He was given this authority over the opposition of the speaker of the Majlis, Ali Larijani. Larijani demanded that the Majlis have oversight of this spending.
DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report that the president demanded the transfer of subsidy funding to the nation’s nuclear and missile programs, preparations for war and measures to offset international sanctions.
Please read the entire referenced article.
Analysis. The last time the Iranian government attempted to end subsidies they caused massive civil disobedience. That was in an era before the fraudulent reelection of Ahmadinejad and the protests that have followed.
I would expect things to get worse once this transfer of funds becomes generally known.
What is apparent is that the Revolutionary Guards Corps (RGC) is running Iran. That is why Ahmadinejad had to be reelected and his Cabinet filled with senior members of the RGC.
It is apparent that Iran is preparing for large scale conflict.
Whether or not they intend to be the aggressor is at the moment unknown. I suspect not in the near future.
The recent loss of their one AWACS in a mid-air collision has greatly increase their vulnerability to air attack. Also, their fleet of American made aircraft are probably not in the best of condition given the lack of spare parts. Without the S-300 systems that the Russians have yet to deliver they are basically defenseless against aerial attack other than during the day.
This is just another button pushed in the continuing program of attempting to get the US or Israel to be the aggressor.
Source: World Threats