Shameen's brown eyes seem lost as she thinks about the one day she wants to forget, but it is all she can think about.
She was raped and nearly stabbed to death by her husband just seven days before we met her.
Her lips are quivering and her eyes full of fear.
"He forced himself on me," she said. "All I could do was scream."
She was married off 15 years ago when she was a teenager.
Throughout those years she was tortured and abused, suffering daily beatings with an electrical wire or the metal end of a hammer.
This was her normal life.
"He chased after me with a hammer. He said if I made any noise he would put holes through me," Shameen said.
After one severe beating, she ran from her home and to the police station. Her husband promised the police he would not attack her anymore, so she gave in and agreed to go back home with him.
Days later, Shameen's husband took her on a trip to visit her sister's grave -- a 15-year-old sister who was burned to death for displeasing her husband.
Shameen says her younger sister was 11 years old when she was forced to marry an older man. He would beat and abuse her until one day he killed her.
Read more at CNN
H/T: WomenAgainstSharia