By Robert Spencer
Parvez Ahmed is the former Board Chairman of the unindicted co-conspirator Council on American-Islamic Relations. He is mystified that Americans might have a negative view of Islam, despite the many terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims around the world and justified by them with reference to Islamic texts and teachings. No, we will be waiting till doomsday for Parvez Ahmed to acknowledge that that might have anything to do with these negative views. For him, it is all about "Islamophobia," as manifested by the many Muslims on the Terrorist Watch List.
Has it ever occurred to you, Mr. Ahmed, that maybe there are so many Muslims on the Terrorist Watch List because, uh, so many Muslims are terrorists?
And in any case, the Terrorist Watch List is not a matter of "victimization." I myself am on it -- or rather, Robert Spencer is on it. Every time I fly, which is just about every week, I have to go through delays while they check to see if I am that Robert Spencer. It would be annoying if I missed a flight because of it, but I know it this delay is going to happen, and factor it into my schedule. Protest? Whine? Nope. I am not going to do that, and Parvez Ahmed shouldn't either. Any American who doesn't want to see another 9/11 on American soil should be willing to put up with some inconvenience to that end. Right, Mr. Ahmed?
Parvez Ahmed is the former Board Chairman of the unindicted co-conspirator Council on American-Islamic Relations. He is mystified that Americans might have a negative view of Islam, despite the many terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims around the world and justified by them with reference to Islamic texts and teachings. No, we will be waiting till doomsday for Parvez Ahmed to acknowledge that that might have anything to do with these negative views. For him, it is all about "Islamophobia," as manifested by the many Muslims on the Terrorist Watch List.
Has it ever occurred to you, Mr. Ahmed, that maybe there are so many Muslims on the Terrorist Watch List because, uh, so many Muslims are terrorists?
And in any case, the Terrorist Watch List is not a matter of "victimization." I myself am on it -- or rather, Robert Spencer is on it. Every time I fly, which is just about every week, I have to go through delays while they check to see if I am that Robert Spencer. It would be annoying if I missed a flight because of it, but I know it this delay is going to happen, and factor it into my schedule. Protest? Whine? Nope. I am not going to do that, and Parvez Ahmed shouldn't either. Any American who doesn't want to see another 9/11 on American soil should be willing to put up with some inconvenience to that end. Right, Mr. Ahmed?
Source: Jihad Watch
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