Recently, as most of us know, the show had a character verbalize a connection between a psychotic murder and the fans of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O’Reilly. The connection, naturally, is that these three individuals are “a cancer spreading ignorance and hate.”
The other day another episode I watched launched a ferocious attack on a religion and, surprise, surprise, it wasn’t Islam. The producers didn’t take the road less traveled.
You know, the one on which you confront the real dangers facing us but risk attracting lawsuits and death threats and, well, you know, putting your job and life at stake and stuff like that.
Why bother doing all that when you can just dip into the trendy liberal moral sewer and attack the Catholic Church — with no consequences to your own career and personal well-being? The Catholic Church is so evil, you see, that absolutely nothing will happen to you after you attack it.
In this particular episode, a Catholic priest molests boys and the Church covers it all up. The script offers a politically correct delicacy in which the seal of confession is portrayed as a vile rule created by horrid men for the purpose of institutionalizing abuse and tyranny.
There are no complexities, nothing to be said about the sacredness and importance of a priest having the obligation of keeping a confessed sin a secret. It’s all just so simple and, of course, evil.
Suffice it to say that the subject of this show is a reality in terms of the abuse of young boys by certain Catholic priests and its subsequent cover-up. These crimes have been investigated, exposed, and punished. And they should continue to be investigated, exposed, and punished. So as the topic for a show on television, it’s clearly warranted and legitimate.
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