This is a link advertising Ahmed Bedier, a "Moderate Muslim Leader" and an "Expert."
Well, he is an expert, all right. An expert on manipulating media and government Dhimmis. Ahmed Bedier works for CAIR, a HAMAS front. It is the same Bedier who said that there was nothing immoral in being associated with PIG (Palestinian Islamic Gihad) before 1995. (For the record, Palestinian Islamic Gihad started its murderous history way before 1995.) It is the same Bedier who defended Sami al-Arian, who is in prison for terrorism. It is the same Bedier who on Glenn Beck's CNN show attacked Dr. Tawfik Hamid for taking part in the Secular Islam Summit. It is the same Bedier who uses his radio show to give forum to Hizballah supporters. You can find many examples of Bedier's 'moderacy' at cairwatch.org/profiles_cw.php. My personal favorite is this one:
'Catholic priests pose more of a terrorism threat by having sex with young altar boys than those who flew planes into the World Trade Center.'
(Ahmed Bedier to Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite, during surprise CAIR meeting with Congresswoman, May 29, 2004).Now, do Google employees who are responsible for this 'advertising' understand what a 'Moderate Muslim' is and that Bedier is anything, but moderate? Probably not. Do they care? Highly unlikely. So what we have here is just another example of pathetic Dhimmis helping to pave the way for the rise of radical Islam in the West. When will they wake up? Will they ever wake up? I'm not holding my breath.