Analysis. The previous post based upon a story in Alsharq Alaswat may not be the whole story.
The Saudis, with the assistance of the Jordanian Special Forces, may well have controlled the border.
The request for additional special forces probably means that the Saudis are attempting to destroy the Houthis as a threat both military and religious.
As long as the Houthis exist in some number, the Saudis are subject to Iranian meddling on their southern border and the World is subject to the possibility of Iranian control of the southern entrance to the Red Sea by proxy.
Should this conflict be the one that breaks the camel’s back, removing the Houthi threat eliminates one battle front that the Saudis and their allies must contend with.
That ally would most likely be the Egyptians at this point whose forces would be better used deployed in Jordan to take on the Syrians and Hezbollah.