Nov. 26 - In a continuing campaign to promote the revolution, people are continuing to write revolutionary slogans on Iran’s money. In an article called Revolution of Iran’s Bills the Information Center of Ilaf in Saudi Arabia wrote, “between two demonstrations the protesters of Iran will not be quiet.
Iranian youths in an effective way remind the regime of the storm of revolution by writing slogans on the bills. They distribute bills that have anti-regime slogans and photos on them everywhere. Iran’s central bank intended to prevent the cycling of these bills but had to give it up because bazaar is flooded with these bills.”
Nov. 26 - The student strike at the Polytechnic University Mahshahr campus continues for a fourth day. The strike will continue until the security of students is guaranteed,
Nov. 25 - As a precursor to Student’s Day, December Seventh, students at Tabriz Azad University, Razi University in Kermanshah Babol Noshirvan University and Sharif Industrial University of Tehran continue writing slogans against the regime’s Supreme Leader.
Nov. 26 - Dr. Faramaz Javanroodi, a member of the Science Board of the Department of Mechanics, was arrested at his residence. there is currently no information on his location.
Nov. 26 - The families of arrested Allameh University students gathered in front of the Court of the regime to demand news of their children. As a result it was learned that these students are in Ward 209 of Evin Prison.
Nov. 26 - Taxi drivers on Kish island struck to protest cuts in their fuel ration.