Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://Allans-Perspective.blogspot.com
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Government officials should depict terrorists "as the dangerous cult leaders they are" and avoid words that aggrandize them, like "jihadists," "Islamic terrorists," "Islamists" and "holy warriors," the Department of Homeland Security says in a paper released Friday. "Words matter," the agency says in the paper, which also suggests avoiding the term "moderate Muslims," a characterization that annoys many Muslims because it implies that they are tepid in the practice of their faith. Read more ...Source: CNN H/T: Jihad Watch
By John Turley-Ewart It’s an issue the Liberal government of Ontario, led by Premier Dalton McGuinty, doesn’t want to deal with — polygamy in the Muslim community. Last week the Toronto Star told the story of Safa Rigby, a 35-year-old mother of five children who recently learned her husband of 14 years had two other wives. Ms. Rigby’s life is in tatters. She followed her husband’s advice that she leave Toronto and live in Egypt for a year on the grounds that it would be better for their children to spend more time in a Muslim country. Now she knows it was a ruse. He used her time there to marry two other women. Read more ...Source: National Post
 A Turkish-born barber, living and working in Saudi Arabia, was recently convicted for the ‘crime’ of apostasy and has been sentenced to death. The man, Sabri Bogday, had a quarrel with a person from Egypt and a Saudi during which he seemingly cursed the name of God. This is of course unacceptable in Saudi Arabia and… as a result, the judges of that country have decided that Bogday deserves to die. With this case it’s important to act fast; on May 1, the Appeals Court confirmed the verdict of a lower court. Bogday isn’t the only person in trouble in Saudi Arabia; a blogger is in trouble as well. ‘On May 5, the prosecution service in Jeddah charged Ra’if Badawi with “setting up an electronic site that insults Islam,” and referred the case to court, asking for a five-year prison sentence and a 3 million riyal (US$800,000) fine. Unknown persons have hacked Badawi’s website multiple times, and have published his phone numbers, work address, and a threat on the hacked site: “Oh you retard, you are in the land of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Underline ‘Muhammad’ with a thousand lines before a thousand swords are put above your neck!” Prosecutors have not investigated the hackers or the death threats against Badawi.’ Read more ...Source: PoliGazetteH/T: Shariah Finance Watch
 By Joe Kaufman After being outed for speaking in front of an organization, the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS-Minnesota) – as the group was calling for the murder of Jews and the waging of war against non-Muslims – United States Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) has gone back for a repeat performance. Yet, while Congressman Ellison continues his outrageous conduct, he still gets rewarded with invites to sit on Congressional entities highly inappropriate for someone such as himself. Why? For well over five years, since at least December of 2002, MAS-Minnesota propagated hatred on its website aimed at Jews and Christians. Up until recently, when the pages containing the offending material were removed, the following quotes could be found on the site: • “The Holy Prophet (and through him the Muslims) has been reassured that he should not mind the enmity, the evil designs and the machinations of the Jews...” • “In view of the degenerate moral condition of the Jews and the Christians, the Believers have been warned not to make them their friends and confidants.” • “If you gain a victory over the men of Jews, kill them.” • “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.’” • “May Allah destroy the Jews, because they used the graves of their prophets as places of worship.” Read more ...Source: FrontPage MagazineKeith Ellison Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
By Stephen Brown A young female form lying crumpled on a sidewalk. Blood flowing from multiple stab wounds. Police cars. Ambulances. Flashing lights. Emergency personnel working frantically to save an innocent life that had barely begun. It is a scene that is becoming all too common in Western Europe with its growing Muslim population, as the northern German city of Hamburg experienced in May yet another horrifying honor murder of a young female. Morsal Obeidi, barely 16, arrived in Hamburg from the war-torn country of Afghanistan when she was three, probably barely remembering her country of origin in her new homeland. The German Muslim student, who had won a prize in her multicultural school for tolerance and peaceful co-existence with others, was stabbed 20 times by her 23-year old brother, Ahmed, who ambushed her at a commuter train station. Source: FrontPage Magazine
By Robert Spencer In a story Wednesday on a jihadist attack on a wedding party and other jihad activity in Thailand, Agence France Presse added a concluding paragraph that was typical of mainstream media coverage of the Thai jihad and of jihad activity in general. For while AP, Reuters, AFP and the rest never saw a piece of Palestinian propaganda they didn’t like, they also never saw a jihad they couldn’t whitewash. Read more ...Source: FrontPage Magazine
ISTANBUL, May 28 (Compass Direct News) – A state prosecutor in western Algeria demanded two-year jail sentences and large fines for six Muslim converts to Christianity yesterday in one of two trials against Christians that have caught the north African nation’s attention in the past week. The same court in Tiaret city yesterday delayed the verdict of a Christian woman facing three years in prison for “practicing non-Muslim religious rites without a license.” Read more ...Source: Compass Direct NewsH/T: Dhimmi Watch
By Iftekhar Hai For years, I’ve been asked what my personal views on homosexuality are, but I’ve always shied away from talking about it openly because homosexual and lesbian behavior are against the teachings of the Quran. Also, I experienced a tremendous inner conflict, having seen that homosexuality has deep roots among Indian and Pakistani Muslims. The Hindu culture has debated the issue of homosexuality and now in the United States, Massachusetts and California have legalized same-sex marriages. The Quran is explicitly clear that God does not condone homosexual behavior. Islamic religious scholars of the Sharia — Islamic laws derived through consensus on the Quran and Hadith — are unanimous in their conclusion that “homosexuality and lesbianism” is a crime. And as a crime, it is punishable. Read more ...Source: Sharia Finance Watch
By Barbara Bradley Hagerty Although polygamy is illegal in the U.S. and most mosques try to discourage plural marriages, some Muslim men in America have quietly married multiple wives. No one knows how many Muslims in the U.S. live in polygamous families. But according to academics researching the issue, estimates range from 50,000 to 100,000 people. Read more ...Source: NPR
By Tufail Ahmad On May 23, 2008, Islamic clerics aligned with Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan delivered sermons during weekly Friday prayers in different mosques across Pakistan to mark the Yaum-e-Khatm-e-Nabuwwat, or the Day of the Finality of Prophethood of Islam's founder the Prophet Muhammad. The Day of the Finality of Prophethood was organized as part of the Khatm-e-Nabuwwat week that began on May 22, 2008. The Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan (Assembly of Pakistani Clergy), which is organizing the Khatm-e-Nabuwwat week, had announced that imams and khutba'a (preachers) would especially highlight the role of the Jewish-Qadiani nexus during the Friday sermons. Ahmadi Muslims are sometimes called Qadianis by hostile Islamic groups, after the town of Qadian in India where their leader Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founded the movement in the 1880s. They have been declared non-Muslims in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia for allegedly not believing that the Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet of Islam. Read more ...Source: MEMRI
CAIR continues its attempts to overthrow the U.S. government through a tireless legal jihad. This week, two new attempts at bolstering sharia law were brought forth. Read both. Read more ...Source: Creeping Sharia
 In a strongly worded letter, U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) called on the Chancellor of the University of California, Irvine (UCI), to condemn rampant anti-Semitism at events organized and sponsored by its Muslim Student Union (MSU). The letter pointed out that such an event held just weeks ago, appeared "intended to encourage violence against the State of Israel and propagate the spread of anti-Semitism." MSU events routinely feature anti-Semitic and pro-terror figures, notably Washington D.C.-based radical cleric Mohammed al-Asi and Oakland-based Amir Abdel Malik Ali, an African American convert born Derek Gilliam. Both are known for their high level of vitriol, hatred and support for suicide bombings. The latest event, which took place from May 7 to May 15, was called "Never Again? The Palestinian Holocaust." In his letter, Rep. Sherman explained that, "Comparing current Israeli policies to the Holocaust, the systematic murder of the Jewish people of Europe, is clearly anti-Semitic. It wholly demeans the Jewish victims of the Holocaust and vilifies the Jewish citizens of Israel." He also noted that this position is officially supported by the US government, and quoted the State Department's most recent Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism Report as proof. Read more ...Source: IPT NewsMohammed al-Asi Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
By Tarek Fatah Books that will help us understand the conflict of our times: Chasing A Mirage: The Tragic lllusion of an Islamic State The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists The Two Faces of Islam: The House of Sa'ud from Tradition to Terror Islam & Science: Religious Orthodoxy & the Battle for Rationality Clash Of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihad and Modernity Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari'a The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism Devil's Game: How The United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam Alms For Jihad: Charity And Terrorism In The Islamic World Great War for Civilisation Read more ...Source: Indigo
Milan, 29 May (AKI) – A mosque on the northern outskirts of the Italian city of Milan is taking the lead in a new initiative to fight drugs. The mosque, in Sesto San Giovanni, is holding on Friday a seminar entitled 'Together with young people against drugs', in collaboration with the region's United Nations office and the local council. The conference is aimed at volunteers from local Islamic communities and others who follow issues affecting young people in other Italian cities, particularly those with high immigration. Read more ...Source: AKI
“No, the death penalty in most Arab and Muslim countries is regulated and applied according to positive laws — man made law — and not according to Sharia’a,” says Tahar Boumedra, Penal Reform International’s (PRI) Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa. In an interview with IPS journalist Baher Kamal, Boumedra explains how this issue was debated during a three-day regional conference on the death penalty, which ended in Alexandria on May 14. “Some delegates — they came from nine Arab countries — tried to use Islamic law to argue against the abolition of the death penalty,” says Boumedra. “But actually death penalty laws go far beyond anything Sharia’a law ever sought to impose.” Read more ...Source: IPS H/T: Shariah Finance Watch
This message comes from an Iranian ex-Muslim and lover of freedom in London: Urgent Attention Another free thinker is to be executed in Iran in the coming days
It is with great regret that I inform all freedom loving people of the world that the Mullahs' terrorist regime is about to execute one of Iran's finest thinkers, a true patriot, scholar and historian.
Dr. Foroud Fouladvand is a dedicated monarchist, a Ferdousi expert as well as expert on the history of Iran and Islam. Read more ...Source: Jihad Watch
By Robert Spencer CAIR's Corey Saylor asks: "Has faith moved from a personal choice to probable cause?" He asks this, mind you, about apparent surveillance of The Islamic Center of San Diego, where, according to the article, "two of the 9/11 hijackers worshiped in early 2000." He asks this, mind you, as a member of a "civil rights" group that was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas jihad terror funding case in 2007, and which has had several of its officials arrested and convicted on various terror-related charges. Read more ...Source: Jihad WatchACLU Latest recipient of The Dhimmi Award

CAIR Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
By Robert Spencer Recently Pamela Geller, Charles Johnson and Michelle Malkin pointed out that a new Dunkin' Donuts ad featured Rachael Ray wearing a Palestinian kaffiyeh. What's wrong with that? People in the Middle East, including Arabic-speaking Christians, wore it long before the establishment of the State of Israel and the invention of the "Palestinian" nationality. But there is no doubt that it has become a symbol of the Palestinian jihad. Charles posts a piece explaining the kaffiyeh as a "symbol of resistance and solidarity with the Palestinian struggle." Michelle Malkin accordingly asks, "It’s just a scarf, the clueless keffiyeh-wearers scoff. Would they say the same of fashion designers who marketed modified Klan-style hoods in Burberry plaid as the next big thing?" Read more ...Source: MSNBC H/T: Jihad Watch
Military action against Iran would be a last resort but the United States and its allies have not done enough to promote the alternative, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said on Wednesday. John Bolton, who was a leading hawk in President George W. Bush's administration, told an audience at the Hay literary Festival that five years of "failed" negotiation with Iran over its nuclear program had left just two options for dealing with the issue — regime change and use of force. "The use of military force is an extremely unattractive option and only to be used as a last resort," he said, adding he would favor regime change. Bolton said the elements for regime change were present in Iran — the economy was in difficulties, young Iranians could see the possibility of a different life and there were ethnic tensions within the country. Read more ...Source: Reuters
 By Patrick Poole In the early 1980s, the Ohio Division of Travel and Tourism announced a new state tourism slogan: “Ohio, the Heart of It All”. This slogan takes on several new layers of meaning now that international hate sheikh Khalid Yasin has decided to continue his “Islamic Hatred in the Heartland” tour by spending this week delivering his message of hatred, bigotry and violence in mosques all around Central Ohio. Two weeks ago I reported here at FrontPage that Yasin would be appearing at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, “Islamic Hatred in the Heartland”, sponsored by a local mosque, Masjid at-Taqwa. Pendra Lee Snyder has followed-up on that story by providing a first-hand account of Yasin’s appearance in Dayton, and how Masjid at-Taqwa prevented her from recording his hate-filled comments. Our reporting here at FrontPage even prompted Dayton NBC affiliate WDTN to cover and question Yasin’s visit. And last week John Perazzo exposed how Yasin was the featured speaker at events in April sponsored by the Muslim Student Association at several college campuses. Read more ...Source: FrontPage Magazine
 By Rachel Cooke In Yemen, women belong to men. Most are illiterate. They are arrested in the street. They die in childbirth. In this special report, Rachel Cooke meets the brave few who are campaigning for midwives and against early marriage. Say’un is a town of 30,000 people in the biggest wadi or watercourse, Wadi Hadhramawt, in the Arabian peninsula. Hadhramawt is extremely inaccessible. To get here, we flew from Sana’a, the capital, to the port of Al-Mukalla, and then drove over the desert and down through the lush wadi - it has surely changed very little since Dame Freya Stark became one of the first western women to see it in the 1930s - for nearly five hours. In Say’un, Oxfam is trying to improve reproductive healthcare, chiefly by funding the training of midwives and traditional birth attendants (TBAs). This is more important work than you may realise. In this part of Yemen - rural, religious, isolated - women are often unwilling to be treated by doctors, for the reason that they are men; it would be shameful for a woman to show her body to a man, even if the alternative meant that she might bleed to death. Getting more women into the healthcare system is therefore vital. ‘Our midwives work in the hospital in Say’un,’ says Basima Omer, a doctor involved in the programme. ‘They save lives. But they also go back to their communities with new information about hygiene, high blood pressure …’ She sips her coffee - in the country that gave the world coffee, everyone drinks Nescafé with condensed milk - behind her veil. So how on earth did she become a doctor? She laughs, quietly. ‘Oh, I went on hunger strike for three days until my father agreed.’ Read more ...Source: Guardian
By Leslie Sacks 8 Killed...by Palestinian MILITANT (pg 1, LA Times, March 7, 2008) Militant? Militants are marchers in San Francisco shouting anti-Bush slogans. Militants are protestors scuffling with police at the G8 Summits in Seattle and Rome. Militants are volunteers of The Minutemen patrolling our southern borders. However they are certainly not the terrorist who chose a seminary of unarmed religious youths in the middle of the holy city of Jerusalem and then proceeded to massacre eight of these students, apart from the dozen badly wounded, in a library containing mainly Bibles - Old Testament Bibles, from whence the Koran ironically sprang. In Gaza, messianic crowds danced and celebrated, handing out sweets in an orgy of revenge, the smell of martyrdom already thick amongst the revelers. Read more ...Source: Family Security Matters
 BRUSSELS — On the street, Malika El Aroud is anonymous in an Islamic black veil covering all but her eyes. In her living room, Ms. El Aroud, a 48-year-old Belgian, wears the ordinary look of middle age: a plain black T-shirt and pants and curly brown hair. The only adornment is a pair of powder-blue slippers monogrammed in gold with the letters SEXY. But it is on the Internet where Ms. El Aroud has distinguished herself. Writing in French under the name “Oum Obeyda,” she has transformed herself into one of the most prominent Internet jihadists in Europe. She calls herself a female holy warrior for Al Qaeda. She insists that she does not disseminate instructions on bomb-making and has no intention of taking up arms herself. Rather, she bullies Muslim men to go and fight and rallies women to join the cause. “It’s not my role to set off bombs — that’s ridiculous,” she said in a rare interview. “I have a weapon. It’s to write. It’s to speak out. That’s my jihad. You can do many things with words. Writing is also a bomb.” … The changing role of women in the movement is particularly apparent in Western countries, where Muslim women have been educated to demand their rights and Muslim men are more accustomed to treating them as equals. Ms. El Aroud reflects that trend. “Normally in Islam the men are stronger than the women, but I prove that it is important to fear God — and no one else,” she said. “It is important that I am a woman. There are men who don’t want to speak out because they are afraid of getting into trouble. Even when I get into trouble, I speak out.” After all, she said, she knows the rules. “I write in a legal way,” she said. “I know what I’m doing. I’m Belgian. I know the system.” That system often has been lenient toward her. She was detained last December with 13 others in what the authorities suspected was a plot to free a convicted terrorist from prison and to launch an attack in Brussels. But Belgian law required that they be released within 24 hours, because no charges were brought and searches failed to turn up weapons, explosives or incriminating documents. Now, even as Ms. El Aroud remains under constant surveillance, she is back home rallying militants on her main Internet forum and collecting more than $1,100 a month in government unemployment benefits. “Her jihad is not to lead an operation but to inspire other people to wage jihad,” said Glenn Audenaert, the director of Belgium’s federal police force, in an interview. “She enjoys the protection that Belgium offers. At the same time, she is a potential threat.” … Her latest tangle with the law hints at a deeper involvement of women in terrorist activities. When she was detained last December in connection with the suspected plot to free Nizar Trabelsi, a convicted terrorist and a onetime professional soccer player, and to attack a target in Brussels, Ms. El Aroud was one of three women taken in for questioning. Although the identities of those detained were not released, the Belgian authorities and others familiar with the case said that among those detained were Mr. Trabelsi’s wife and Fatima Aberkan, 47, a friend of Ms. El Aroud and a mother of seven. “Malika is a source of inspiration for women because she is telling women to stop sleeping and open their eyes,” Ms. Aberkan said. Ms. El Aroud operates from her three-room apartment that sits above a clothing shop in a working-class Brussels neighborhood where she spends her time communicating with supporters, mainly on her own forum, Minbar-SOS. Although Ms. El Aroud insists that she is not breaking the law, she knows that the police are watching. And if the authorities find way to put her in prison, she said: “That would be great. They would make me a living martyr.”
This is what happens when you treat war as a police problem. It didn’t work like that during the Good War. Source: Jules Crittenden
 By Ali Alyami In recent years, Hezbollah has been playing a dangerous game with the Lebanese government. By exploiting multiple pressure points simultaneously, Hezbollah is making remarkable advances in its radical Shia agenda. Earlier this month, Hezbollah seized the mostly-Sunni Muslim West Beirut by force. This ultimately forced the US-backed Lebanese government to join a new unity coalition that gives Hezbollah 11 seats out of 30 in the cabinet, giving them veto power over any decision of the Lebanese government. They were not pressured to disarm in return for this new political power. Additionally, they are allowed to keep their separate telecommunications network and surveillance equipment at Beirut's airport, and are allowed to reinstall the airport security chief linked to the group. Understandably, Washington has and will continue to bet on its own horse, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora. Meanwhile, the West is exacerbating the situation by aiding autocratic Arab regimes outside Lebanon who are playing Washington for a fool. More so than any other Arab regime, the Saudi ruling family knows full well that if Hezbollah takes over Lebanon completely, it could form a united front with Iran, Syria, Hamas and Muqtada Al-Sadr's martyrs against Israel, the US and pro-American autocratic Arab regimes, especially the Saudi-Wahhabi alliance. In the long term, such an alliance poses a tremendous threat to Saudi Arabia and its traditional dominance of the Muslim world. But what would happen if this scenario actually played out, and who would inexorably benefit? Read more ...Source: IPT News
By Robert Spencer There is a great deal of whining victimology in this article. I have not reproduced below the material about the disproportionate percentage of Muslims in European prisons. There is in the article, of course, no consideration at all of the possibility that they might commit crimes at a higher rate than the general population, out of their contempt for non-Muslims and non-Muslim society and law. But note below Parvez Ahmed's wild claims that the PC American establishment, for all its fear of talking about jihad and its tiptoeing around the ideology that motivates the jihadists, is actually at war with Islam, and his relativistic "terrorism is in the eye of the beholder" nonsense. And then remember: this guy is, in the eyes of the government and media establishments, a leading American "moderate." Read more ...Source: Jihad WatchParvez Ahmed Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
An Australian Muslim group charged Wednesday that a Sydney council's refusal to allow an Islamic school to be set up in its area was a "victory for racism". Camden Council, on Sydney's south-western outskirts, unanimously rejected the application for a 1,200-pupil school on Tuesday night, prompting cheers from hundreds of residents who attended the meeting to oppose the plan. Read more ...Source: AFP H/T: Dhimmi Watch
By Chris Serres MINNEAPOLIS - A group of Muslim workers allege they were fired by a New Brighton, Minn., tortilla factory for refusing to wear uniforms that they say were immodest by Islamic standards. Six Somali women claim they were ordered by a manager to wear pants and shirts to work instead of their traditional Islamic clothing of loose-fitting skirts and scarves, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil liberties group that is representing the women. Read more ...Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Tehran, 28 May (AKI) - Ten Iranians who converted from Islam to Christianity in recent months have been arrested in the southern city of Shiraz. According to Goodarz, a spokesperson for the Iranian converts, more than 35 of them have been arrested since the beginning of the year. Goodarz himself has taken refuge in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. The new Majlis or Iranian parliament which met for the first time on Tuesday will be discussing in the coming weeks proposed laws presented by the government to reform the penal code. Under the new law, anyone born to a Muslim father who decides to renounce Islam and convert to another faith, faces the death penalty. Read more ...Source: AKI
CATHOLIC Cardinal George Pell has weighed in to the row over an Islamic school in western Sydney, saying he has no objection to Muslim schools. Camden Council last night voted unanimously against a proposal to build an Islamic school for 1200 students, citing various issues including traffic problems.
The decision would taint Australia's multicultural image, the Islamic Council of NSW warned today. Speaking at a World Youth Day media conference, the Archbishop of Sydney said Muslims deserved a fair go. Cardinal Pell told media he always encouraged people to be open to the rights of people from all faiths. “Everybody in Australia has the right to a fair go, so do the Muslims,” he said. “We certainly believe in religious schools.” A Muslim youth worker told reporters the Camden Council decision, condemned as racist by one Islamic group, would not give a bad impression of Sydney to pilgrims visiting for World Youth Day. Mazem Bakhour, a representative from the Lebanese Muslim Association, said the school issue should not cause a problem for the Catholic youth event. “I guess, at the end of the day, to the Muslim community, World Youth Day is about unity between religions,” he said. “That's what we are going to focus on ... mainly just trying to focus on seeing the similarities between faiths.” Pope Benedict XVI will meet the Australian leaders of other faiths during World Youth Day. Camden residents had been unfairly portrayed as “rednecks” over the rejection of the Islamic school, the NSW Opposition said. Liberal leader Barry O'Farrell said he did not believe race was an issue in the decision. “Whenever these issues are determined, they should be determined and decided on the basis of facts, not emotion, on the basis of planning considerations, not irrelevant issues,” Mr O'Farrell told reporters today. “I regret that, at times, media coverage of the issue focused more on issues irrelevant to the planning considerations. “The point here is we've seen an attempt to portray Camden and that region as rednecks. I agree with the mayor, I think that's an unfortunate perception.” Islamic Council of NSW president Ali Roude said the rejection was not a surprise. “We have seen a history of reaction from local residents against the establishment of places of worship and schools so it was not a surprise,” he told ABC Radio. “It does not help the image of Australia because we take pride as Australians as a country that's succeeded and (has) set an example to the whole world that we can live together.” The schools' backers - the Qu'uranic Society - have not ruled out making an appeal to the Land and Environment Court. Source:The Australian
 By Joe Kaufman Samar Jarrah: “It’s fascinating that some people who are supposedly terrorism experts and are advising this country are spending time to write about you moving up and changing your career. I mean, it’s not like belittling you in any way, but I thought they would have much more important things to do.”
Ahmed Bedier: “Yeah, I mean, well, if they think you’re a terrorist, then they want to watch your movement.” (WMNF, True Talk, May 23, 2008) After five long years, Ahmed Bedier is now gone from the Hamas-related Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); forced out, according to the group, so that it could move in another direction; stepped down, according to him, in start of a new project. Whatever the real reason may be, while Bedier may have left CAIR, he continues to foment radical Islam. Since the beginning of 2003, Ahmed Bedier has served in an official capacity for CAIR, holding positions as Communications Director of CAIR-Florida and Executive Director of CAIR-Tampa. Read more ...Source: FrontPage MagazineAhmed Bedier Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
 At age 16, all Morsal Obeidi wanted was to live the way other girls in Germany do. She paid dearly: Obeidi's brother stabbed her 20 times. Her murder has sparked a renewed debate in Germany about the failure of many immigrant families to integrate into Western society. Morsal is buried one week after her death. In the morning, the women wash the body, cleansing it of its earthly sins, in keeping with tradition. The teenage girl's thin body is covered with stab wounds, evidence of the knife that was plunged into her torso. The women wrap the body in linen and lay it into a coffin made of a light-colored wood. At noon, six men lift the coffin to their shoulders and begin walking, leading a procession of 200 men and women dressed in black. Ghulam-Mohammed Obeidi, the father -- who lost his daughter and now, more than likely, his son in a single night -- is at the center of the group. They walk along a path that leads to the new Muslim section at the back of a cemetery in Hamburg's Öjendorf neighborhood, to where a group of construction workers stand leaning against an excavating machine. The women stop as the men carry the coffin to the grave, which is lined with boards, a rectangular hole in the ground with pale sand piled up around its edges. This is where the story ends, with the body of a stabbed girl being brought to her grave. Her name was Morsal Obeidi, and she was 16. Born in Afghanistan, she died a few days ago, in a parking lot in Hamburg. Read more ...Source: SpiegelH/T: Atlas
Tehran, 27 May (AKI) - A top Iranian cleric from the northeast, Ayatollah Ahmad Elmalhoda, has reportedly called feminists "whores and foreign spies". "These whores, clutching a piece of paper in their hands to gather signatures, are working for foreign powers and want to destabilise the Islamic Republic," said Elmalhoda. He is the highly influential prayer leader in the northeastern holy Shia city of Mashad. Elmalhoda has called on the government to "intervene decisively against these whores, because it is improper to leave them to act with impunity." A few weeks ago, Elmalhoda said women who do not wear the Islamic veil as instructed "turned men into animals." Read more ...Source: AKIH/T: Atlas
Why do two officials of the the American Jewish Commitee and the vice president of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago sit on the advisory board of the Catholic Theological Union's Bernardin Center together with Safaa Zazour the board president of CAIR Chicago? In 2005 Pipeline News published an article "Jews for Jihad?" and exposed the AJC's misguided interfaith efforts which included CAIR. The head of the AJC's Middle East and Counter Terrorism division Yehudit Barsky labelled CAIR "extremist" yet two high ranking officials of the AJC Chicago, Emily Soloff and Regional Director Jeffrey Levine are listed as advisory board members of the CTU despite knowing about the radical Islamists on the board and having read Scott Alexander's, (the director of the CTU's Catholic Muslim Studies Program) justification of terrorism in the Fawaz Damra case? Read more ...Source: Militant Islam Monitor
By Pendra Lee Snyder As reported last week at FrontPage by Patrick Poole, “Islamic Hatred in the Heartland,” the Dayton, Ohio-based Masjid at-Taqwa held a fundraising event on the campus of Sinclair Community College featuring international hate sheikh Khalid Yasin. The mosque’s fundraiser managed to draw over 275 people to an auditorium that seats about 300. American Congress for Truth-Dayton chapter president Ruth Quast and I attended the event to see exactly what message our Muslim neighbors were bringing into our community. Read more ...Source: FrontPage Magazine
TEHRAN (AFP) A male defender of the feminist cause in Iran has been sentenced to a year in prison, the moderate Kargozaran newspaper reported on Monday. Amir Yaqoubali is a supporter of the "One Million Signatures" petition campaign launched in June 2006. According to a feminist website, he was arrested as he collected signatures. The campaign seeks to change the Islamic republic's laws on marriage, divorce, inheritance and child custody by collecting signatures both online and in person. Read more ...Source: AFP
 IT was the unlikeliest of settings and the unlikeliest of scenes: more than 10,000 music-lovers, many wearing traditional Islamic hijabs, gathered on the banks of historic Dal Lake in Indian Kashmir, defying terrorist threats to rock to a "musical jihad for peace" staged by Pakistan's biggest band, Junoon. The band performed for thousands on the banks of the lake, situated on the fringe of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Kashmir, where Ravi Shankar taught George Harrison, The Beatles guitarist, to play the sitar in the 1960s. The event was hailed yesterday as a major development in attempts by the two South Asian nuclear-armed neighbours to improve relations after decades of confrontation over Kashmir, a territory targeted by Osama bin Laden as part of his global jihad. "Something great has happened to Kashmiris after ages, and we rocked," said Kashmir University student Arshi Gouse, 20. "Music's a tremendous healer and I'm sure such events will succeed in defusing hatred between India and Pakistan." The concert was held amid controversy after Pakistani extremist group Hizbul Mujahideen denounced it as an outrage. Demanding that the Pakistan Government bar Junoon from playing, Hizbul Mujahideen leader Syed Salahuddin declared: "When Kashmiris watch semi-nude Pakistani female dancers perform before the Indians, they will get disappointed with Pakistan." The jihadi chief said the show would have a "negative impact on the disputed status of Kashmir" and would send a wrong message to the international community that "Kashmir is an integral part of India". Junoon is Pakistan's biggest Sufi band and plays a fusion of western and eastern music. Source: The Australian
By Marylou Barry What is ISNA, and why do U.S. religious groups want to partner with it? First, a little background… The Islamic Society of North America, the largest group of its kind in this country, devotes several pages of its extensive Web site to its “partners,” the secular and religious organizations with which it claims to “dialogue” – and whose established reputation, understandably, could help ISNA earn some badly needed credibility points. Co-founded in 1981 by now-imprisoned felon Sami Al-Arian, ISNA serves as an umbrella for numerous Wahhabi Muslim groups in North America. It receives funding from the Saudi government and has been identified by the U.S. State Department as part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which also spawned Hamas. According to the New York Times it represents a third of the mosques in the United States, although Shia sources claim that 80 percent of U.S. mosques are currently under Saudi control. As long ago as 2003, terrorism expert Stephen Schwartz testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security that ISNA already was operating at least 324 mosques in the U.S. through the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). Read more ...Source: Marylou's America
By Jim Brown Critics of a private Saudi academy renting a local government building in northern Virginia warn the school promotes a virulent form of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism. Fairfax County, Virginia, supervisors voted last week to continue leasing property to the Islamic Saudi Academy, despite concerns over the K-12 school's past use of classroom material that promoted hatred against Jews and Christians. In October, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a report harshly criticizing the Saudi educational system, and called on the State Department to shut down the Islamic Saudi Academy. Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, says Saudi schools teach students that in order to safeguard Islam, they must "violently repress and even physically eliminate" non-Muslims. Read more ...Source: One News Now
By PAUL REVOIR Last night Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Ramadhan Foundation, said the police were differentiating between criminals on the basis of race. He claimed, driven by fear of race riots in places like Blackburn and Oldham, officers were "overtly sensitive" and not clamping down on the sordid practice. His controversial comments in this week's Panorama reignite a massively controversial issue which exploded over a Channel 4 documentary in 2004. That programme which claimed Asian men in Bradford were grooming under age white girls for prostitution was pulled from C4's schedules. This was because police claimed at the time that it could provoke racial violence during the local election campaign.A muslim leader has accused the police of failing to tackle Asian gangs suspected of prostituting young white girls. Officers are accused of being "over cautious" when investigating Muslim criminals because they fear being branded racist. Read more ...Source: Daily Mail
By Jonathan Constantine Movroydis and Reut Cohen The University of California-Irvine is a sprawling campus in Orange County. The institution, located between the Santa Ana Mountains and the shore of the Pacific Ocean, is not only home to some of the best minds in science and engineering, but also to some of the most virulent supporters of radical Islam in America — and a school administration bent on capitulating to them. The university’s Muslim Student Union (MSU) holds several annual events, at which members unashamedly voice support for terrorist groups and denounce Israel, America, and the Western world. Past events hosted during the group’s annual anti-Israel week have had titles such as “Hamas: the People’s Choice” and “Israel: The 4th Reich.” Speakers have included Norman Finkelstein, Ward Churchill, and Anna Balzter. Read more ...Source: Pajamas Media
Cairo, May 25 (DPA) An Egyptian farmer who suspected his 16-year-old daughter was having an affair hanged her and then beheaded her body in the southern province of Bani Soueif, it was reported Sunday. The local daily Al-Akhbar said Abdel-Samad, 46, turned himself to the police after the killing. It said a police investigation showed the father suspected his daughter of having an affair. So-called honour killings are not unusual in Egypt and other countries of the Middle East, where families murder female members for having brought “shame” on their name. Such killings often involve a female member refusing an arranged marriage or having a relationship that the family considers to be inappropriate. Source: DPA
 A Malaysian lawmaker told parliament that there would be fewer marital problems and a lower divorce rate if Muslim women were taught to accept polygamy, news reports said yesterday. Ibrahim Ali, an independent parliamentarian, proposed moves to address the issue in response to complaints that women were always blamed for marital issues. “Such problems happen because women cannot accept polygamy. From a preventive point of view, what about doing a big campaign so that women can accept polygamy?” Ibrahim was quoted saying in the Star daily. The ethnic Malay Muslim lawmaker said women who are pregnant or who have “problems” when they hit their 50s do not understand that men still want to “have fun.” Fuziah Salleh, an opposition lawmaker, had earlier questioned the qualifications of Islamic Shariah court counselors as she had received complaints from women that they were forced to take the blame for most marital problems. “They are not counseled but given ‘advice.’ And every time, they are told that the woman is to be blamed. If it is a family problem, they must be patient. If they are beaten up, they must also be patient,” she said. Read more ...Source: AFP H/T: Shariah Finance Watch
Safa Rigby holds her youngest of five children in their home, May 21, 2008. Rigby had it all. Four great kids. A faithful husband. Then she found out about his other wives.As Toronto mother describes her ordeal, imam admits he has 'blessed' over 30 unionsBy Noor Javed There were no pleasantries, there was no small talk. Safa Rigby had expected to hear her husband's voice when the phone rang one morning. Instead, the caller didn't even bother to say hello. "You think you know your husband. You don't know him at all," said the man, a friend of her husband's. "His car is parked outside my house right now. He is with my ex-wife. They just got married last week," the man said. It took a minute for the news to sink in. Then she called her husband of 14 years, demanding to know if what she had just been told was true – that while she spent a year in Egypt raising their four children in a more Islamic environment, he had used it as an opportunity to marry not just one, but two other women in Toronto. Read more ...Source: The Star
Barack Obama's "policy" on negotiating with Iran without preconditions has Britain greatly worried and possibly violates three UN security council resolutions. Officials in Washington and Europe fear that Obama's policy on Iran threatens to undermind the West's tough stance towards Tehran in recent years. So much so, in fact, that according to yesterday's Times Online story, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband met yesterday with all three presidential campaigns. But, according to the Times Online, Obama's team of foreign policy advisers had a meeting Wednesday with Miliband, at which Miliband questioned Obama's declared willingness to meet with leaders from rogue states such as Iran. The Times Online article continues: British intelligence chiefs are understood to have identified Iranian nuclear proliferation as the second greatest security threat, behind Islamic terrorism but ahead of renewed aggression from Russia. There is also deep concern about Iran’s support for Iraqi Shia militias or terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. “The role of Iran as a source of instability in the region is undoubtedly a concern,” Mr Miliband said this week. “No one can watch armed militias coming on to the streets in defiance of UN resolutions with equanimity.” Exact accounts of the conversation with Mr Obama differ and there is certainly acute anxiety on the part of the British not to be seen as stoking political controversy in America’s presidential elections. In the past week Mr McCain has repeatedly hammered Mr Obama for what he claims is a “naive” commitment to hold direct talks with foreign dictators.
In a televised debate last summer, Mr Obama was asked if he would be willing to meet the leaders of countries such as Iran and Cuba without preconditions during his first year in office. He replied: “I would.” But this week he appeared to pull back, saying he would still be willing to meet Iranian leaders but not before what he described as “preparations” — and not necessarily with President Ahmadinejad. Nevertheless, Mr Obama says that “tough but engaged diplomacy” — of the type carried out by President Kennedy or President Reagan with the Soviet Union — would represent “a different approach, a different philosophy” to the “failed Iran policy” of the current administration. Mr Miliband, in a press conference with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, reiterated Britain’s support for the united front on Iran adopted by the US and its European allies, which he believes is beginning to pay dividends. “Our position, jointly, has always been that as long as Iran exercises responsibilities, then it will be able to forge a more productive and positive relationship with the international community,” Mr Miliband said. An aide later told The Times that the Foreign Secretary was being very careful to avoid direct criticism of any presidential candidate’s positions. But the same source added: “We know Obama wants to engage more, but we don’t know what route he will take or what he means by ‘no pre-conditions’. It has not unravelled yet and, when it does, we will be able to see where it converges or conflicts with what we’re doing.” A Foreign Office spokesman later said: “I just want to stress that David Miliband is not confused about Obama’s policy. It would be quite wrong to say that.” Mr McCain’s foreign policy chief, Randy Scheunemann, would not comment on his own meetings with Mr Miliband. But he said: “Obama’s position is obviously different to that of Britain and France. Otherwise Prime Minister Brown and President Sarkozy would have already met the President of Iran without conditions. Although Britain — unlike the US — maintains diplomatic relations with Iran, the West has been more or less united in seeking to isolate the Iranian leadership. The US, Britain, France and to some extent Germany have pressed for tighter sanctions against Iran, including measures directed against the country’s ruling elite, for failing to comply with UN resolutions calling for a halt to its uranium enrichment programme. British intelligence chiefs are understood to have identified Iranian nuclear proliferation as the second greatest security threat, behind Islamic terrorism but ahead of renewed aggression from Russia. There is also deep concern about Iran’s support for Iraqi Shia militias or terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. “The role of Iran as a source of instability in the region is undoubtedly a concern,” Mr Miliband said this week. “No one can watch armed militias coming on to the streets in defiance of UN resolutions with equanimity.” [Submitted by kmacginn via Hummers & Cigarettes.]
A man identified as Ahmad (53) killed his 17 years old daughter, identified as Farzaneh, on May 7, in the central city Isfahan, reported several Iranian newspapers. Farzaneh was kidnapped earlier and was held captive by her brother-in-law, for ten days, the father told reporters. In order to save the family’s honor, he then decided to take her life. Read more ...Source: Stop Fundamentalism
Police escort murder suspect Ahmad O., who allegedly stabbed his sister 20 times in an honor killing.By Barbara Hans Ahmad O. stabbed his sister more than 20 times because the 16-year-old girl didn't live her life according to his values. Women's rights advocate Seyran Ates is now calling for German society to intensify its efforts to stop honor killings. "A girl isn't a whore if she goes out," she says. Morsal O. was 16, a young girl with joie de vivre. She laughed a lot and she was a go-getter. She was a good student, had ambition and a lot ahead of her in life. But she was murdered on Friday, May 9. Her 23-year-old brother Ahmad, with the help of a cousin, lured her to a parking lot near a subway station in the German port city of Hamburg under a false pretense and stabbed her 20 times with a knife. If Morsal had known she would be coming face to face with her brother, she probably wouldn't have gone that evening. The two hadn't been on talking terms for quite some time, and Ahmed had threatened his sister repeatedly. Just before her murder, Morsal had sought refuge from her family, who moved to Germany from Afghanistan 13 years ago, at a number of city social facilities, most recently living for more than a year in a youth safe house. But she never succeeded in entirely breaking off contact with her family. Read more ...Source: Spiegel
By Shwan Mohammad Medics in Iraqi Kurdistan said on Saturday that they had seen a surge in violence against women in May, with both so-called "honour" killings and female suicides on the increase. "At least 14 women died in the first 10 days of May alone," a doctor told AFP in the region's second largest city of Sulaimaniyah. "Seven of them took their own lives, the other seven were murdered in still unexplained circumstances" -- apparently the victims of "honour" killings. "Over the same period, we recorded 11 attempted self-immolations. These women were so desperate they set fire to themselves," the doctor added, asking not to be identified. According to Kurdish regional government figures, in Sulaimaniyah province alone more than 50 women attempted suicide by burning in the first four months of the year and another eight tried to hang themselves. The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq has regularly highlighted "honour" killings of Kurdish women as being among the country's most severe human rights abuses. Most such crimes are reported as deaths caused by accidental fires in the home. Aso Kamal, a 42-year-old British Kurdish Iraqi campaigner, says that between 1991 and 2007, 12,500 women were murdered for "honour" reasons or committed suicide in the country's three Kurdish provinces. The Kurdish autonomous region runs its own affairs and has enjoyed relative peace and growing prosperity since the US-led invasion of 2003, while Arab areas of Iraq have been plunged into sectarian warfare. But crimes against women continue despite campaigns by human rights activists and repeated condemnation by women members of the regional government and parliament. Most of the attacks are carried out by close relatives who believe the victims' behaviour to have been immoral. Desperate to escape the cycle of domestic violence, many women turn to suicide. The Kurdish region's first centre dedicated to tackling domestic violence against women opened in Sulaimaniyah last October, and provides psychological support and legal advice to victims in complete confidentiality. "Even if the phenomenon is deeply embedded in the historical roots of our region, it has become alarmingly commonplace in recent months," Layla Abdullah, president of the separate Kurdish women's rights group the Aram Shelter, said. "In 2004, 48 female victims of domestic violence found refuge at the association in order to escape death," Abdullah said. "The number rose to 71 in 2007, and now it stands at 25 for the first four months of this year," she added. In 2002 the Kurdish government abolished a law which reduced the penalties for those convicted of "honour" crimes, but this has still not eradicated the violence, according to those fighting to protect Kurdish women's rights. In November 2007, Kurdish human rights minister Aziz Mohammed acknowledged that domestic violence occurred in northern Iraq. "Domestic violence, sexual abuse, death threats, insults, forced marriages, kidnapping, being forced to leave school... these are the problems which confront the women of Kurdistan," a ministry report said, adding that most victims were between 13 and 18 years old. Paradoxically, Kurdish women are deeply involved in the region's political process with 28 in the 111-seat parliament and three holding ministerial positions. "Suicide attempts by traumatised women are on the increase," said Bakhshan Zangana, who heads the parliamentary women's group. "We must discuss and find a solution to this situation. Suicide is clearly one of the consequences of domestic violence and cruelty." Source: France 24
Radical Turkish Islamists organize nights in many Turkish cities under the slogan, "A free Al-Quds, A world without Israel", where Hamas and Hizbullah are glorified, Israel and Western countries demonized, and jihadist speeches are delivered. The frequency of similar events in the mainly Kurdish southeast and east of Turkey with large number of participants are attributed to the intense efforts to Islamize the local population in these areas. Following are excerpts from the speech that the radical Islamist activist Nureddin Sirin delivered in Van in which he targeted Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan along with the U.S. and Israel: "[...] Bush went to Saudi Arabia after Israel and he is going to Egypt. American lackeys Egypt, Jordan and Saudi's betrayal of the Islamic umma is just as grave as the Zionists' cruelty, massacres, tortures, murders. The responsibility for the embargo that Gaza faces today, lies primarily with Egypt that keeps the gates closed - not America or Israel. Yes we say that Israel will not be standing for another six years. That Saudi regime, the occupier of holy Mecca and Madine that calls itself the servant of holy places! No, you are the servants of America and f Israel! You are their accomplices! If it wasn't for your treachery, if Mecca wasn't under your occupation, if Kabe wasn't occupied, Al Quds wouldn't be occupied either. [...] When Hizbullah fighters for 33 days striked Zionist Israel the heaviest blow in their history, Saudis, Egypt and Jordan conspired with the conspirator Fuad Siniora of Lebanon. They and Siniora told Israel, "Finish this Hizbullah"! [crowds repeatedly Allahu Akbar ...] Read more ...Source: MEMRI
By LIBBY QUAID STOCKTON, Calif. - Republican John McCain on Thursday rejected endorsements from two influential but controversial televangelists, saying there is no place for their incendiary criticisms of other faiths. McCain rejected the months-old endorsement of Texas preacher John Hagee after an audio recording surfaced in which the preacher said God sent Adolf Hitler to help Jews reach the promised land. McCain called the comment "crazy and unacceptable." He later repudiated the support of Rod Parsley, an Ohio preacher who has sharply criticized Islam and called the religion inherently violent. McCain issued a statement Thursday afternoon announcing his decision about Hagee. Read more ...Source: APMuslims Against Sharia applaud Senator McCains' decision to sever ties with Islamophobic bigots Hagee & Parsley
An officer of Pakistan’s Anti-Narcotics Force showing narcotics seized in February. Virtually all Muslims, except the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and other reprehensible groups, hold a deep loathing for anyone involved in the manufacture, distribution, or consumption of drugs.By JAMES EMERY Religion and nationalism are the refuge of scoundrels, so it was no great surprise to learn that Haji Baz Muhammad, the Afghan criminal mastermind who has made millions of dollars from narcotics trafficking, said he was selling heroin in order to wage a jihad against the United States. The Taliban, who've earned over $1 billion in the narcotics trade under the dubious guise of religious warriors, claim they are promoting drugs to attack the West. I suppose the Taliban consider the fact that millions of Muslims have become addicted to their drugs is collateral damage in their so-called "jihad." The Koran bans the use and involvement with all intoxicants and mind-altering substances in the second surah, verse 219 and the fifth surah, verse 90. Wine and mind-altering substances are referred to as "khamr" derived from the Arabic word "khamara", which means to veil or conceal. Muhammad said that every intoxicant is "khamr", and that every khamr is "haram" (the Arabic word for forbidden). Read more ...Source: Middle East Times
By David Schenker In a lengthy interview published today in the online Arabic news service Elaph, Supreme Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Akef was asked: “Regarding resistance and jihad…do you consider Osama Bin Laden a terrorist or an Islamic Mujahid?” Akef’s answer: “In all certainty, a mujahid, and I have no doubt in his sincerity in resisting the occupation, close to Allah on high.” This statement provides some insight into the current thinking of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. It should prompt a reassessment in the West of the now dominant view that the MB in Egypt is committed to non-violence and democracy. Read more ...Source: Counterterrorism BlogMohammed Akef Latest recipient of the Distinguished Islamofascist Award
Ahmad Jibril: "Why did they bring the [Jews] here? Can you believe they talk about historical myths, from 3,000 years ago or more, in which God promised to give Abraham the land from the Nile to the Euphrates? Just imagine, the Master of the Universe, who is absolute justice, brings these people and says to them: 'You own this land and everything on it.' Then they say that in the days of Jacob, they were given Palestine, the Promised Land. "One should know, however, that history and archeology have yet to prove that a Jewish state was ever established on the land of Palestine, or that such a state survived and gave rise to civilizations, and so on... It is said that gangs controlled Jerusalem, Hebron, and Nablus, and that later, they were uprooted, just like any other gang. They did not give rise to a civilization. The Arabs and Muslims lived for 700 years in Andalusia. Why shouldn't we claim that Andalusia is our homeland?"[...] More ...Source: MEMRI
By M. Nissimov, Y. Mansharof and A. Savyon In late January 2008, the Media Supervision Committee of Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance ordered the closure of the women's movement monthly Zanan, which had appeared in Iran for 16 years. The order came after the magazine published an investigative article on istishhad (i.e. martyrdom) operations. The conservative news agency Fars reported, citing a knowledgeable source, that the magazine had been shut down for "breaking the law and defaming military and revolutionary institutions, including the Basij," and for "publishing reports and [raising] issues that undermine [society's] spiritual security, morale, and ideological strength, and that create a sense of insecurity in society and discredit the status of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran." Read more ...Source: MEMRI
By Janet I. Tu Some local Muslim community members are upset about a training course for local law enforcement, saying it could promote stereotypes and ethnic and religious profiling. The program, called "The Threat of Islamic Jihadists to the World" and conducted by a Miami-based company, began Thursday and continues today at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission campus in Burien. It is billed as providing insight into the formative phases of Islam, the religion's different branches, radical Islam and how to respond to terrorist acts. But Arsalan Bukhari, president of the Washington state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said the program appears to be linking an entire religion to terrorism. Read more ...Source: Seattle Times
A Christian doctor is being held in a Pakistan jail while religious extremists demand that he be publicly hanged for blasphemy. Dr. Robin Sardar, 55, is facing a possible death sentence after an envious friend claimed he made offensive remarks about the Quran and Muhammad’s beard, according to a report by the International Christian Concern, a Washington, D.C.-based human rights group. Sardar’s former friend, Muhammad Yousaf, became jealous of the Christian’s professional success and financial status, so he filed a First Information Report May 5 with police, claiming the doctor had made derogatory statements about the prophet. According to Sardar’s nephew, a mob of more than 200 Muslims wielding guns, sticks and kerosene oil attacked the doctor’s home and medical offices following the report to police. The men, wearing green turbans to represent their Islamic faith, broke into Sadar’s home, shattered windows and ruined the family’s furniture in their residence and clinic. Read more ...Source: John's Blog
 WASHINGTON is still reeling from two strategic defeats this week in its regional showdown with arch-foe Iran, and several key policy-makers have claimed the hardest blow came from staunch ally Israel. The Jewish state's decision on Wednesday to restart peace talks with Syria came at a particularly difficult time for the Bush administration. It followed a decision by Lebanese leaders hours earlier to cede veto power to the Iranian-backed Opposition, consolidating the rising influence of the radical regime and its key partner, Damascus. Both hardline nations emerged emboldened by the two moves, while the US saw them as a slap in the face, a senior US official was quoted as saying in The New York Times. The Israeli decision to re-engage Syria exposes a significant strategic division between Jerusalem and Washington, both of which rarely diverge on Middle Eastern policy. The announcement of indirect talks between Syria and Iran, to be brokered by Turkey, did not come as a surprise to Washington, which had been briefed on contacts between the two sides over the past two years. However, the forewarning did not mitigate the shock of the decision being made at such a pivotal point in the showdown between the hawkish Bush White House and the equally hardnosed leadership of Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mr Bush had invested much of the remainder of his foreign policy political capital in a peace track with the Palestinians - one he personally tried to rejuvenate last November. Discussions between the three sides have, at best, inched along throughout the year and have been marred by a mutual reluctance to usher in trust-building measures. As talks with the Palestinians continued to falter, Israel increasingly felt there was a better chance of reaching an agreement with Syria. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office also believes there is a much better chance of any deal signed with the Syrians being implemented because the issues to be discussed relate mainly to territory. The Palestinian peace track is a tangle of more complex issues, which involves moving hundreds of thousands of Israelis and Palestinians and dispersing billions of dollars in compensation as part of a final-status settlement. Syria has long been a key player in Palestinian politics. Current President Bashar al-Assad and his late father Hafez al-Assad, who ruled the totalitarian state for more than 30 years until his death in 2001, have backed several outlawed groups, including Hamas, as well as sheltering their leaders. But Mr Assad Jr's strong alliance with Iran since the turn of the century, and particularly since the election of Mr Ahmadinejad in late 2005, has put Washington on almost a cold war footing with both Syria and Iran. Mr Bush has disavowed any high-level contact with either country for the past three years, claiming both have eagerly fuelled the insurgency in Iraq, which has US forces pinned down five years after the 2003 invasion. The White House also accuses the two allies of attempting to gain control of Lebanon, a goal that was advanced on Wednesday when the US-backed Government of Fouad Siniora capitulated to Opposition demands. While in Jerusalem for Israel's 60th anniversary just over a week ago, Mr Bush used a speech in the Israeli parliament to warn against appeasing regional strongmen and those prepared to use force for political gain. "He isn't home a week and the dictators and forces of violence have triumphed," said former US national security official Bruce Reidel, quoted in a US newspaper. Israel says the key reason for kick-starting talks with Syria is to try to peel it away from its links to Iran. This is also a main aim of Mr Bush. However, the US has doggedly stuck to a policy of punishing Damascus by isolating it economically and attempting to force it to the negotiating table by attrition. Israel had previously marched arm-in-arm with the US on its approach to Syria, and continues to enforce a hardline stance against two of Syria's key patrons, Hezbollah and Hamas. However, Mr Olmert's office said it had received a missive from Damascus within the past fortnight, which convinced it that such a dramatic divergence from the US was a worthy gamble. Source: The Australian
 By Clare M. Lopez When the Director of National Intelligence declares publicly that "We try not to refer to 'jihad' as something that's bad," even though he knows that the United States (U.S.) and all of civilized society is engaged in an existential struggle with the forces of Islamic Jihad, it is hard to fathom what he could possibly be thinking. Only a few short weeks ago, we were told that referring to jihad might somehow legitimize our enemies. Of all of our leaders charged with the defense and protection of our Constitution, DNI Michael McConnell bears a special responsibility to understand clearly the identity of the enemy and the nature of the threat he poses. He also has a professional responsibility to communicate that honestly to the American people. The refusal of DNI McConnell and, apparently, the rest of the Bush administration, to acknowledge the obvious linkage between terror in the name of Islam, and the Islamic faith, goes beyond absurd: it is dangerous to national security because it prevents the U.S.'s top officials from crafting an appropriate strategic policy to defend us. Willful ignorance of the fundamental doctrine of Islamic Jihad, as defined by Islamic scriptures, scholarly consensus, and historians cannot change what is written, what is believed, and what is lived by those who would destroy our Constitutional system and replace it with Sharia. It doesn't matter in the end whether we agree or disagree with the doctrine of our enemies, or judge it good or evil: if that is what guides the enemy's behavior towards us, then that is what we must deal with. It is also irrelevant that more peaceful methods for propagating Islam, such as Da'wa, do exist, or that there indeed is a "Greater Jihad" (the inner struggle to better oneself). Neither Da'wa nor the "Greater Jihad" employs warfare or terror to replace liberal democracy with Sharia. But the "Lesser Jihad" does. Read more ...Source: Family Security Matters
Sharia is creeping at an alarming pace, and in all aspects of American life. It appears the "Fairness Doctrine" which was shot down recently, is attempting a back door comeback in the form of "localism" in radio programming. The seemingly ubiquitous Council on American Islamic Terrorism Relations, or CAIR, has made its way into this discussion. The gist of the proposal is that radio licensees would be required to "convene and consult with permanent advisory boards," such as CAIR, who would discourage discussion of topics such as jihad, islamic terrorism, etc. Read it and weep, then sign the petition or contact your representatives. Read more ...Source: Sun HeraldH/T: Creeping ShariaFCC Latest recipient of The Dhimmi Award
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- Netherlands: Radical preacher computer-expert empl...
- 1 NATO soldier killed in Quran protest
- Florida Mosque Smears Distinguished Moderate Muslim
- Al Dura: Enderlin Loses. Civilization Wins!
- President plans to kill off every single homosexual
- Publisher to suspend cartoon sales after Muslims s...
- Rancid Fanatic is Featured Campus Speaker for the ...
- Clarifying the meaning of Jihad
- Good News on the Terror Funding Libel Front
- Unresolved U.S. Strategy on Jihad and the War of I...
- The Tundra Tabloids Score Card on The Finnish Isla...
- Islamofascists disrupt documentary screening at Co...
- Iranian Regime-Affiliated Websites and Their Hosts
- Al-Qaeda schools nurture children for suicide attacks
- A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
- Ex-premier fights for moderate Islam
- Is Turkey Reforming Islam?
- Score one for the Muslim Brotherhood
- Still Dead in Dallas
- Islamofascist Intimidation at Columbus State
- Palestinians admit they left their homes on their ...
- Boy, 12, Beheads Man In Al Qaeda Video
- Geert Wilders to Bush: "Saudi Arabia is no good an...
- Has CAIR Violated Its Non-Profit Tax Status?
- Call radical Islam by its name
- France: Mohammed caricatures documentary at Cannes...
- France confirms contacts with Hamas
- Exorcising the 'Saudi Spell'
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