They will choose to go to dhimmified infidel countries like the UK that quiver in fear of their Muslim population and acquiesce to their every demand.
Good on Sarkozy but his enthusiasm for the Euromed project (and the resulting tsunami of Muslim immigrants) is uh .....
Women who wear burkhas in public face a fine of £700 under new laws being drafted in France.
(Metro UK hat tip Steven Gash)
The penalty will be doubled for men who force wives or other female relatives to dress in the Islamic veils.
The proposal aims to protect the ‘dignity’ and ‘security’ of women, said Jean-Francois Cope, president of the ruling Union for Popular Movement party.
The fine will apply to ‘all people on the public street whose face is entirely covered’ and also include people in public buildings, he added.
French president Nicolas Sarkozy has said before that the veils are ‘not welcome’ in secular countries such as France because they intimidate and alienate non-Muslim people.
He also described them as ‘a sign of subservience and debasement that imprison women’.
However, Mr Cope conceded that a complete ban on burkhas in France faced legal obstacles, including a possible challenge before the European Court of Human Rights on the grounds that it would limit religious freedom.
France has more than 5 million Muslims – the highest number of any European country – and in 2004 passed a law forbidding veils and other religious symbols in schools.
However, a recent police report said only about 400 women in the country dress in Muslim veils.
They are worn widely in countries such as Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia but not in north African nations, where many of France’s Muslim immigrants are originally from.
A draft law on the proposal to ban the veils in public is due to go before France’s National Assembly.
With thanks to Atlas