of Robyn Mary Hutchinson,
the surfie chick who joined the jihad.
What a story.
The life and times of Rabiah Hutchinson are quite remarkable as told in this week’s issue of -The Weekend Australian Magazine.
Hutchinson, who grew up in Mudgee in NSW and Sydney’s northern beaches has transformed herself in her lifetime from surfie chick to a woman who has embraced radical Islam and is deemed a threat to national security because of her links to al-Qa’ida, the Taliban and Jemaah Islamiah (JI).
The magazine features an extract from a book on Hutchinson’s life - The Mother of Mohammed: by Sally Neighbour, an extract which also includes some fascinating details about the early political experiences of Osama bin Laden.
The life and times of Rabiah Hutchinson are quite remarkable as told in this week’s issue of -The Weekend Australian Magazine.
Hutchinson, who grew up in Mudgee in NSW and Sydney’s northern beaches has transformed herself in her lifetime from surfie chick to a woman who has embraced radical Islam and is deemed a threat to national security because of her links to al-Qa’ida, the Taliban and Jemaah Islamiah (JI).
The magazine features an extract from a book on Hutchinson’s life - The Mother of Mohammed: by Sally Neighbour, an extract which also includes some fascinating details about the early political experiences of Osama bin Laden.
Source: The Australian
H/T: Gramfan