On the anniversary of the siege of the US Embassy in Tehran the people of Iran are holding massive demonstrations against the killer regime.
Report on Arrakis posted this video where the people are chanting “Die, Die Dictator!” and burning trash in the street:
Planet Iran (a great new website) is following the massive protests today.
This video shows the people chanting against Russia saying: “The Russian embassy is a nest of spies.”
Here’s another update live from Tehran:
■The regime’s own event in front of the U.S. embassy ended 10 minutes ago
■It is reported that ultimately not enough guards are available and that people are now gathering in an ever-growing masses
■Basij plainclothes and revolutionary guards attacking people in their homes
■People have vowed that they will stay in the streets to continue protesting
■People are being killed in Haft’eh Tir Square
■Karoubi was reportedly attacked and severely beaten by the regimes guards onModdaress Avenue as he was heading south toward Haft’eh Tir and was then driven away by members of his group of supporters.
■Students are conducting a sit-in at the gates of Tehran University chanting against the regime
Winston has updates from his Iranian contacts.
With thanks to Gateway Pundit