He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. He can be contacted at davegaubatz@gmail.com.
FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Congrats on your new book Muslim Mafia.
Five missing American Muslim men have been arrested in Pakistan suspected of terrorist activity. CAIR claims that it assisted the FBI in this case. Your thoughts?
Gaubatz: Jamie, thank you.
I will get right to the point on this one. This is like Ismail Royer and Ali Al Timimi (both had strong relationships, and still do, with CAIR and are serving prison time for advocating terrorism against America) telling authorities they will help them prosecute Major Hasan from Ft. Hood.
I have been informing the public and law enforcement for years that the way to stop young Muslims in America from running away to fight Jihad against assumed ‘oppressors’ and enemies (to include America and Israel) is, for one, to stop groups like CAIR from promoting jihadist activity. We need to prosecute groups like this when they do things that are illegal. And let’s be honest about the materials that they distribute.
FP: And these materials are?
Gaubatz: These are materials Islamic leaders are providing to their worshippers. They come directly from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran. They are current and are distributed in 2009 as a reference to how young Muslims should carry out their obligatory duties in regards to physical Jihad. Young Muslims are told exactly the manner and tactics to use during attacks, what to attack, and the type of weapons to use.
For instance, I have previously written about the manuals that call for having the exact weapons the alleged enemies of Islam have, must be manufactured and/or purchased in America for their use. Such weapons as chemicals, high-powered weapons, biological, and nuclear.
FP: Ok just a second. Are you stating that CAIR and other such groups promote and advocate young men to leave America and engage in physical Jihad?
Gaubatz: Yes Jamie. And I am not the one saying it. The materials that these groups distribute to young Muslims are saying it.
I am just reporting on what I see. And not only are these materials telling young Muslims in America to leave America to fight enemies overseas; CAIR and their supporters advocate doing so in America as well.