Muslim women wore the hijab at his NHS dental clinic
By Tom Kelly
A Muslim dentist refused to treat patients unless they wore traditional Islamic dress, it was alleged today.
Omer Butt, 32, ordered women to put on head scarves or he would not register them or their families at his NHS-funded clinic, it was claimed.
At least two patients were left in pain after they declined to follow his self-imposed rules, the General Dental Council heard.
It is the second time that the dentist - who is the brother of a former spokesman of the radical Islamic group al-Muhajiroun - has appeared before the council's disciplinary panel on similar allegations.
Two years ago he was reprimanded for telling an Asian mother-of-two he would not register her unless she wore the Muslim hijab.
The GDC heard how Butt believed it was his duty to stop Muslim patients committing what he believed was a religious sin.
He even put a laminated sign on the wall of his waiting room telling patients they would have to adhere to his strict dress code or find another dentist.
John Snell, for the GDC, said: 'He sought to impose a dress code on patients attending his practice.
'He required that women cover their hair with a head scarf, or hijab, and that male patients remove any gold jewellery.
'If he had simply expressed a preference, without imposing any compulsion to adhere to this dress code, there may be no cause for complaint.
'However, he insisted - and those who did not comply were refused treatment.
'He made compliance with Islamic dress code a condition of treatment, which is entirely inappropriate under the auspices of the National Health Service. Read more ...
A Muslim dentist refused to treat patients unless they wore traditional Islamic dress, it was alleged today.
Omer Butt, 32, ordered women to put on head scarves or he would not register them or their families at his NHS-funded clinic, it was claimed.
At least two patients were left in pain after they declined to follow his self-imposed rules, the General Dental Council heard.
It is the second time that the dentist - who is the brother of a former spokesman of the radical Islamic group al-Muhajiroun - has appeared before the council's disciplinary panel on similar allegations.
Two years ago he was reprimanded for telling an Asian mother-of-two he would not register her unless she wore the Muslim hijab.
The GDC heard how Butt believed it was his duty to stop Muslim patients committing what he believed was a religious sin.
He even put a laminated sign on the wall of his waiting room telling patients they would have to adhere to his strict dress code or find another dentist.
John Snell, for the GDC, said: 'He sought to impose a dress code on patients attending his practice.
'He required that women cover their hair with a head scarf, or hijab, and that male patients remove any gold jewellery.
'If he had simply expressed a preference, without imposing any compulsion to adhere to this dress code, there may be no cause for complaint.
'However, he insisted - and those who did not comply were refused treatment.
'He made compliance with Islamic dress code a condition of treatment, which is entirely inappropriate under the auspices of the National Health Service. Read more ...
Source: Daily Mail
H/T: Jihad Watch
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