Nov 17. - Students at the University of Science and Industry went on a hunger strike to protest the arrest of Poya Sharifnia.
Ali Praviz, a student at Khaje Nasir University is in ward 204 of Evin Prison. Today students at that university protested the continued arrest of students by chanting slogans.
The Basiji held a meeting at Azad University in Broojerd to warn students that those writing anti-regime slogans on the walls would be punished.
Students at Sahan Tabriz University in Tabriz gathered to protest the death of Javad Alizadeh from heat stroke and a lack of medication.
After the visit of Safar Harandi, the former Guidance Minister of the clerical regime to Gilan University, the RGC has given the names of 20 students present at the demonstrations to the university administration for dismissal. Some professors have resigned in protest.
On Saturday November 15, 500 students gathered in Isfehan-Najafabad to protest against the installation of surveillance systems on campus and the plan to separate male and female students in classes and other areas.
Nov. 16 - Ahmad Jabbari, a student at Elmi Karbordi University in Arak, was shot and severely wounded by agents of the regime. He was taken to a hospital and is being held incommunicado.
Nov. 17 - On Tuesday Nov. 17 in Saqez hundreds of people took to the streets to protest the planned execution of Shirkoo Moarefi. Police monitored the activities from rooftops and took pictures and videos of the people.
Numerous youths were arrested and their parents were forced to sign written promises that their children would not participate in demonstrations in order to free their children. Azad and Payame Universities are almost half closed. Unions have been threatened by the governor’s office that any shop going on strike will have its electricity, phone water and gas cut for six months. This will apply to the residence of the owner as well. They will also lose their business license.
Nov. 18 - In recent clashes between regime elements and the people 200 were arrested and imprisoned. They have all received a prison term of two years. The city is still uneasy.
Nov. 18. - Shops and food complexes in Sanandaj, Marivan and Saqez in Iranian Kurdistan closed to protest the execution of Ehsan Fatahi on the seventh day after the execution.
Nov. 18. - Ali Khamenei announced that the Vienna Plan to deal with Iran’s current stock of enriched uranium is void. Iran will only participate in such a plan if the transfer of Iran’s uranium for fuel rods is conducted in Iran.
Nov. 17 - The number of participants at demonstrations is being manipulated to discourage future participation in demonstrations.
The Tehran Prosecutor’s Office has announced that 89 suspects have been tried and sentenced for participation in demonstrations. Five of these people have received a death sentence and the rest sentences from six months to 15 years.