Lady Justice Hallett, the specially appointed coroner, said that the long delayed hearings would also cover the deaths of Mohammad Sidique Khan and his accomplices.
Graham Foulkes, whose son David, 22, died in the attacks, told The Times: "She told us that the inquests will have to include the bombers because it was the same event. I'm absolutely gutted about that. I hadn't expected that at all."
The families were also upset to learn that the inquests, to be held next year, could take place in partial secrecy under controversial new legislation and that they were not necessarily entitled to legal aid to appoint lawyers.
Representatives of some of the families were called to a meeting with Lady Hallett, an Appeal Court judge, in London and they emerged with concerns that she had been unable to answer many questions. The families have campaigned unsuccessfully for a public inquiry into the bombings to answer questions about what security services knew of Khan and his fellow terrorists.