Hardly had the final shots been fired at Fort Hood and hospitals were filling up with the wounded that the media rushed to assign blame for the massacre, not of course to Nidal Malik Hassan, who had opened fire aiming to kill as many soldiers as possible, but on the US Army and on his fellow soldiers.
Completely ignoring his Islamic ideology and Palestinian Arab background, the media speculated that he might have been suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, even though he had never served in a combat zone, that he was angry over being deployed to Iraq, even though he had a history of pro-terrorist postings predating that, and finally that he had been bullied by other soldiers for being a Muslim, a claim that has since emerged as completely baseless.
All of these however were ways of shifting the blame from Nidal Hassan and his Islamist ideology, and onto his victims, the men and women he had tried to kill, and the United States Army itself. Once again the media apparatchiks had decided that blame for a Muslim killing spree rested not with the perpetrator, but with his targets.
If Muslims follow a predictable pattern in their homicidal attacks, their Western Dhimmi apologists follow an equally predictable pattern, always willing to shift the blame onto anything and anyone, but the killers themselves and their hatefilled ideology. It's never Islam. Never the Koran.
Instead it's always the general unfairness of our foreign policy, our flagwaving and our obstinate refusal to let Muslims have whatever part of the world they have their sights on today.
Once again, they kill us and yet somehow we're the ones to blame. Because we didn't love and nurture poor Nidal Malik Hassan enough. We didn't install enough foot baths, respect his religion hard enough and worst of all we presumed to make war on his brothers who had murdered thousands of us on September 11. That of course is our original sin, fighting back.
As we speak the media talking heads are still furrowing their great weary brows, scratching behind their ears and wondering, what could the motive possibly be. The FBI, which has no doubt gone through more sensitivity and tolerance sessions than Nidal Hassan spent with his ass in the air at his local mosque, is of course also searching hard for a motive.
Currently some of the talking heads are peddling PTSD by Proxy, to avoid the minor problem that Hassan had never actually served in combat. Should this brand of lunacy take hold, it would allow anyone and everyone who has been near people who might have conceivably had PTSD to claim PTSD by Proxy as if it were a cold virus passing through the air.
Somehow this is made to seem more logical than that Nidal Hassan tried to kill a number of soldiers because he believed that his religion commanded him to do this. An event that had already occurred before and for which we have the evidence of his own words praising suicide bombers as heroes.
Thomas Kenniff, a former JAG who tried to bring some logic to the subject in his appearance on Larry King, was denounced as a racist for pouring cold water on the attempts to sell PTSD by Proxy as the motive, instead pointing to Hassan's radical beliefs.
For this Olbermann denounced him as the Worst Person in the World. Thomas Kenniff's crime was to interfere in the narrative that Larry King and just about everyone was trying to sell, of Nidal Hassan as another example of a worn out and overstressed US Army in which all the soldiers are on the breaking point.
All of these however were ways of shifting the blame from Nidal Hassan and his Islamist ideology, and onto his victims, the men and women he had tried to kill, and the United States Army itself. Once again the media apparatchiks had decided that blame for a Muslim killing spree rested not with the perpetrator, but with his targets.
If Muslims follow a predictable pattern in their homicidal attacks, their Western Dhimmi apologists follow an equally predictable pattern, always willing to shift the blame onto anything and anyone, but the killers themselves and their hatefilled ideology. It's never Islam. Never the Koran.
Instead it's always the general unfairness of our foreign policy, our flagwaving and our obstinate refusal to let Muslims have whatever part of the world they have their sights on today.
Once again, they kill us and yet somehow we're the ones to blame. Because we didn't love and nurture poor Nidal Malik Hassan enough. We didn't install enough foot baths, respect his religion hard enough and worst of all we presumed to make war on his brothers who had murdered thousands of us on September 11. That of course is our original sin, fighting back.
As we speak the media talking heads are still furrowing their great weary brows, scratching behind their ears and wondering, what could the motive possibly be. The FBI, which has no doubt gone through more sensitivity and tolerance sessions than Nidal Hassan spent with his ass in the air at his local mosque, is of course also searching hard for a motive.
Currently some of the talking heads are peddling PTSD by Proxy, to avoid the minor problem that Hassan had never actually served in combat. Should this brand of lunacy take hold, it would allow anyone and everyone who has been near people who might have conceivably had PTSD to claim PTSD by Proxy as if it were a cold virus passing through the air.
Somehow this is made to seem more logical than that Nidal Hassan tried to kill a number of soldiers because he believed that his religion commanded him to do this. An event that had already occurred before and for which we have the evidence of his own words praising suicide bombers as heroes.
Thomas Kenniff, a former JAG who tried to bring some logic to the subject in his appearance on Larry King, was denounced as a racist for pouring cold water on the attempts to sell PTSD by Proxy as the motive, instead pointing to Hassan's radical beliefs.
For this Olbermann denounced him as the Worst Person in the World. Thomas Kenniff's crime was to interfere in the narrative that Larry King and just about everyone was trying to sell, of Nidal Hassan as another example of a worn out and overstressed US Army in which all the soldiers are on the breaking point.
H/T: gramfan