He is doing all he can to get Rifqa back into the clutches of her father, whom Rifqa says threatened to kill her for converting to Christianity.
Tarazi has repeatedly said that he has nothing to do with the Islamic supremacist, jihadist Noor Mosque, of which Rifqa's parents are members. But -- surprise! -- he is lying, and has even perjured himself.
"Rifqa Bary's Parents CAIR Appointed Attorney Perjures Himself in Motions," from Atlas Shrugs, January 7:
"Back on December 14th Atlas broke the EXCLUSIVE story that the CAIR appointed lawyer for Rifqa Bary's parents, Omar Tarazi, was speaking at the extremist Noor mosque (here) - one big happy (Mansonish) family.
He joined Salah Sultan, Major Hasan, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and a veritable CAIR cabal.
The NOOR Mosque has come out publicly against Rifqa
The reason why this is germane is because it is being reported that Omar Tarazi perjured himself in recent court motions, when he denied connections to CAIR and to the Ohio terror mosque responsible for spying on Rifqa and revealing her conversion to her parents with the ominous threat to "straighten her out".
Further, during Rifqa's last hearing, Jamal Jivanjee told me that CAIR-Columbus executive director Babak Darvish was there.
Darvish is the same CAIR rep who was coaching the Barys when they met with the press. Omar Tarazi was going out into the lobby and colluding with the CAIR representative SEVERAL times before and after the hearing....
With thanks to JihadWatch