The lurking danger in Pakistan is that the former Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, who was also the subject of a failed assassination attempt, has some skeletons in his closet. He tried to befriend bin Laden as a means of co-opting Al Qaeda. Further, he is allied with Islamist elements in the Pakistani government intelligence service, the ISI, which might facilitate a Taliban-like takeover. It was the late Ms. Bhutto who in recent correspondence accused the ISI of trying to assassinate her.
The prospect of a Taliban-like takeover is daunting. Pakistan is acknowledged to have 60 nuclear heads, developed by the infamous Dr. A.Q. Khan, presently under house arrest. He also facilitated transfer of key nuclear technology to Iran from Pakistan. The fear is that the only bastion of opposition to the Islamists may collapse the largely secular Army of Pakistan. Without that bastion, the country might become another Islamic Republic akin to that in Shia-dominated Iran. Read more ...
Source: Family Security Matters
H/T: The Intelligence Summit