"They are proudly saying they are here for jihad" or holy war, Anwar said.
One of the jihadis left behind a "farewell" video and Nihad Awad, national head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which approached the FBI on behalf of the families, said: "The government has to show some appreciation for the actions of the parents and the community". What about the father of one of the five that joined the them in their jihad? And what is the Muslim community doing to expunge the koran of these violent texts prescribing such violence?
No, instead they insist we willingly go to the gallows.
How can we be having this discussion? How can this be? How could such consideration be made? CAIR should be nailed for their support of jihad here and abroad. But once your premise if false, once your thinking is irrational, everything that stems from it will be ...insane. And so we have it - the era of insanity.
Can you imagine if we applied this to the Nazis? Go lenient on the Nazis or ......... they'll build more ovens.
CAIR is a jihadist organization. Of course they will front for the global jihad. I expect this from terrorists. But what of us? Where is our will? How can we allow this imposition of sharia law without so much as a cry out for liberty, freedom, for America, for our children?
FBI walks tightrope in outreach to Muslims Washington PostProbe into 5 Americans held in Pakistan could undermine relationships "As U.S. officials consider whether to file criminal charges against the men and how aggressively to prosecute any potential case, some Muslim leaders are calling for leniency, saying the tough approach often used by the Bush administration would alienate a community whose relationship with law enforcement is uneasy. "Charging them and throwing them in jail is not the solution," said Nihad Awad, national head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which approached the FBI on behalf of the families. "The government has to show some appreciation for the actions of the parents and the community. That will encourage other families to come forward."
The era of Obama. Of the 30 Muslim terror plots thwarted on U.S. soil since 9/11, 10 came in 2009. And Obama is dismantling the very mechanisms that enable us to stop these jihadis before they attack...........
- a plan to attack military aircraft and synagogues in New York (four men arrested in May),
- the fatal shooting of an Army recruiter and wounding of another in Little Rock in June,
- the North Carolina plot to wage jihad in various countries (eight men charged in July),
- a conspiracy to plant bombs in New York (prevented by apprehension of the accused, an Afghan national from Denver, in September),
- an attempted bombing at an Illinois courthouse, also in September,
- an intended assault on a shopping center in Massachusetts, foiled in October,
- and a firefight later that same month in Detroit between FBI agents and radicals bent on establishing an Islamist enclave ruled by sharia law in the United States.
Thanks to Atlas