly slavish, partly racist, and partly an idealist wishful-thinker simpleton.

His elusive character cannot be pinned down because he is a narcissist. He is a man with many masks and no identity. Behind those masks there is a neglected child, crying out for attention and love. The best description of Obama is a quote from his book, ‘The Audacity of Hope,’ where he wrote, “I serve as a blank screen, on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.”
Obama went to Turkey and then to Cairo to receive approbation. He will go to those who will cheer for him loudest, and – will tell them what they want to hear. Obama is an emotionally needy man, a narcissist in a perpetual hunt for applause and admiration.


I’d like to make a video clip with this message and post it on Youtube. If you have a good professionally trained voice and would like to read it please record this message with your voice and send it to me in a file. Thanks faitfreedom2 @ Keep it under 10 minutes.


Ali Sina is the author of “Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet,


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