“Might I ask, what has Omar Khadr got to
do with Eid or Ramadan or with Muslims?"
Tarek Fatah - National Post
The annual Muslim holiday of Eid has come and gone, and once more the community has been showered with messages from politicians tripping over one other to prove their credentials as lovers of Islam and all things Muslim.I have an offer to make to all these men and women who stumble and mumble to utter “Salaam Alaikum” messages written by their Muslim staffers: If you are so enamoured by my faith and impressed by the conduct of my community, then stop these annual shenanigans and once and for all come join our ranks.
Convert to Islam. Perhaps, some have already taken the plunge. Take for example this year’s Eid message by Jack Layton. Addressing us Muslims as “Dear brothers and sisters” the NDP leader preaches the end of Ramadan “is an opportunity to renew the spirit and faith in Islam.”I am waiting with bated breath to see Layton “renew” his faith in Islam. Will he be following...