Contradicting reports from yesterday. "Zazi breaks off talks with FBI, calls reports of terror ties 'nonsense,'" by Kirk Mitchell, Bruce Finley and Felisa Cardona for The Denver Post, September 19 .
The Aurora man targeted in an anti-terrorism investigation and his attorney abruptly broke off a planned meeting with FBI agents this morning.
"Mr. (Najibullah) Zazi and (attorney) Mr. (Art) Folsom will not be meeting with the FBI today," Folsom's spokeswoman Wendy Aiello told The Denver Post Saturday morning. "No future meetings are planned at this time."
She said they've decided that it is in Zazi's best interest given the progress of negotiations so far, Aiello said.
"Certainly there are inaccuracies in the reporting over the last 24 hours," she said.
In a phone interview with the Denver Post this morning, Zazi, 24, said during lengthy interviews with the FBI over the last three days he has not admitted any link to the terrorist group, to participation in insurgency training in Pakistan or to involvement in a terrorist plot.
One would hope not, but you never know these days."It's not true," Zazi said. "I have nothing to hide. It's all media publications reporting whatever they want. They have been reporting all this nonsense."...
Meantime, the New York Post cited law enforcement sources in reporting this morning that in the second sweep of the week, FBI agents took seven associates of Zazi's into custody yesterday.The seven Queens residents had been under 24-hour surveillance since the earlier raids, and some of them already had their homes searched, the newspaper reported. There were no criminal charges as of late last night, the New York Post reported.
The New York Daily News also cited anonymous sources in a report that the FBI is investigating whether seven Afghan men tried to rent a 26-foot moving truck, the biggest truck at a Queens U-Haul on Sept. 9.
Multiple media outlets quoted anonymous sources Friday in reporting that Zazi admitted to some level of contact with al-Qaeda and that he and his attorney were negotiating a plea deal in connection with an admission that he had deeper ties to the group.
The Denver Post has been unable to confirm those reports. However, in an interview with 9News, Folsom denied he was negotiating a plea deal.
The Associated Press, citing a senior U.S. intelligence official, reported Friday that Zazi has indicated he is associated with al-Qaeda and played a key role in a planned terrorist attack.
Zazi said the reports aren't even logical.
"If it was true, they wouldn't allow me to leave," Zazi said. "I don't think the FBI or the police would allow anyone who admits being a terrorist to go free for one minute."...