The survey on 'Turkey Perception in the Middle East' was conducted by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation in seven Arab countries among 2006 interviewees in July.
The survey - as Anatolia news agency reports - showed a growing awareness for Turkey in the Arab world after 2002 when the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party came to power as 79% of all participants and 89% of the interviewed Palestinians had said Turkey should engage in mediation efforts.
The survey - as Anatolia news agency reports - showed a growing awareness for Turkey in the Arab world after 2002 when the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party came to power as 79% of all participants and 89% of the interviewed Palestinians had said Turkey should engage in mediation efforts.
Over 75% of the interviewees said they had a positive view on Turkey and 80% of them said Turkey "treated the Arab countries well." "The elaboration of Turkey's foreign policy toward the Middle East especially during the AK Party government has created an awareness for Turkey among the people in the region," said Prof. Meliha Altunisik from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara.
Altunisik said Turkey was perceived as "a constructive country that contributes to stability and its role in the region has been boosted in a constructive way. This is a very positive result."
The Turkish scholar said the recent lifting of visa requirement between Turkey and Syria had also contributed much to the positive perception.
The Turkish scholar said the recent lifting of visa requirement between Turkey and Syria had also contributed much to the positive perception.