Monday, November 9, 2009
3:00pm - 5:30pm
Castleman Hall, 10th Street and Main, Rolla, MO.
This event is in response to Thursday's deliberate attack against U.S. Soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas, as well as June's attack against two Soldiers outside of an Arkansas recruiting center.
If you cannot attend this event in Rolla, MO, I urge you to organize your own local event. You may email your info to fire_in_the_belly@hotmail.com and we will post your info here to help spread the word.
The gunmen in both incidents shared the same motives. They felt that our troops were at war with Islam and felt it was their religious duty to kill "the aggressors".
In the meantime, many Americans are afraid to voice their concerns because for fear of being branded as "Islamophobes". This in turn prevents dialogue and thus the prevention of future attacks.
It is time for us to take a stand, regardless of our fears. Those of us who are uncertain have the right to ask questions and demand real answers.
We must educate our friends and neighbors, and effectively organize so that we may influence policies, both on the local and global level.
"Let's Roll!"
Monday, November 9, 2009
3:00pm - 5:30pm
Castleman Hall, 10th Street and Main, Rolla, MO.
This event is in response to Thursday's deliberate attack against U.S. Soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas, as well as June's attack against two Soldiers outside of an Arkansas recruiting center.
If you cannot attend this event in Rolla, MO, I urge you to organize your own local event. You may email your info to fire_in_the_belly@hotmail.com and we will post your info here to help spread the word.
The gunmen in both incidents shared the same motives. They felt that our troops were at war with Islam and felt it was their religious duty to kill "the aggressors".
In the meantime, many Americans are afraid to voice their concerns because for fear of being branded as "Islamophobes". This in turn prevents dialogue and thus the prevention of future attacks.
It is time for us to take a stand, regardless of our fears. Those of us who are uncertain have the right to ask questions and demand real answers.
We must educate our friends and neighbors, and effectively organize so that we may influence policies, both on the local and global level.
"Let's Roll!"
Source: Facebook
H/T: E.B.