
In the last few years we Muslims have seen a lot of attacks directed at the Prophets of Allah (swt) including Jesus (as) and Muhammad (saw) by the Kufaar. Historically and contemporary the Ulemah of Haq have cleared up what needs to be done to those who fall into this cesspit. However astonishingly some Muslims remain confused about what needs to be done and this is where this very small piece of work in the English language will do a small piece of justice to this very sensitive topic.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) said No slave says three time in the evening and morning I am pleased with Allah as a Lord, I am pleased with Islam as a religion and I am pleased with Muhammad (saw) as a prophet except that it becomes his right upon Allah that He pleases him. [Musnad Imam Ahmad]
Allah (swt) honoured our beloved Prophet (saw) by defending him from amongst the barrage of abuse thrown at him by the pagans by revealing many verses of the Quran from the seven heavens إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الأبْتَرُThe one who makes you angry (or hates you) by saying you have no children, or mocks you, insults you, or ridicules you he will be destroyed and ruined (in this life and the hereafter) [EMQ 108:3]A man was brought in front of Umar ibn Khataab (ra) who had insulted Muhammad (saw) and Umar (ra) killed him and said anyone who insults Allah (swt) or Muhammad (saw) or any Prophet he should be killed. Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) said Any Muslim who insults Allah or any Prophet he therefore disbelieves in Allah and the Messengers which is equated to apostasy and he must be punished for it. And anyone from the citizens (Dhimmi) of the Islamic State (Khilafah) insults Allah or any of the Prophets or he declares that (publicly) then he violates his contract, violates his treaty, violates his covenant therefore he must be punished and killed.
Unfortunately we have many deviant Muslims who are resorting to changing the Hukm (ruling) of Allah by asking those who have insulted the Prophets to apologise for what they have done. They are asking Murtad (apostate) governments to boycott them internationally. They ask the Muslims to boycott for instance the Danish goods (albeit selectively) and the irony is that our biggest enemy which is the satanic USA is being let off the hook because it has only killed millions of Muslims and tortured, imprisoned thousands more! Or is it because it would create hardship on the people to give up computer software like Microsoft, Windows, CNN etc or even more difficult to give up working for American businesses and corporations. Some misguided Muslims have disgracefully asked for the copyright of these pictures and caricatures so they can never be published again. These same people are asking the Tagooth (manmade) regimes (nationally and internationally) to legislate new laws that will protect the Muslims from being insulted in this manner (i.e. commit Shirk by participating in the political process). They even go as far as to applaud some other western or eastern press for being responsible for not publishing these pictures; yet they quite conveniently forget that these media outlets publish pornography, propagate killing Muslim Mujahid all over the world. Whilst others have called for all faiths to be united against religious discrimination. All these so called solutions are false appetizers to pacify the Ummah (One Islamic brotherhood) from its true methodology in dealing with those who belittle the Prophets and Messengers of Allah (swt).
Extracts from the momentous book Raising the Sharp Sword Against Those who Insult the Messengers [Al-Saarim Al-Maslool Ala-Shaatim Al-Rasool] written by Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah [d.728 AH] have been used to clarify the position of those who insult any of the Prophets of Allah (swt). The reader is also directed to The Healing by the Rights of the Recognition of the Chosen One written by Qadi Iyad [d.544 AH] also known as Ash Shifa. Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah says There is no right for anyone to pardon, or forgive, or leave the charge of death penalty because of benefit and interest, or change/replace the penalty from capital punishment to something lesser (e.g. Ta’zir being lashed or sentenced to prison) because this is someone who has harmed Muhammad (saw) and the entire Muslim Ummah [written in the chapter called Can we drop the charge against someone who insults Muhammad (saw)]. The offence is so great that in some cases an apostate can repent and return to the fold of Islam whereas anyone who insults any of the Messengers may repent but will never affect the ruling on him. As Imam Malik [d.179 AH] (rh) said He could become the most pious person in the entire world but that will not detract the penalty of being executed.
Here the espousers of Al-Taaifah Al-Mansoorah (The Divinely Protected and Victoriously Aided Sect) will use the sword of truth to differentiate the Haq (Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Sahabah (ra)) from the Batil (false satanic manmade laws) Inshallah.
The Sword Of The Angels
It is authentically recorded in Tabarani on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (ra) who said Muhammad (saw) passed by a group of people from amongst the Meccans and they blinked their eyes in a mocking way to Muhammad (saw). They spoke behind his back, teased him and pointed to him saying he is the one that claims he is a Prophet of Allah and he is accompanied by Gibrael (as). Upon this Gibrael (as) (descended) touched the mockers by flicking his nail and they all contracted illnesses and diseases that spread into their bodies inducing a stench. This smell forced people to stay away from them until these scoffers died in that state and the following Quranic verse was revealed I promise to deal with any one who mocks you [EMQ 15:95]
An important and famous Islamic principle from amongst the hundreds of juristic principles is one that states “One of the most ugly and heinous crimes is to attack the honour and character of any of the Prophets of Allah”.
Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) writes every single person must know that Allah’s Deen cannot be established upon the earth except by a particular means and that means is to send Messengers to guide the people. Via the noble Messengers people were able to worship Allah (swt) and submit to Allah (swt) (i.e. stay away from Shirk). And whoever insults any of the Prophets (that have been mentioned in the Quran or described as Prophets (via authentic texts)) then he is insulting our Prophets; which means the capital punishment must be carried out on them. For Allah (swt) says … make no distinction between any of the Messengers of Allah…[EMQ 2:285] and having Imaan (conviction in the heart, testifying by the tongue which is manifested by the limbs in total unison) on them is Wajib (compulsory) and this Wajib has certain duties and one of those duties is to defend the Prophets and prevent any insults on them.
The Sword Of Allah
Anas ibn Malik (ra) reported that There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surah Al-Baqarah and Surah Al-Imran and he used to write (the revelations) for the Prophet. Later on he became an apostate and he used to say: Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him (i.e. mock and ridicule Muhammad (saw)). Then Allah (swt) caused him to die, and the people buried him, but in the morning they saw that the earth had thrown his body out. They said, this is the act of Muhammad and his companions. They dug the grave of our companion and took his body out of it because he had run away from them (apostatised). They again dug the grave more deeply for him, but in the morning they again saw that the earth had thrown his body out. They said, this is an act of Muhammad and his companions. They dug the grave of our companion and threw his body outside it, for he had run away from them (apostatised). They dug the grave for him as deep as they could, but in the morning they again saw that the earth had thrown his body out. So they believed that what had befallen him was not done by human beings and had to leave him thrown (on the ground). [Bukhari]
Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) said The grave spat him out (via Allah (swt) command) because he was cursed and his body was exposed due to the fact he ridiculed and scoffed Muhammad (saw) until no grave (no soil on earth) would accept him and his own companions had to leave his body for the dogs to eat.
The Sword Of The Jinn
The rest of Allah (swt) creation does not tolerate any abuse thrown at our noble Prophet Muhammad (saw). Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) said A man came to Muhammad (saw) in the shape of a man but he was a Jinn (Muslim Jinn). Muhammad (saw) said His name was Samhajj Muhammad (saw) said he was one of the Jinn who believed in me and I named him Abdullah. He told me that he had chased one man who had insulted you for the last three days continuously, so I could kill him (strangle him to death). Imam Ali (ra) said May Allah reward him a great reward because he defended the honour of Muhammad (saw).
The Sword Of The Booty
Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) said A mushrik (idolater) insulted Muhammad (saw) and Muhammad (saw) said Who can deal with my enemy. The youthful Zubair ibn Al- Awaam fought him killed him and Muhammad (saw) said Take all his wealth for yourself.
The Sword Of Your Life
The Sahabah (ra) were willing to sacrifice their lives, their parents lives and ready to kill just to defend the honour of Muhammad (saw). Hassan ibn Atiyyah (ra) said Jabir ibn Abdullah (ra) and Abdul Rawahah (ra) were amongst some companions sent to an expedition by Muhammad (saw). One pagan from amongst the enemies insulted Muhammad (saw) publicly, as a result one Muslim came forward and said I am the son of so and so insult me, my father, my mother but not Muhammad (saw). The pagan became angrier and continued his abuse. The same Muslim replied by saying listen to me this is my fathers name, my grandfathers name etc do not insult Muhammad (saw). If you do this I will kill you with my sword. The pagan did not take heed and continued to insult Muhammad (saw). The Muslim chased the pagan all the way back to the heart of the enemies ranks. He struck the pagan down and as a consequence he was surrounded by the enemies who killed him. Muhammad (saw) said Are you surprised from a man that supports Allah and his Messenger. The abusive pagan did not die from the wound that was inflicted on him, rather when he regained strength he became free and embraced Islam.
The Sword Of Having A Covenant of Security
Ka’b ibn Ashraf insulted Muhammad (saw) a lot. Muhammad (saw) requested Who can deal with Ka’b he has harmed Allah and his Messenger in another Riwayah (narration) Who can deal with my enemy. Muhammad ibn Maslamah (ra) arose and said I will deal with him Oh Messenger of Allah, would you like me to kill him. Muhammad (saw) said Indeed yes. [Bukhari]
Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) discussed the targeted execution of Ka'b and how Muhammad ibn Maslamah (ra) the Amir (leader) of his small team of assassins (Abaad ibn Bishr (ra) and Abu Naailah (ra)) gave Ka’b security and then killed him. He mentions that the one who insults Messengers has no security or sanctity for his life because he vilified Muhammad (saw). Before Muhammad ibn Maslamah (ra) went to conduct this noble operation he asked Muhammad (saw) if he would grant him permission to say things in this operation so as to deceive the people in order to reach Ka’b. Muhammad (saw) said Say whatever you wish.
The Sword Of The Sunnah Strikes Even Women
Ibn Ishaaq (rh) reported that Abu Ubaida ibn Muhammad Ammar ibn Yasir said four men and two women were ordered by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to be executed on the day of conquering Mecca. The women (Qaynaqa and Sarah (servant of Abu Lahab)) used to sing gross insulting poetry against Muhammad (saw). Muhammad (saw) said Their lives have no sanctity. Imam Ali (ra) said A woman insulted Muhammad (saw) and a man strangled her until she suffocated to death and Muhammad (saw) said Be my witness I declare her blood has no sanctity. [Abu Dawood]
The Sword Of A Smile
Abi Barza (ra) said I was with Abu Bakr (ra) he was so angry about a particular man. I asked Abu Bakr (ra) what did he do to make you so angry? Abu Bakr (ra) said He insulted Muhammad (saw). Abi Barza (ra) said Oh successor of the Messenger of Allah give me permission I will strike his neck (to kill him). Abu Bakr (ra) anger went away and he smiled and he said you got the permission so he went and killed him. [Abu Dawood] In another Riwayah Abi Barza (ra) said Give me permission to strike his neck. Abu Bakr (ra) said If I order you will you do it Abi Barza said Yes. Abi Barza said What if he insults you (i.e. I am ready to kill him if he insults a Sahabi (companion)) Abu Bakr (ra) said This Hukm (ruling) is only for those who insult the Prophets.
The Sword Of Mutilation
Abdul Rahman ibn Awf (ra) said I was on the front line on the day of Badr. I looked on my left and right and I saw two young men from the Ansar [Ibn Amru Ibn Jarooh (ra) and Ma’oodh ibn Afra (ra)] I wished I was between them. One of them winked and said Oh Uncle do you know where Abu Jahal is. I asked why? He said because he insulted Muhammad (saw) and by the one in whose hand is my soul if I see him I will not rest until I kill this cow or I be killed. Abdul Rahman ibn Awf (ra) said It was so uniquely strange to hear this from such a young person and all he wants to do is kill the one who insulted Muhammad (saw). The other youth said the same thing to Abdul Rahman ibn Awf. After that I saw Abu Jahal in the battlefield going around and I said to them You don’t see him, there is the one you were asking about. By Allah the moment I pointed him out they both raised their swords very high, they ran towards him and kept hacking at him with their swords.
The Sword Of Your House
Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) said A blind mans wife insulted Muhammad (saw) badly by singing songs against Muhammad (saw), he could not tolerate this anymore so he killed her by stabbing her to death and Muhammad (saw) approved of this action. [Abu Dawood]
The Salaf were so keen to defend the honour of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) that they severed all family ties just to implement the death penalty on the one who insults any of the Prophets of Allah (swt). Sufyaan Thawri (ra) and Malik ibn Umayr (ra) reported that a man came to Muhammad (saw) and said I met my father from amongst the pagans I heard very bad things from him about you. I could not take it anymore so I threw my spear at him and I killed my own father Oh Messenger of Allah. Muhammad (saw) replied He had no sanctity.
The Sword Of Ikhlaas
Some deviants say we cannot apply the Hukm of killing unless we have an Islamic State (Khilafah) how ignorant is the one that talks like this. Umayr ibnu Adi (ra) (who was a blind man) said he heard that Asma the daughter of Marwan insulted Muhammad (saw) in the battle of Badr. He said Oh Allah I have a vow on my neck if I return I will go to Medina to kill her. He went to Medina without the permission of Muhammad (saw) and killed her whilst she was suckling her child. He came back and told Muhammad (saw). Muhammad (saw) said to his companions If you wish to see someone who supports Allah and the Messengers by the Ghaib (without informing or asking or telling anyone) look at Umayr ibn Adi. [Ibn Hishaam and Ibn Saads Kitaab Al-Tabaqaat Al-Kabeer]. In other words you need Allah (swt) permission which has already been established and that is all you need.
The gravity and magnitude of this severe crime can never be accepted in any shape or form, in any era or reality. On the authority of Hassan ibn Ali (ra) The Prophet of Malhama (Slaughter), The Prophet of Maahi (Destruction) said Whoever insults a Prophet kill him. [Recorded in Al-Haakim in his Al-Mustadrak]
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