The Obama web site is hosting a page dedicated to Mohamed Elmougy, who in front of the Dallas Morning News Editorial board, openly supported honor killings specifically in discussion of Amina and Sarah Said.
Why does his campaign approve this garbage and leave it up at his site?
Here are Elmougy's comments to the Dallas Editorial board on the brutal Said killings:
Source: Obama '08Why does his campaign approve this garbage and leave it up at his site?
Here are Elmougy's comments to the Dallas Editorial board on the brutal Said killings:
Mohamed Elmougy, a prominent North Texas Muslim community leader and Egyptian immigrant, defended violence, even deadly violence, against women and homosexuals. Though the term "honor killing" did not come up in either discussion, Mr. Elmougy explained that violence against sexual outlaws is acceptable to defend the family and the social order.
"The way we view it, we don't look at it as violent," he said. "We look at it as a deterrent." Read more ...
H/T: Atlas
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