Two years ago I explained why "Palestine" will never come into existence. Events since then have confirmed my views.
The Bush trip to the Middle East was over before it began. Or putting it another way, Bush is just going through the motions.
In my opinion, it is Time to apply the Mandate
The two-state solution essentially was formulated in Resolution 181 otherwise known as the Partition Plan.
Almost from the day after the signing of the Palestine Mandate, Great Britain violated the Mandate and restricted Jewish immigration giving rise to the Partition Plan.
It is time to return to the original mandate which favoured
- "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine".
Today, after reading the address by Pres. Bush, I advised Stop worrying. The peace process is dead. and proceeded to analyze the speech paragraph by paragraph.
And for those who missed a recent poll, Israelis, by margin of 68:29, are against full withdrawal and division of Jerusalem